blob: 84e876f3c59b9ad45ad1c06b8ed7b038ee33e254 [file] [log] [blame]
// Written in the D programming language.
This module implements a variety of type constructors, i.e., templates
that allow construction of new, useful general-purpose types.
$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions))
$(TR $(TD Tuple) $(TD
$(LREF isTuple)
$(LREF Tuple)
$(LREF tuple)
$(LREF reverse)
$(TR $(TD Flags) $(TD
$(LREF BitFlags)
$(LREF isBitFlagEnum)
$(LREF Flag)
$(LREF No)
$(LREF Yes)
$(TR $(TD Memory allocation) $(TD
$(LREF RefCounted)
$(LREF refCounted)
$(LREF RefCountedAutoInitialize)
$(LREF scoped)
$(LREF Unique)
$(TR $(TD Code generation) $(TD
$(LREF AutoImplement)
$(LREF BlackHole)
$(LREF generateAssertTrap)
$(LREF generateEmptyFunction)
$(LREF WhiteHole)
$(TR $(TD Nullable) $(TD
$(LREF Nullable)
$(LREF nullable)
$(LREF NullableRef)
$(LREF nullableRef)
$(TR $(TD Proxies) $(TD
$(LREF Proxy)
$(LREF rebindable)
$(LREF Rebindable)
$(LREF ReplaceType)
$(LREF unwrap)
$(LREF wrap)
$(TR $(TD Types) $(TD
$(LREF alignForSize)
$(LREF Ternary)
$(LREF Typedef)
$(LREF TypedefType)
$(LREF UnqualRef)
Copyright: Copyright the respective authors, 2008-
License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_typecons.d)
Authors: $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu),
$(HTTP, Bartosz Milewski),
Don Clugston,
Shin Fujishiro,
Kenji Hara
module std.typecons;
import core.stdc.stdint : uintptr_t;
import std.meta; // : AliasSeq, allSatisfy;
import std.traits;
@safe unittest
// value tuples
alias Coord = Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y", int, "z");
Coord c;
c[1] = 1; // access by index
c.z = 1; // access by given name
assert(c == Coord(0, 1, 1));
// names can be omitted
alias DicEntry = Tuple!(string, string);
// tuples can also be constructed on instantiation
assert(tuple(2, 3, 4)[1] == 3);
// construction on instantiation works with names too
assert(tuple!("x", "y", "z")(2, 3, 4).y == 3);
// Rebindable references to const and immutable objects
class Widget { void foo() const @safe {} }
const w1 = new Widget, w2 = new Widget;;
// w1 = w2 would not work; can't rebind const object
auto r = Rebindable!(const Widget)(w1);
// invoke method as if r were a Widget object;
// rebind r to refer to another object
r = w2;
debug(Unique) import std.stdio;
Encapsulates unique ownership of a resource.
When a $(D Unique!T) goes out of scope it will call $(D destroy)
on the resource $(D T) that it manages, unless it is transferred.
One important consequence of $(D destroy) is that it will call the
destructor of the resource $(D T). GC-managed references are not
guaranteed to be valid during a destructor call, but other members of
$(D T), such as file handles or pointers to $(D malloc) memory, will
still be valid during the destructor call. This allows the resource
$(D T) to deallocate or clean up any non-GC resources.
If it is desirable to persist a $(D Unique!T) outside of its original
scope, then it can be transferred. The transfer can be explicit, by
calling $(D release), or implicit, when returning Unique from a
function. The resource $(D T) can be a polymorphic class object or
instance of an interface, in which case Unique behaves polymorphically
If $(D T) is a value type, then $(D Unique!T) will be implemented
as a reference to a $(D T).
struct Unique(T)
/** Represents a reference to $(D T). Resolves to $(D T*) if $(D T) is a value type. */
static if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface))
alias RefT = T;
alias RefT = T*;
// Deferred in case we get some language support for checking uniqueness.
version (None)
Allows safe construction of $(D Unique). It creates the resource and
guarantees unique ownership of it (unless $(D T) publishes aliases of
$(D this)).
