blob: 1128a0903046b01b62e6cfd77a089ba65db17b65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Written in the D programming language.
String handling functions.
$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
$(DIVC quickindex,
$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions) )
$(TR $(TDNW Searching)
$(MYREF column)
$(MYREF indexOf)
$(MYREF indexOfAny)
$(MYREF indexOfNeither)
$(MYREF lastIndexOf)
$(MYREF lastIndexOfAny)
$(MYREF lastIndexOfNeither)
$(TR $(TDNW Comparison)
$(MYREF isNumeric)
$(TR $(TDNW Mutation)
$(MYREF capitalize)
$(TR $(TDNW Pruning and Filling)
$(MYREF center)
$(MYREF chomp)
$(MYREF chompPrefix)
$(MYREF chop)
$(MYREF detabber)
$(MYREF detab)
$(MYREF entab)
$(MYREF entabber)
$(MYREF leftJustify)
$(MYREF outdent)
$(MYREF rightJustify)
$(MYREF strip)
$(MYREF stripLeft)
$(MYREF stripRight)
$(MYREF wrap)
$(TR $(TDNW Substitution)
$(MYREF abbrev)
$(MYREF soundex)
$(MYREF soundexer)
$(MYREF succ)
$(MYREF tr)
$(MYREF translate)
$(TR $(TDNW Miscellaneous)
$(MYREF assumeUTF)
$(MYREF fromStringz)
$(MYREF lineSplitter)
$(MYREF representation)
$(MYREF splitLines)
$(MYREF toStringz)
Objects of types $(D _string), $(D wstring), and $(D dstring) are value types
and cannot be mutated element-by-element. For using mutation during building
strings, use $(D char[]), $(D wchar[]), or $(D dchar[]). The $(D xxxstring)
types are preferable because they don't exhibit undesired aliasing, thus
making code more robust.
The following functions are publicly imported:
$(TR $(TH Module) $(TH Functions) )
$(LEADINGROW Publicly imported functions)
$(TR $(TD std.algorithm)
$(REF_SHORT cmp, std,algorithm,comparison)
$(REF_SHORT count, std,algorithm,searching)
$(REF_SHORT endsWith, std,algorithm,searching)
$(REF_SHORT startsWith, std,algorithm,searching)
$(TR $(TD std.array)
$(REF_SHORT join, std,array)
$(REF_SHORT replace, std,array)
$(REF_SHORT replaceInPlace, std,array)
$(REF_SHORT split, std,array)
$(REF_SHORT empty, std,array)
$(TR $(TD std.format)
$(REF_SHORT format, std,format)
$(REF_SHORT sformat, std,format)
$(TR $(TD std.uni)
$(REF_SHORT icmp, std,uni)
$(REF_SHORT toLower, std,uni)
$(REF_SHORT toLowerInPlace, std,uni)
$(REF_SHORT toUpper, std,uni)
$(REF_SHORT toUpperInPlace, std,uni)
There is a rich set of functions for _string handling defined in other modules.
Functions related to Unicode and ASCII are found in $(MREF std, uni)
and $(MREF std, ascii), respectively. Other functions that have a
wider generality than just strings can be found in $(MREF std, algorithm)
and $(MREF std, range).
$(MREF std, algorithm) and
$(MREF std, range)
for generic range algorithms
$(MREF std, ascii)
for functions that work with ASCII strings
$(MREF std, uni)
for functions that work with unicode strings
Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2007-.
License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
Authors: $(HTTP, Walter Bright),
$(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu),
Jonathan M Davis,
and David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_string.d)
module std.string;
version (unittest)
struct TestAliasedString
string get() @safe @nogc pure nothrow { return _s; }
alias get this;
@disable this(this);
string _s;
bool testAliasedString(alias func, Args...)(string s, Args args)
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = func(TestAliasedString(s), args);
auto b = func(s, args);
static if (is(typeof(equal(a, b))))
// For ranges, compare contents instead of object identity.
return equal(a, b);
return a == b;
public import std.format : format, sformat;
import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
public import std.uni : icmp, toLower, toLowerInPlace, toUpper, toUpperInPlace;
import std.meta; // AliasSeq, staticIndexOf
import std.range.primitives; // back, ElementEncodingType, ElementType, front,
// hasLength, hasSlicing, isBidirectionalRange, isForwardRange, isInfinite,
// isInputRange, isOutputRange, isRandomAccessRange, popBack, popFront, put,
// save;
import std.traits; // isConvertibleToString, isNarrowString, isSomeChar,
// isSomeString, StringTypeOf, Unqual
//public imports for backward compatibility
public import std.algorithm.comparison : cmp;
public import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith, endsWith, count;
public import std.array : join, replace, replaceInPlace, split, empty;
/* ************* Exceptions *************** */
Exception thrown on errors in std.string functions.
class StringException : Exception
import std.exception : basicExceptionCtors;
mixin basicExceptionCtors;
cString = A null-terminated c-style string.
Returns: A D-style array of $(D char) referencing the same string. The
returned array will retain the same type qualifiers as the input.
$(RED Important Note:) The returned array is a slice of the original buffer.
