blob: d4a245e0bfec1aac708d21478f8ebf470c0bccde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
# <>.
load_lib gcc-dg.exp
load_lib torture-options.exp
# Define gfortran callbacks for dg.exp.
proc gfortran-dg-test { prog do_what extra_tool_flags } {
set result \
[gcc-dg-test-1 gfortran_target_compile $prog $do_what $extra_tool_flags]
set comp_output [lindex $result 0]
set output_file [lindex $result 1]
# gcc's default is to print the caret and source code, but
# most test cases implicitly use the flag -fno-diagnostics-show-caret
# to disable caret (and source code) printing.
# However, a few test cases override this back to the default by
# explicily supplying "-fdiagnostics-show-caret", so that we can have
# test coverage for caret/source code printing.
# gfortran error messages with caret-printing look like this:
# [name]:[locus]:
# some code
# 1
# Error: Some error at (1)
# or
# [name]:[locus]:
# some code
# 1
# [name]:[locus2]:
# some other code
# 2
# Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# or
# [name]:[locus]:
# some code and some more code
# 1 2
# Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# If this is such a test case, skip the rest of this function, so
# that the test case can explicitly verify the output that it expects.
if {[string first "-fdiagnostics-show-caret" $extra_tool_flags] >= 0} {
return [list $comp_output $output_file]
# Otherwise, caret-printing is disabled.
# gfortran errors with caret-printing disabled look like this:
# [name]:[locus]: Error: Some error
# or
# [name]:[locus]: Error: (1)
# [name]:[locus2]: Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# Where [locus] is either [line] or [line].[column] or
# [line].[column]-[column] .
# We collapse these to look like:
# [name]:[line]:[column]: Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# or
# [name]:[line]:[column]: Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# [name]:[line2]:[column]: Error: Some error at (1) and (2)
# Note that these regexps only make sense in the combinations used below.
# Note also that is imperative that we first deal with the form with
# two loci.
set locus_regexp "(\[^\n\]+:\[0-9\]+)\[\.:\](\[0-9\]+)(-\[0-9\]+)?:\n\n\[^\n\]+\n\[^\n\]+\n"
set diag_regexp "(\[^\n\]+)\n"
# We proceed in steps:
# 1. We add first a column number if none exists.
# (Some Fortran diagnostics have the locus after Warning|Error)
set colnum_regexp "(^|\n)(Warning: |Error: )?(\[^:\n\]+:\[0-9\]+):(\[ \n\])"
regsub -all $colnum_regexp $comp_output "\\1\\3:0:\\4\\2" comp_output
verbose "comput_output0:\n$comp_output"
# 2. We deal with the form with two different locus lines,
set two_loci "(^|\n)$locus_regexp$locus_regexp$diag_regexp"
regsub -all $two_loci $comp_output "\\1\\2:\\3: \\8\n\\5\:\\6: \\8\n" comp_output
verbose "comput_output1:\n$comp_output"
set locus_prefix "(\[^:\n\]+:\[0-9\]+:\[0-9\]+: )(Warning: |Error: )"
set two_loci2 "(^|\n)$locus_prefix\\(1\\)\n$locus_prefix$diag_regexp"
regsub -all $two_loci2 $comp_output "\\1\\2\\3\\6\n\\4\\5\\6\n" comp_output
verbose "comput_output2:\n$comp_output"
# 3. then with the form with only one locus line.
set single_locus "(^|\n)$locus_regexp$diag_regexp"
regsub -all $single_locus $comp_output "\\1\\2:\\3: \\5\n" comp_output
verbose "comput_output3:\n$comp_output"
# 4. Add a line number if none exists
regsub -all "(^|\n)(Warning: |Error: )" $comp_output "\\1:0:0: \\2" comp_output
verbose "comput_output4:\n$comp_output"
return [list $comp_output $output_file]
proc gfortran-dg-prune { system text } {
return [gcc-dg-prune $system $text]
# Utility routines.
# Modified dg-runtest that can cycle through a list of optimization options
# as c-torture does.
proc gfortran-dg-runtest { testcases flags default-extra-flags } {
global runtests
global torture_with_loops
# Some callers set torture options themselves; don't override those.
set existing_torture_options [torture-options-exist]
if { $existing_torture_options == 0 } {
set-torture-options $DG_TORTURE_OPTIONS
foreach test $testcases {
# If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of
# them, skip it.
if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {
# look if this is dg-do-run test, in which case
# we cycle through the option list, otherwise we don't
if [expr [search_for $test "dg-do run"]] {
set option_list $torture_with_loops
} else {
set option_list [list { -O } ]
set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test]
list-module-names $test
foreach flags_t $option_list {
verbose "Testing $nshort, $flags $flags_t" 1
dg-test $test "$flags $flags_t" ${default-extra-flags}
cleanup-modules ""
if { $existing_torture_options == 0 } {
proc gfortran-dg-debug-runtest { target_compile trivial opt_opts testcases } {
global srcdir subdir DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS
if ![info exists DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS] {
set type_list [list "-gdwarf-2" ]
foreach type $type_list {
set comp_output [$target_compile \
"$srcdir/$subdir/$trivial" "trivial.S" assembly \
if { [string match "exit status *" $comp_output] } {
if { [string match \
"* target system does not support the * debug format*" \
} {
remove-build-file "trivial.S"
foreach level {1 "" 3} {
if { ($type == "-gdwarf-2") && ($level != "") } {
lappend DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS [list "${type}" "-g${level}"]
foreach opt $opt_opts {
[list "${type}" "-g${level}" "$opt" ]
} else {
lappend DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS [list "${type}${level}"]
foreach opt $opt_opts {
[list "${type}${level}" "$opt" ]
verbose -log "Using options $DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS"
global runtests
foreach test $testcases {
# If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of
# them, skip it.
if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {
set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test]
list-module-names $test
foreach flags $DEBUG_TORTURE_OPTIONS {
set doit 1
# gcc-specific checking removed here
if { $doit } {
verbose -log "Testing $nshort, $flags" 1
dg-test $test $flags ""
cleanup-modules ""