Note: Nested structs/classes cannot be created.
args = Arguments to pass to $(D T)'s constructor.
static class C {}
auto u = Unique!(C).create();
static Unique!T create(A...)(auto ref A args)
if (__traits(compiles, new T(args)))
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique.create for ", T.stringof);
Unique!T u;
u._p = new T(args);
return u;
Constructor that takes an rvalue.
It will ensure uniqueness, as long as the rvalue
isn't just a view on an lvalue (e.g., a cast).
Typical usage:
Unique!Foo f = new Foo;
this(RefT p)
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique constructor with rvalue");
_p = p;
Constructor that takes an lvalue. It nulls its source.
The nulling will ensure uniqueness as long as there
are no previous aliases to the source.
this(ref RefT p)
_p = p;
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique constructor nulling source");
p = null;
assert(p is null);
Constructor that takes a $(D Unique) of a type that is convertible to our type.
Typically used to transfer a $(D Unique) rvalue of derived type to
a $(D Unique) of base type.
class C : Object {}
Unique!C uc = new C;
Unique!Object uo = uc.release;
this(U)(Unique!U u)
if (is(u.RefT:RefT))
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique constructor converting from ", U.stringof);
_p = u._p;
u._p = null;
/// Transfer ownership from a $(D Unique) of a type that is convertible to our type.
void opAssign(U)(Unique!U u)
if (is(u.RefT:RefT))
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique opAssign converting from ", U.stringof);
// first delete any resource we own
_p = u._p;
u._p = null;
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique destructor of ", (_p is null)? null: _p);
if (_p !is null)
_p = null;
/** Returns whether the resource exists. */
@property bool isEmpty() const
return _p is null;
/** Transfer ownership to a $(D Unique) rvalue. Nullifies the current contents.
Same as calling std.algorithm.move on it.
Unique release()
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique Release");
import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
return this.move;
/** Forwards member access to contents. */
mixin Proxy!_p;
Postblit operator is undefined to prevent the cloning of $(D Unique) objects.
@disable this(this);
RefT _p;
@system unittest
static struct S
int i;
this(int i){this.i = i;}
Unique!S produce()
// Construct a unique instance of S on the heap
Unique!S ut = new S(5);
// Implicit transfer of ownership
return ut;
// Borrow a unique resource by ref
void increment(ref Unique!S ur)
void consume(Unique!S u2)
assert(u2.i == 6);
// Resource automatically deleted here
Unique!S u1;
u1 = produce();
assert(u1.i == 6);
//consume(u1); // Error: u1 is not copyable
// Transfer ownership of the resource
@system unittest
// test conversion to base ref
int deleted = 0;
class C
// constructor conversion
Unique!Object u = Unique!C(new C);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {u = new C;}));
assert(deleted == 1);
Unique!C uc = new C;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {Unique!Object uo = uc;}));
Unique!Object uo = new C;
// opAssign conversion, deleting uo resource first
uo = uc.release;
assert(deleted == 2);
@system unittest
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique class");
class Bar
~this() { debug(Unique) writeln(" Bar destructor"); }
int val() const { return 4; }
alias UBar = Unique!(Bar);
UBar g(UBar u)
debug(Unique) writeln("inside g");
return u.release;
auto ub = UBar(new Bar);
assert(ub.val == 4);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {auto ub3 = g(ub);}));
debug(Unique) writeln("Calling g");
auto ub2 = g(ub.release);
debug(Unique) writeln("Returned from g");
@system unittest
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique interface");