The original data is not changed and not copied.
inout(char)[] fromStringz(inout(char)* cString) @nogc @system pure nothrow {
import core.stdc.string : strlen;
return cString ? cString[0 .. strlen(cString)] : null;
@system pure unittest
assert(fromStringz(null) == null);
assert(fromStringz("foo") == "foo");
s = A D-style string.
Returns: A C-style null-terminated string equivalent to $(D s). $(D s)
must not contain embedded $(D '\0')'s as any C function will treat the
first $(D '\0') that it sees as the end of the string. If $(D s.empty) is
$(D true), then a string containing only $(D '\0') is returned.
$(RED Important Note:) When passing a $(D char*) to a C function, and the C
function keeps it around for any reason, make sure that you keep a
reference to it in your D code. Otherwise, it may become invalid during a
garbage collection cycle and cause a nasty bug when the C code tries to use
immutable(char)* toStringz(const(char)[] s) @trusted pure nothrow
out (result)
import core.stdc.string : strlen, memcmp;
if (result)
auto slen = s.length;
while (slen > 0 && s[slen-1] == 0) --slen;
assert(strlen(result) == slen);
assert(result[0 .. slen] == s[0 .. slen]);
import std.exception : assumeUnique;
/+ Unfortunately, this isn't reliable.
We could make this work if string literals are put
in read-only memory and we test if s[] is pointing into
/* Peek past end of s[], if it's 0, no conversion necessary.
* Note that the compiler will put a 0 past the end of static
* strings, and the storage allocator will put a 0 past the end
* of newly allocated char[]'s.
char* p = &s[0] + s.length;
if (*p == 0)
return s;
// Need to make a copy
auto copy = new char[s.length + 1];
copy[0 .. s.length] = s[];
copy[s.length] = 0;
return &assumeUnique(copy)[0];
/++ Ditto +/
immutable(char)* toStringz(in string s) @trusted pure nothrow
if (s.empty) return "".ptr;
/* Peek past end of s[], if it's 0, no conversion necessary.
* Note that the compiler will put a 0 past the end of static
* strings, and the storage allocator will put a 0 past the end
* of newly allocated char[]'s.
immutable p = s.ptr + s.length;
// Is p dereferenceable? A simple test: if the p points to an
// address multiple of 4, then conservatively assume the pointer
// might be pointing to a new block of memory, which might be
// unreadable. Otherwise, it's definitely pointing to valid
// memory.
if ((cast(size_t) p & 3) && *p == 0)
return &s[0];
return toStringz(cast(const char[]) s);
pure nothrow @system unittest
import core.stdc.string : strlen;
import std.conv : to;
auto p = toStringz("foo");
assert(strlen(p) == 3);
const(char)[] foo = "abbzxyzzy";
p = toStringz(foo[3 .. 5]);
assert(strlen(p) == 2);
string test = "";
p = toStringz(test);
assert(*p == 0);
test = "\0";
p = toStringz(test);
assert(*p == 0);
test = "foo\0";
p = toStringz(test);
assert(p[0] == 'f' && p[1] == 'o' && p[2] == 'o' && p[3] == 0);
const string test2 = "";
p = toStringz(test2);
assert(*p == 0);
Flag indicating whether a search is case-sensitive.
alias CaseSensitive = Flag!"caseSensitive";
Searches for character in range.
s = string or InputRange of characters to search in correct UTF format
c = character to search for
startIdx = starting index to a well-formed code point
cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
the index of the first occurrence of $(D c) in $(D s) with
respect to the start index $(D startIdx). If $(D c)
is not found, then $(D -1) is returned.
If $(D c) is found the value of the returned index is at least
$(D startIdx).
If the parameters are not valid UTF, the result will still
be in the range [-1 .. s.length], but will not be reliable otherwise.
