blob: 54031d975af0bbb3315a6d60be4443683b13d6d2 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do run }
-- { dg-options "-O -gnatp" }
with Volatile11_Pkg; use Volatile11_Pkg;
procedure Volatile11 is
Value : Integer := 1;
Bit1 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit1);
Bit2 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit2);
Bit3 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit3);
Bit4 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit4);
Bit5 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit5);
Bit6 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit6);
Bit7 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit7);
Bit8 : Boolean := false;
pragma Volatile (Bit8);
Bit_Test(Input => Value,
Output1 => Bit1,
Output2 => Bit2,
Output3 => Bit3,
Output4 => Bit4,
Output5 => Bit5,
Output6 => Bit6,
Output7 => Bit7,
Output8 => F.all);
-- Check that F is invoked before Bit_Test
if B /= True then
raise Program_Error;
end if;