interface Bar
int val() const;
class BarImpl : Bar
static int count;
int val() const { return 4; }
alias UBar = Unique!Bar;
UBar g(UBar u)
debug(Unique) writeln("inside g");
return u.release;
void consume(UBar u)
assert(u.val() == 4);
// Resource automatically deleted here
auto ub = UBar(new BarImpl);
assert(BarImpl.count == 1);
assert(ub.val == 4);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {auto ub3 = g(ub);}));
debug(Unique) writeln("Calling g");
auto ub2 = g(ub.release);
debug(Unique) writeln("Returned from g");
assert(BarImpl.count == 0);
@system unittest
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique struct");
struct Foo
~this() { debug(Unique) writeln(" Foo destructor"); }
int val() const { return 3; }
@disable this(this);
alias UFoo = Unique!(Foo);
UFoo f(UFoo u)
debug(Unique) writeln("inside f");
return u.release;
auto uf = UFoo(new Foo);
assert(uf.val == 3);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {auto uf3 = f(uf);}));
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique struct: calling f");
auto uf2 = f(uf.release);
debug(Unique) writeln("Unique struct: returned from f");
// ensure Unique behaves correctly through const access paths
@system unittest
struct Bar {int val;}
struct Foo
Unique!Bar bar = new Bar;
Foo foo; = 6;
const Foo* ptr = &foo;
static assert(is(typeof(ptr) == const(Foo*)));
static assert(is(typeof( == const(Unique!Bar)));
static assert(is(typeof( == const(int)));
assert( == 6); = 7;
assert( == 7);
// Used in Tuple.toString
private template sharedToString(alias field)
if (is(typeof(field) == shared))
static immutable sharedToString = typeof(field).stringof;
private template sharedToString(alias field)
if (!is(typeof(field) == shared))
alias sharedToString = field;
_Tuple of values, for example $(D Tuple!(int, string)) is a record that
stores an $(D int) and a $(D string). $(D Tuple) can be used to bundle
values together, notably when returning multiple values from a
function. If $(D obj) is a `Tuple`, the individual members are
accessible with the syntax $(D obj[0]) for the first field, $(D obj[1])
for the second, and so on.
The choice of zero-based indexing instead of one-base indexing was
motivated by the ability to use value tuples with various compile-time
loop constructs (e.g. $(REF AliasSeq, std,meta) iteration), all of which use
zero-based indexing.
See_Also: $(LREF tuple).
Specs = A list of types (and optionally, member names) that the `Tuple` contains.
template Tuple(Specs...)
import std.meta : staticMap;
// Parse (type,name) pairs (FieldSpecs) out of the specified
// arguments. Some fields would have name, others not.
template parseSpecs(Specs...)
static if (Specs.length == 0)
alias parseSpecs = AliasSeq!();
else static if (is(Specs[0]))
static if (is(typeof(Specs[1]) : string))
alias parseSpecs =
AliasSeq!(FieldSpec!(Specs[0 .. 2]),
parseSpecs!(Specs[2 .. $]));
alias parseSpecs =
parseSpecs!(Specs[1 .. $]));
static assert(0, "Attempted to instantiate Tuple with an "
~"invalid argument: "~ Specs[0].stringof);
template FieldSpec(T, string s = "")
alias Type = T;
alias name = s;
alias fieldSpecs = parseSpecs!Specs;
// Used with staticMap.
alias extractType(alias spec) = spec.Type;
alias extractName(alias spec) =;
// Generates named fields as follows:
// alias name_0 = Identity!(field[0]);
// alias name_1 = Identity!(field[1]);
// :
// NOTE: field[k] is an expression (which yields a symbol of a
// variable) and can't be aliased directly.
string injectNamedFields()
string decl = "";
foreach (i, name; staticMap!(extractName, fieldSpecs))
import std.format : format;
decl ~= format("alias _%s = Identity!(field[%s]);", i, i);
if (name.length != 0)
decl ~= format("alias %s = _%s;", name, i);
return decl;
// Returns Specs for a subtuple this[from .. to] preserving field
// names if any.