If the sequence starting at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
See_Also: $(REF countUntil, std,algorithm,searching)
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(Range s, in dchar c,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
static import std.ascii;
static import std.uni;
import std.utf : byDchar, byCodeUnit, UTFException, codeLength;
alias Char = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
static if (Char.sizeof == 1 && isSomeString!Range)
if (std.ascii.isASCII(c) && !__ctfe)
{ // Plain old ASCII
static ptrdiff_t trustedmemchr(Range s, char c) @trusted
import core.stdc.string : memchr;
const p = cast(const(Char)*)memchr(s.ptr, c, s.length);
return p ? p - s.ptr : -1;
return trustedmemchr(s, cast(char) c);
static if (Char.sizeof == 1)
if (c <= 0x7F)
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s)
if (c == c2)
return i;
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s.byDchar())
if (c == c2)
return i;
i += codeLength!Char(c2);
else static if (Char.sizeof == 2)
if (c <= 0xFFFF)
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s)
if (c == c2)
return i;
else if (c <= 0x10FFFF)
// Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair
const wchar c1 = cast(wchar)((((c - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3FF) + 0xD800);
const wchar c2 = cast(wchar)(((c - 0x10000) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
ptrdiff_t i;
for (auto r = s.byCodeUnit(); !r.empty; r.popFront())
if (c1 == r.front)
if (r.empty) // invalid UTF - missing second of pair
if (c2 == r.front)
return i;
else static if (Char.sizeof == 4)
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s)
if (c == c2)
return i;
static assert(0);
return -1;
if (std.ascii.isASCII(c))
{ // Plain old ASCII
immutable c1 = cast(char) std.ascii.toLower(c);
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s.byCodeUnit())
if (c1 == std.ascii.toLower(c2))
return i;
{ // c is a universal character
immutable c1 = std.uni.toLower(c);
ptrdiff_t i;
foreach (const c2; s.byDchar())
if (c1 == std.uni.toLower(c2))
return i;
i += codeLength!Char(c2);
return -1;
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(Range s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
static if (isSomeString!(typeof(s)) ||
(hasSlicing!(typeof(s)) && hasLength!(typeof(s))))
if (startIdx < s.length)
ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s[startIdx .. $], c, cs);
if (foundIdx != -1)
return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
foreach (i; 0 .. startIdx)
if (s.empty)
return -1;
ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s, c, cs);
if (foundIdx != -1)
return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(indexOf(s, 'W') == 6);
assert(indexOf(s, 'Z') == -1);
assert(indexOf(s, 'w', No.caseSensitive) == 6);
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(indexOf(s, 'W', 4) == 6);
assert(indexOf(s, 'Z', 100) == -1);
assert(indexOf(s, 'w', 3, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(auto ref Range s, in dchar c,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, c, cs);
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(auto ref Range s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, c, startIdx, cs);
@safe pure unittest
assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", '/'));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, cast(dchar)'a') == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a') == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), cast(dchar)'a') == 0);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'f') == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("Abba"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'F', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
assert(indexOf("def", cast(char)'f', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'P', No.caseSensitive) == 23);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'R', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", '\u0100', cs) == 9);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, '\u0100', cs) == 6);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 9);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byWchar, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byDchar, '\u0100', cs) == 6);
assert(indexOf("hello\U000007FF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, 'l', cs) == 2);
assert(indexOf("hello\U000007FF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U0000EFFF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 8);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010100".byWchar, '\U00010100', cs) == 5);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010100".byWchar, '\U00010101', cs) == -1);
char[10] fixedSizeArray = "0123456789";
assert(indexOf(fixedSizeArray, '2') == 2);
@safe pure unittest
assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", '/', 3));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
import std.utf : byCodeUnit, byChar, byWchar;
assert("hello".byCodeUnit.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 1) == 2);
assert("hello".byWchar.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 1) == 2);
assert("hello".byWchar.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 6) == -1);
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, cast(dchar)'a', 1) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 1) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), cast(dchar)'a', 1) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'f', 1) == 2);
assert((to!S("def")).indexOf(cast(dchar)'a', 1,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 1,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 12,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("AbbA"), cast(dchar)'a', 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'F', 2, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
assert(indexOf("def", cast(char)'f', cast(uint) 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'P', 12, No.caseSensitive) == 23);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'R', cast(ulong) 1,
No.caseSensitive) == 2);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", '\u0100', 2, cs)
== 9);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, '\u0100', 3, cs)
== 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, '\u0100', 6, cs)
== 6);
Searches for substring in $(D s).
s = string or ForwardRange of characters to search in correct UTF format
sub = substring to search for
startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
the index of the first occurrence of $(D sub) in $(D s) with
respect to the start index $(D startIdx). If $(D sub) is not found,
then $(D -1) is returned.
If the arguments are not valid UTF, the result will still
be in the range [-1 .. s.length], but will not be reliable otherwise.
If $(D sub) is found the value of the returned index is at least
$(D startIdx).
If the sequence starting at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
Does not work with case insensitive strings where the mapping of
tolower and toupper is not 1:1.
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range, Char)(Range s, const(Char)[] sub,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
alias Char1 = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
static if (isSomeString!Range)
import std.algorithm.searching : find;
const(Char1)[] balance;
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
balance = find(s, sub);
balance = find!