alias sliceSpecs(size_t from, size_t to) =
staticMap!(expandSpec, fieldSpecs[from .. to]);
template expandSpec(alias spec)
static if ( == 0)
alias expandSpec = AliasSeq!(spec.Type);
alias expandSpec = AliasSeq!(spec.Type,;
enum areCompatibleTuples(Tup1, Tup2, string op) = isTuple!Tup2 && is(typeof(
(ref Tup1 tup1, ref Tup2 tup2)
static assert(tup1.field.length == tup2.field.length);
foreach (i, _; Tup1.Types)
auto lhs = typeof(tup1.field[i]).init;
auto rhs = typeof(tup2.field[i]).init;
static if (op == "=")
lhs = rhs;
auto result = mixin("lhs "~op~" rhs");
enum areBuildCompatibleTuples(Tup1, Tup2) = isTuple!Tup2 && is(typeof(
static assert(Tup1.Types.length == Tup2.Types.length);
foreach (i, _; Tup1.Types)
static assert(isBuildable!(Tup1.Types[i], Tup2.Types[i]));
/+ Returns $(D true) iff a $(D T) can be initialized from a $(D U). +/
enum isBuildable(T, U) = is(typeof(
U u = U.init;
T t = u;
/+ Helper for partial instanciation +/
template isBuildableFrom(U)
enum isBuildableFrom(T) = isBuildable!(T, U);
struct Tuple
* The types of the `Tuple`'s components.
alias Types = staticMap!(extractType, fieldSpecs);
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
alias Fields = Tuple!(int, "id", string, float);
static assert(is(Fields.Types == AliasSeq!(int, string, float)));
* The names of the `Tuple`'s components. Unnamed fields have empty names.
alias fieldNames = staticMap!(extractName, fieldSpecs);
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
alias Fields = Tuple!(int, "id", string, float);
static assert(Fields.fieldNames == AliasSeq!("id", "", ""));
* Use $(D t.expand) for a `Tuple` $(D t) to expand it into its
* components. The result of $(D expand) acts as if the `Tuple`'s components
* were listed as a list of values. (Ordinarily, a $(D Tuple) acts as a
* single value.)
Types expand;
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
auto t1 = tuple(1, " hello ", 2.3);
assert(t1.toString() == `Tuple!(int, string, double)(1, " hello ", 2.3)`);
void takeSeveralTypes(int n, string s, bool b)
assert(n == 4 && s == "test" && b == false);
auto t2 = tuple(4, "test", false);
//t.expand acting as a list of values
static if (is(Specs))
// This is mostly to make t[n] work.
alias expand this;
ref inout(Tuple!Types) _Tuple_super() inout @trusted
foreach (i, _; Types) // Rely on the field layout
static assert(typeof(return).init.tupleof[i].offsetof ==
return *cast(typeof(return)*) &(field[0]);
// This is mostly to make t[n] work.
alias _Tuple_super this;
// backwards compatibility
alias field = expand;
* Constructor taking one value for each field.
* Params:
* values = A list of values that are either the same
* types as those given by the `Types` field
* of this `Tuple`, or can implicitly convert
* to those types. They must be in the same
* order as they appear in `Types`.
static if (Types.length > 0)
this(Types values)
field[] = values[];
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
alias ISD = Tuple!(int, string, double);
auto tup = ISD(1, "test", 3.2);
assert(tup.toString() == `Tuple!(int, string, double)(1, "test", 3.2)`);
* Constructor taking a compatible array.
* Params:
* values = A compatible static array to build the `Tuple` from.
* Array slices are not supported.
this(U, size_t n)(U[n] values)
if (n == Types.length && allSatisfy!(isBuildableFrom!U, Types))
foreach (i, _; Types)
field[i] = values[i];
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
int[2] ints;
Tuple!(int, int) t = ints;
* Constructor taking a compatible `Tuple`. Two `Tuple`s are compatible
* $(B iff) they are both of the same length, and, for each type `T` on the
* left-hand side, the corresponding type `U` on the right-hand side can
* implicitly convert to `T`.
* Params:
* another = A compatible `Tuple` to build from. Its type must be
* compatible with the target `Tuple`'s type.
this(U)(U another)
if (areBuildCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), U))
field[] = another.field[];
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
alias IntVec = Tuple!(int, int, int);
alias DubVec = Tuple!(double, double, double);
IntVec iv = tuple(1, 1, 1);
//Ok, int can implicitly convert to double
DubVec dv = iv;
//Error: double cannot implicitly convert to int
//IntVec iv2 = dv;
* Comparison for equality. Two `Tuple`s are considered equal
* $(B iff) they fulfill the following criteria:
* $(UL
* $(LI Each `Tuple` is the same length.)
* $(LI For each type `T` on the left-hand side and each type
* `U` on the right-hand side, values of type `T` can be
* compared with values of type `U`.)
* $(LI For each value `v1` on the left-hand side and each value
* `v2` on the right-hand side, the expression `v1 == v2` is
* true.))
* Params:
* rhs = The `Tuple` to compare against. It must meeting the criteria
* for comparison between `Tuple`s.
* Returns:
* true if both `Tuple`s are equal, otherwise false.
bool opEquals(R)(R rhs)
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "=="))
return field[] == rhs.field[];
/// ditto
bool opEquals(R)(R rhs) const
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "=="))
return field[] == rhs.field[];
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
Tuple!(int, string) t1 = tuple(1, "test");
Tuple!(double, string) t2 = tuple(1.0, "test");
//Ok, int can be compared with double and
//both have a value of 1
assert(t1 == t2);
* Comparison for ordering.
* Params:
* rhs = The `Tuple` to compare against. It must meet the criteria
* for comparison between `Tuple`s.
* Returns:
* For any values `v1` on the right-hand side and `v2` on the
* left-hand side:
* $(UL
* $(LI A negative integer if the expression `v1 < v2` is true.)
* $(LI A positive integer if the expression `v1 > v2` is true.)
* $(LI 0 if the expression `v1 == v2` is true.))
int opCmp(R)(R rhs)
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "<"))
foreach (i, Unused; Types)
if (field[i] != rhs.field[i])
return field[i] < rhs.field[i] ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
/// ditto
int opCmp(R)(R rhs) const
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "<"))
foreach (i, Unused; Types)
if (field[i] != rhs.field[i])
return field[i] < rhs.field[i] ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
The first `v1` for which `v1 > v2` is true determines
the result. This could lead to unexpected behaviour.
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
auto tup1 = tuple(1, 1, 1);
auto tup2 = tuple(1, 100, 100);
assert(tup1 < tup2);
//Only the first result matters for comparison
tup1[0] = 2;
assert(tup1 > tup2);
* Assignment from another `Tuple`.
* Params:
* rhs = The source `Tuple` to assign from. Each element of the
* source `Tuple` must be implicitly assignable to each
* respective element of the target `Tuple`.
void opAssign(R)(auto ref R rhs)
if (areCompatibleTuples!(typeof(this), R, "="))
import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
static if (is(R : Tuple!Types) && !__traits(isRef, rhs))
if (__ctfe)
// Cannot use swap at compile time
field[] = rhs.field[];
// Use swap-and-destroy to optimize rvalue assignment
swap!(Tuple!Types)(this, rhs);
// Do not swap; opAssign should be called on the fields.
field[] = rhs.field[];
* Renames the elements of a $(LREF Tuple).
* `rename` uses the passed `names` and returns a new
* $(LREF Tuple) using these names, with the content
* unchanged.
* If fewer names are passed than there are members
* of the $(LREF Tuple) then those trailing members are unchanged.
* An empty string will remove the name for that member.