((a, b) => toLower(a) == toLower(b))
(s, sub);
return () @trusted { return balance.empty ? -1 : balance.ptr - s.ptr; } ();
if (s.empty)
return -1;
if (sub.empty)
return 0; // degenerate case
import std.utf : byDchar, codeLength;
auto subr = sub.byDchar; // decode sub[] by dchar's
dchar sub0 = subr.front; // cache first character of sub[]
// Special case for single character search
if (subr.empty)
return indexOf(s, sub0, cs);
if (cs == No.caseSensitive)
sub0 = toLower(sub0);
/* Classic double nested loop search algorithm
ptrdiff_t index = 0; // count code unit index into s
for (auto sbydchar = s.byDchar(); !sbydchar.empty; sbydchar.popFront())
dchar c2 = sbydchar.front;
if (cs == No.caseSensitive)
c2 = toLower(c2);
if (c2 == sub0)
auto s2 =; // why s must be a forward range
foreach (c;
if (s2.empty)
return -1;
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive ? c != s2.front
: toLower(c) != toLower(s2.front)
goto Lnext;
return index;
index += codeLength!Char1(c2);
return -1;
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (startIdx < s.length)
ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s[startIdx .. $], sub, cs);
if (foundIdx != -1)
return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(indexOf(s, "Wo", 4) == 6);
assert(indexOf(s, "Zo", 100) == -1);
assert(indexOf(s, "wo", 3, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(indexOf(s, "Wo") == 6);
assert(indexOf(s, "Zo") == -1);
assert(indexOf(s, "wO", No.caseSensitive) == 6);
ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range, Char)(auto ref Range s, const(Char)[] sub,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
if (!(isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
isSomeChar!Char) &&
return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, sub, cs);
@safe pure unittest
assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", "string"));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 0);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff")) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff")) == 6);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), No.caseSensitive) == 6);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("MY fAVe"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("mY fAVOriTe"), No.caseSensitive) == 7);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("mArS:"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("rOcK"), No.caseSensitive) == 17);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("Un."), No.caseSensitive) == 41);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T(sPlts), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
// Thanks to Carlos Santander B. and zwang
assert(indexOf("sus mejores cortesanos. Se embarcaron en el puerto de Dubai y",
to!T("page-break-before"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 9);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 6);
@safe pure @nogc nothrow
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
import std.utf : byWchar;
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(indexOf("".byWchar, "", cs) == -1);
assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "", cs) == 0);
assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "l", cs) == 2);
assert(indexOf("heLLo".byWchar, "LL", cs) == 2);
assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "lox", cs) == -1);
assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "betty", cs) == -1);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100*\U00010143".byWchar, "\u0100*", cs) == 7);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 0) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), 2) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), 1) == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), 1) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), 5) == 6);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 2, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), 3, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), 2, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("öä"), 9, No.caseSensitive) == 9,
to!string(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("öä"), 9, No.caseSensitive))
~ " " ~ S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("MY fAVe"), 10,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("mY fAVOriTe"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 7);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("mArS:"), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("rOcK"), 12, No.caseSensitive) == 17);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("Un."), 32, No.caseSensitive) == 41);
assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T(sPlts), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOf("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
// Thanks to Carlos Santander B. and zwang
assert(indexOf("sus mejores cortesanos. Se embarcaron en el puerto de Dubai y",
to!T("page-break-before"), 10, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
// In order for indexOf with and without index to be consistent
assert(indexOf(to!S(""), to!T("")) == indexOf(to!S(""), to!T(""), 0));
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", to!S("\u0100"),
3, cs) == 9);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, to!S("\u0100"),
3, cs) == 7);
assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, to!S("\u0100"),
3, cs) == 6);
s = string to search
c = character to search for
startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
The index of the last occurrence of $(D c) in $(D s). If $(D c) is not
found, then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D s) in
the following way $(D s[0 .. startIdx]). $(D startIdx) represents a
codeunit index in $(D s).
If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
$(D cs) indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char)(const(Char)[] s, in dchar c,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char)
static import std.ascii, std.uni;
import std.utf : canSearchInCodeUnits;
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
if (canSearchInCodeUnits!Char(c))
foreach_reverse (i, it; s)
if (it == c)
return i;
foreach_reverse (i, dchar it; s)
if (it == c)
return i;
if (std.ascii.isASCII(c))
immutable c1 = std.ascii.toLower(c);
foreach_reverse (i, it; s)
immutable c2 = std.ascii.toLower(it);
if (c1 == c2)
return i;
immutable c1 = std.uni.toLower(c);
foreach_reverse (i, dchar it; s)
immutable c2 = std.uni.toLower(it);
if (c1 == c2)
return i;
return -1;
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char)(const(Char)[] s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char)
if (startIdx <= s.length)
return lastIndexOf(s[0u .. startIdx], c, cs);
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'l') == 9);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'Z') == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'L', No.caseSensitive) == 9);
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'l', 4) == 3);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'Z', 1337) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'L', 7, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a') == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a') == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abba"), 'a') == 3);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f') == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö') == 0);
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbA"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'F', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("i\u0100def"), to!dchar("\u0100"),
No.caseSensitive) == 1);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'M', No.caseSensitive) == 34);
assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'S', No.caseSensitive) == 40);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", '\u0100', cs) == 4);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, '\u0100', cs) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, '\u0100', cs) == 1);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a') == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a') == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abba"), 'a', 3) == 0);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("deff"), 'f', 3) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbAa"), 'a', to!ushort(4), No.caseSensitive) == 3,
to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbAa"), 'a', 4, No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'F', 3, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f', 4, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'M', sPlts.length -2, No.caseSensitive) == 34);
assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'S', sPlts.length -2, No.caseSensitive) == 40);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", '\u0100', cs) == 4);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, '\u0100', cs) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, '\u0100', cs) == 1);
s = string to search
sub = substring to search for
startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
the index of the last occurrence of $(D sub) in $(D s). If $(D sub) is
not found, then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D s)
in the following way $(D s[0 .. startIdx]). $(D startIdx) represents a
codeunit index in $(D s).
If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
$(D cs) indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith;
import std.conv : to;
import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
static import std.uni;
import std.utf : strideBack;
if (sub.empty)
return -1;
if (walkLength(sub) == 1)
return lastIndexOf(s, sub.front, cs);
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
static if (is(Unqual!Char1 == Unqual!Char2))
import core.stdc.string : memcmp;
immutable c = sub[0];
for (ptrdiff_t i = s.length - sub.length; i >= 0; --i)
if (s[i] == c)
if (__ctfe)
foreach (j; 1 .. sub.length)
if (s[i + j] != sub[j])
return i;
auto trustedMemcmp(in void* s1, in void* s2, size_t n) @trusted
return memcmp(s1, s2, n);
if (trustedMemcmp(&s[i + 1], &sub[1],
(sub.length - 1) * Char1.sizeof) == 0)
return i;
for (size_t i = s.length; !s.empty;)
if (s.endsWith(sub))
return cast(ptrdiff_t) i - to!(const(Char1)[])(sub).length;
i -= strideBack(s, i);
s = s[0 .. i];
for (size_t i = s.length; !s.empty;)
if (endsWith!((a, b) => std.uni.toLower(a) == std.uni.toLower(b))
(s, sub))
return cast(ptrdiff_t) i - to!(const(Char1)[])(sub).length;
i -= strideBack(s, i);
s = s[0 .. i];
return -1;
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (startIdx <= s.length)
return lastIndexOf(s[0u .. startIdx], sub, cs);
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "ll") == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "Zo") == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "lL", No.caseSensitive) == 2);
@safe pure unittest
import std.typecons : No;
string s = "Hello World";
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "ll", 4) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "Zo", 128) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOf(s, "lL", 3, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOf("hello");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOf("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("").lastIndexOf("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c")) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd")) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef")) == 8, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c")) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cd")) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x")) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy")) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("")) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö")) == 0, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö"), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("def"), No.caseSensitive) == 7, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödfeffgfff"), to!T("ö"), Yes.caseSensitive) == 0);
S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T("RiTE maR"), No.caseSensitive) == 14, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, to!T("FOuRTh"), No.caseSensitive) == 10, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T("whO\'s \'MY"), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T(sMars), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
enum csString = to!string(cs);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 4, csString);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 2, csString);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 1, csString);
@safe pure unittest // issue13529
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
auto idx = lastIndexOf(to!T("Hällö Wörldö ö"),to!S("ö ö"));
assert(idx != -1, to!string(idx) ~ " " ~ typeStr);
idx = lastIndexOf(to!T("Hällö Wörldö ö"),to!S("ö öd"));
assert(idx == -1, to!string(idx) ~ " " ~ typeStr);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 5) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 3) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6) == 4, typeStr ~
format(" %u", lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6)));
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 5) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cd"), 3) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefx"), to!T("x"), 1) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefxy"), to!T("xy"), 6) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), 8) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öafö"), to!T("ö"), 3) == 0, typeStr ~
to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("öafö"), to!T("ö"), 3))); //BUG 10472
assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 5, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr ~
" " ~ to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), 3, No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"),3 , No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefXY"), to!T("xy"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), 7, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("def"), 6, No.caseSensitive) == 3, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOf(to!S(""), to!T(""), 0) == lastIndexOf(to!S(""), to!T("")), typeStr);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
enum csString = to!string(cs);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", to!S("\u0100"), 6, cs) == 4, csString);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, to!S("\u0100"), 6, cs) == 2, csString);
assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, to!S("\u0100"), 3, cs) == 1, csString);
private ptrdiff_t indexOfAnyNeitherImpl(bool forward, bool any, Char, Char2)(
const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
import std.algorithm.searching : canFind, findAmong;
if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
static if (forward)
static if (any)
size_t n = haystack.findAmong(needles).length;
return n ? haystack.length - n : -1;
foreach (idx, dchar hay; haystack)
if (!canFind(needles, hay))
return idx;
static if (any)
import std.range : retro;
import std.utf : strideBack;
size_t n = haystack.retro.findAmong(needles).source.length;
if (n)
return n - haystack.strideBack(n);
foreach_reverse (idx, dchar hay; haystack)
if (!canFind(needles, hay))
return idx;
import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
if (needles.length <= 16 && needles.walkLength(17))
size_t si = 0;
dchar[16] scratch = void;
foreach ( dchar c; needles)
scratch[si++] = toLower(c);
static if (forward)
foreach (i, dchar c; haystack)
if (canFind(scratch[0 .. si], toLower(c)) == any)
return i;
foreach_reverse (i, dchar c; haystack)
if (canFind(scratch[0 .. si], toLower(c)) == any)
return i;
static bool f(dchar a, dchar b)
return toLower(a) == b;
static if (forward)
foreach (i, dchar c; haystack)
if (canFind!f(needles, toLower(c)) == any)
return i;
foreach_reverse (i, dchar c; haystack)
if (canFind!f(needles, toLower(c)) == any)
return i;
return -1;
Returns the index of the first occurrence of any of the elements in $(D
needles) in $(D haystack). If no element of $(D needles) is found,
then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D haystack) in the
following way $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). $(D startIdx) represents a
codeunit index in $(D haystack). If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx)
does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf)
may be thrown.
haystack = String to search for needles in.
needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
startIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). If
the startIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
returns $(D -1).
cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t indexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, true)(haystack, needles, cs);
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t indexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (startIdx < haystack.length)
ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOfAny(haystack[startIdx .. $], needles, cs);
if (foundIdx != -1)
return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".indexOfAny("Wr");
assert(i == 5);
i = "öällo world".indexOfAny("lo ");
assert(i == 4, to!string(i));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".indexOfAny("Wr", 4);
assert(i == 5);
i = "Foo öällo world".indexOfAny("lh", 3);
assert(i == 8, to!string(i));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
auto r = to!S("").indexOfAny("hello");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("hello").indexOfAny("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("").indexOfAny("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 0);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("feg")) == 1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("zfeffgfff"), to!T("ACDC"),
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("DEA"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("FBI"), No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), No.caseSensitive)
== -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("BND"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("AaF"), 0) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("NSa"), 2) == 3);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("fbi"), 1) == 2);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("foo"), 2) == 3);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fsb"), 5) == 6);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("NDS"), 1,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("DRS"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("SI"), 3,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("deO"), to!T("ASIO"), 1,
No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fbh"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fEe"), 4,
No.caseSensitive) == 4);
assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("föä"), 9,
No.caseSensitive) == 9);
assert(indexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), 0,
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
to!S("e\u0100"), 3, cs) == 9);
to!S("h\u0100"), 3, cs) == 7);
to!S("l\u0100"), 5, cs) == 6);
Returns the index of the last occurrence of any of the elements in $(D
needles) in $(D haystack). If no element of $(D needles) is found,
then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D stopIdx) slices $(D haystack) in the
following way $(D s[0 .. stopIdx]). $(D stopIdx) represents a codeunit
index in $(D haystack). If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not
represent a well formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be
haystack = String to search for needles in.
needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
stopIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[0 .. stopIdx]). If
the stopIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
returns $(D -1).
cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
@safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, true)(haystack, needles, cs);
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t stopIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (stopIdx <= haystack.length)
return lastIndexOfAny(haystack[0u .. stopIdx], needles, cs);
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".lastIndexOfAny("Wlo");
assert(i == 8);
i = "Foo öäöllo world".lastIndexOfAny("öF");
assert(i == 8);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".lastIndexOfAny("Wlo", 4);
assert(i == 3);
i = "Foo öäöllo world".lastIndexOfAny("öF", 3);
assert(i == 0);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOfAny("hello");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOfAny("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("").lastIndexOfAny("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 3);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 6);
ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 9;
if (is(S == wstring) || is(S == dstring))
oeIdx = 8;
auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgföf"), to!T("feg"));
assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("zfeffgfff"), to!T("ACDC"),
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("DEA"),
No.caseSensitive) == 3);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("FBI"),
No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"),
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
oeIdx = 2;
if (is(S == wstring) || is(S == dstring))
oeIdx = 1;
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ödfeffgfff"), to!T("BND"),
No.caseSensitive) == oeIdx);
assert(lastIndexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 7) == 6,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 5) == 3,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6) == 5,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 8) == 2,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"), 7) == -1,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy"), 4) == -1,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö"), 2) == 0,
assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337,
No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("C"), 7,
No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("cd"), 5,
No.caseSensitive) == 3, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("EF"), 6,
No.caseSensitive) == 5, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFcDEF"), to!T("C"), 8,
No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("x"), 7,
No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abCdefcdef"), to!T("XY"), 4,
No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ÖABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("ö"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
Returns the index of the first occurrence of any character not an elements
in $(D needles) in $(D haystack). If all element of $(D haystack) are
element of $(D needles) $(D -1) is returned.
haystack = String to search for needles in.
needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
startIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). If
the startIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
returns $(D -1).
cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t indexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
@safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, false)(haystack, needles, cs);
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t indexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t startIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
@safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (startIdx < haystack.length)
ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, false)(
haystack[startIdx .. $], needles, cs);
if (foundIdx != -1)
return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
assert(indexOfNeither("abba", "a", 2) == 2);
assert(indexOfNeither("def", "de", 1) == 2);
assert(indexOfNeither("dfefffg", "dfe", 4) == 6);
@safe pure unittest
assert(indexOfNeither("def", "a") == 0);
assert(indexOfNeither("def", "de") == 2);
assert(indexOfNeither("dfefffg", "dfe") == 6);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
auto r = to!S("").indexOfNeither("hello");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("hello").indexOfNeither("");
assert(r == 0, to!string(r));
r = to!S("").indexOfNeither("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(indexOfNeither("abba", "a") == 1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("D"),
No.caseSensitive) == 1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("ABca"), to!T("a"),
No.caseSensitive) == 1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("f"),
No.caseSensitive) == 0);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("DfEfffg"), to!T("dFe"),
No.caseSensitive) == 6);
if (is(S == string))
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
No.caseSensitive) == 8,
to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
No.caseSensitive) == 7,
to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(indexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1) == -1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 1) == 1,
to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 1)));
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), 4,
No.caseSensitive) == 4);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("D"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 2);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("ABca"), to!T("a"), 3,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("tzf"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == -1);
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("DfEfffg"), to!T("dFe"), 5,
No.caseSensitive) == 6);
if (is(S == string))
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 3, to!string(indexOfNeither(
to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 2, to!string(indexOfNeither(
to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
Returns the last index of the first occurence of any character that is not
an elements in $(D needles) in $(D haystack). If all element of
$(D haystack) are element of $(D needles) $(D -1) is returned.
haystack = String to search for needles in.
needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
stopIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[0 .. stopIdx]) If
the stopIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
returns $(D -1).
cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
@safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, false)(haystack, needles, cs);
/// Ditto
ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t stopIdx,
in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
@safe pure
if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
if (stopIdx < haystack.length)
return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, false)(haystack[0 .. stopIdx],
needles, cs);
return -1;
@safe pure unittest
assert(lastIndexOfNeither("abba", "a") == 2);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither("def", "f") == 1);
@safe pure unittest
assert(lastIndexOfNeither("def", "rsa", 3) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither("abba", "a", 2) == 1);
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOfNeither("hello");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOfNeither("");
assert(r == 4, to!string(r));
r = to!S("").lastIndexOfNeither("");
assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == 2);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 2);
ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 8;
if (is(S == string))
oeIdx = 9;
auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("ödfefegff"), to!T("zeg"));
assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("zfeffgfsb"), to!T("FSB"),
No.caseSensitive) == 5);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
No.caseSensitive) == 2, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"),
to!T("MI6"), No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"),
No.caseSensitive) == 6, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("defbi"), to!T("FBI"),
No.caseSensitive) == 1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"),
No.caseSensitive) == 6);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfffö"), to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"),
No.caseSensitive) == 8, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfffö"),
to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"), No.caseSensitive)));
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
(){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 2);
ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 4;
if (is(S == string))
oeIdx = 5;
auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("ödfefegff"), to!T("zeg"),
assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("zfeffgfsb"), to!T("FSB"), 6,
No.caseSensitive) == 5);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 1, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"),
to!T("MI6"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), 6,
No.caseSensitive) == 5, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), 6, No.caseSensitive)));
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("defbi"), to!T("FBI"), 3,
No.caseSensitive) == 1);
assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), 2,
No.caseSensitive) == 1, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
* Returns the _representation of a string, which has the same type
* as the string except the character type is replaced by $(D ubyte),
* $(D ushort), or $(D uint) depending on the character width.
* Params:
* s = The string to return the _representation of.
* Returns:
* The _representation of the passed string.
auto representation(Char)(Char[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
if (isSomeChar!Char)
import std.traits : ModifyTypePreservingTQ;
alias ToRepType(T) = AliasSeq!(ubyte, ushort, uint)[T.sizeof / 2];
return cast(ModifyTypePreservingTQ!(ToRepType, Char)[])s;
@safe pure unittest
string s = "hello";
static assert(is(typeof(representation(s)) == immutable(ubyte)[]));
assert(representation(s) is cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) s);
assert(representation(s) == [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]);
@system pure unittest
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
import std.traits : Fields;
import std.typecons : Tuple;
void test(Char, T)(Char[] str)
static assert(is(typeof(representation(str)) == T[]));
assert(representation(str) is cast(T[]) str);
foreach (Type; AliasSeq!(Tuple!(char , ubyte ),
Tuple!(wchar, ushort),
Tuple!(dchar, uint )))
alias Char = Fields!Type[0];
alias Int = Fields!Type[1];
enum immutable(Char)[] hello = "hello";
test!( immutable Char, immutable Int)(hello);
test!( const Char, const Int)(hello);
test!( Char, Int)(hello.dup);
test!( shared Char, shared Int)(cast(shared) hello.dup);
test!(const shared Char, const shared Int)(hello);
* Capitalize the first character of $(D s) and convert the rest of $(D s) to
* lowercase.
* Params:
* input = The string to _capitalize.
* Returns:
* The capitalized string.
* See_Also:
* $(REF asCapitalized, std,uni) for a lazy range version that doesn't allocate memory
S capitalize(S)(S input) @trusted pure
if (isSomeString!S)
import std.array : array;
import std.uni : asCapitalized;
import std.utf : byUTF;
return input.asCapitalized.byUTF!(ElementEncodingType!(S)).array;
pure @safe unittest
assert(capitalize("hello") == "Hello");
assert(capitalize("World") == "World");
auto capitalize(S)(auto ref S s)
if (!isSomeString!S && is(StringTypeOf!S))
return capitalize!(StringTypeOf!S)(s);
@safe pure unittest
@safe pure unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : cmp;
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring, char[], wchar[], dchar[]))
S s1 = to!S("FoL");
S s2;
s2 = capitalize(s1);
assert(cmp(s2, "Fol") == 0);
assert(s2 !is s1);
s2 = capitalize(s1[0 .. 2]);
assert(cmp(s2, "Fo") == 0);
s1 = to!S("fOl");
s2 = capitalize(s1);
assert(cmp(s2, "Fol") == 0);
assert(s2 !is s1);
s1 = to!S("\u0131 \u0130");
s2 = capitalize(s1);
assert(cmp(s2, "\u0049 i\u0307") == 0);
assert(s2 !is s1);
s1 = to!S("\u017F \u0049");
s2 = capitalize(s1);
assert(cmp(s2, "\u0053 \u0069") == 0);
assert(s2 !is s1);
Split $(D s) into an array of lines according to the unicode standard using
$(D '\r'), $(D '\n'), $(D "\r\n"), $(REF lineSep, std,uni),
$(REF paraSep, std,uni), $(D U+0085) (NEL), $(D '\v') and $(D '\f')
as delimiters. If $(D keepTerm) is set to $(D KeepTerminator.yes), then the
delimiter is included in the strings returned.
Does not throw on invalid UTF; such is simply passed unchanged
to the output.
Allocates memory; use $(LREF lineSplitter) for an alternative that
does not.
Adheres to $(HTTP, Unicode 7.0).
s = a string of $(D chars), $(D wchars), or $(D dchars), or any custom
type that casts to a $(D string) type
keepTerm = whether delimiter is included or not in the results
array of strings, each element is a line that is a slice of $(D s)
$(LREF lineSplitter)
$(REF splitter, std,algorithm)
$(REF splitter, std,regex)
alias KeepTerminator = Flag!"keepTerminator";
/// ditto
S[] splitLines(S)(S s, in KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator) @safe pure
if (isSomeString!S)
import std.array : appender;
import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
size_t iStart = 0;
auto retval = appender!(S[])();
for (size_t i; i < s.length; ++i)
switch (s[i])
case '\v', '\f', '\n':
retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator)]);
iStart = i + 1;
case '\r':
if (i + 1 < s.length && s[i + 1] == '\n')
retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2]);
iStart = i + 2;
goto case '\n';
static if (s[i].sizeof == 1)
/* Manually decode:
* lineSep is E2 80 A8
* paraSep is E2 80 A9
case 0xE2:
if (i + 2 < s.length &&
s[i + 1] == 0x80 &&
(s[i + 2] == 0xA8 || s[i + 2] == 0xA9)
retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 3]);
iStart = i + 3;
i += 2;
goto default;
/* Manually decode:
* NEL is C2 85
case 0xC2:
if (i + 1 < s.length && s[i + 1] == 0x85)
retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2]);
iStart = i + 2;
i += 1;
goto default;
case lineSep:
case paraSep:
case '\u0085':
goto case '\n';
if (iStart != s.length)
retval.put(s[iStart .. $]);
@safe pure nothrow unittest
string s = "Hello\nmy\rname\nis";
assert(splitLines(s) == ["Hello", "my", "name", "is"]);
@safe pure nothrow unittest
string s = "a\xC2\x86b";
assert(splitLines(s) == [s]);
auto splitLines(S)(auto ref S s, in KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator)
if (!isSomeString!S && is(StringTypeOf!S))
return splitLines!(StringTypeOf!S)(s, keepTerm);
@safe pure nothrow unittest
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
auto s = to!S(
"\rpeter\n\rpaul\r\njerry\u2028ice\u2029cream\n\nsunday\n" ~
auto lines = splitLines(s);
assert(lines.length == 14);
assert(lines[0] == "");
assert(lines[1] == "peter");
assert(lines[2] == "");
assert(lines[3] == "paul");
assert(lines[4] == "jerry");
assert(lines[5] == "ice");
assert(lines[6] == "cream");
assert(lines[7] == "");
assert(lines[8] == "sunday");
assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude");
assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten");
assert(lines[12] == "");
assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
ubyte[] u = ['a', 0xFF, 0x12, 'b']; // invalid UTF
auto ulines = splitLines(cast(char[]) u);
assert(cast(ubyte[])(ulines[0]) == u);
lines = splitLines(s, Yes.keepTerminator);
assert(lines.length == 14);
assert(lines[0] == "\r");
assert(lines[1] == "peter\n");
assert(lines[2] == "\r");
assert(lines[3] == "paul\r\n");
assert(lines[4] == "jerry\u2028");
assert(lines[5] == "ice\u2029");
assert(lines[6] == "cream\n");
assert(lines[7] == "\n");
assert(lines[8] == "sunday\n");
assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day\n");
assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude\v");
assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten\f");
assert(lines[12] == "\v");
assert(lines[13] == "cookies\u0085");
s.popBack(); // Lop-off trailing \n
lines = splitLines(s);
assert(lines.length == 14);
assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
lines = splitLines(s, Yes.keepTerminator);
assert(lines.length == 14);
assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
private struct LineSplitter(KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator, Range)
import std.conv : unsigned;
import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
Range _input;
alias IndexType = typeof(unsigned(_input.length));
enum IndexType _unComputed = IndexType.max;
IndexType iStart = _unComputed;
IndexType iEnd = 0;
IndexType iNext = 0;
this(Range input)
_input = input;
static if (isInfinite!Range)
enum bool empty = false;
@property bool empty()
return iStart == _unComputed && iNext == _input.length;
@property typeof(_input) front()
if (iStart == _unComputed)
iStart = iNext;
for (IndexType i = iNext; ; ++i)
if (i