* It is an compile-time error to pass more names than
* there are members of the $(LREF Tuple).
ref rename(names...)() return
if (names.length == 0 || allSatisfy!(isSomeString, typeof(names)))
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
// to circumvent bug 16418
static if (names.length == 0 || equal([names], [fieldNames]))
return this;
enum nT = Types.length;
enum nN = names.length;
static assert(nN <= nT, "Cannot have more names than tuple members");
alias allNames = AliasSeq!(names, fieldNames[nN .. $]);
template GetItem(size_t idx)
import std.array : empty;
static if (idx < nT)
alias GetItem = Alias!(Types[idx]);
else static if (allNames[idx - nT].empty)
alias GetItem = AliasSeq!();
alias GetItem = Alias!(allNames[idx - nT]);
import std.range : roundRobin, iota;
alias NewTupleT = Tuple!(staticMap!(GetItem, aliasSeqOf!(
roundRobin(iota(nT), iota(nT, 2*nT)))));
return *(() @trusted => cast(NewTupleT*)&this)();
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
auto t0 = tuple(4, "hello");
auto t0Named = t0.rename!("val", "tag");
assert(t0Named.val == 4);
assert(t0Named.tag == "hello");
Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!"height";
t1Named.height = 3.4f;
assert(t1Named.height == 3.4f);
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);
t1Named.rename!"altitude".altitude = 5;
assert(t1Named.height == 5);
Tuple!(int, "a", int, int, "c") t2;
t2 = tuple(3,4,5);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!("", "b");
// "a" no longer has a name
static assert(!hasMember!(typeof(t2Named), "a"));
assert(t2Named[0] == 3);
assert(t2Named.b == 4);
assert(t2Named.c == 5);
// not allowed to specify more names than the tuple has members
static assert(!__traits(compiles, t2.rename!("a","b","c","d")));
// use it in a range pipeline
import std.range : iota, zip;
import std.algorithm.iteration : map, sum;
auto res = zip(iota(1, 4), iota(10, 13))
.map!(t => t.rename!("a", "b"))
.map!(t => t.a * t.b)
assert(res == 68);
* Overload of $(LREF _rename) that takes an associative array
* `translate` as a template parameter, where the keys are
* either the names or indices of the members to be changed
* and the new names are the corresponding values.
* Every key in `translate` must be the name of a member of the
* $(LREF tuple).
* The same rules for empty strings apply as for the variadic
* template overload of $(LREF _rename).
ref rename(alias translate)()
if (is(typeof(translate) : V[K], V, K) && isSomeString!V &&
(isSomeString!K || is(K : size_t)))
import std.range : ElementType;
static if (isSomeString!(ElementType!(typeof(translate.keys))))
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm.iteration : filter;
import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
enum notFound = translate.keys
.filter!(k => fieldNames.canFind(k) == -1);
static assert(notFound.empty, "Cannot find members "
~!string ~ " in type "
~ typeof(this).stringof);
return this.rename!(aliasSeqOf!(
import std.array : empty;
auto names = [fieldNames];
foreach (ref n; names)
if (!n.empty)
if (auto p = n in translate)
n = *p;
return names;
import std.algorithm.iteration : filter;
import std.conv : to;
enum invalid = translate.keys.
filter!(k => k < 0 || k >= this.length);
static assert(invalid.empty, "Indices " ~!string
~ " are out of bounds for tuple with length "
return this.rename!(aliasSeqOf!(
auto names = [fieldNames];
foreach (k, v; translate)
names[k] = v;
return names;
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
//replacing names by their current name
Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!(["dat": "height"]);
t1Named.height = 3.4;
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);
t1Named.rename!(["height": "altitude"]).altitude = 5;
assert(t1Named.height == 5);
Tuple!(int, "a", int, "b") t2;
t2 = tuple(3, 4);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!(["a": "b", "b": "c"]);
assert(t2Named.b == 3);
assert(t2Named.c == 4);
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
//replace names by their position
Tuple!(float, "dat", size_t[2], "pos") t1;
t1.pos = [2, 1];
auto t1Named = t1.rename!([0: "height"]);
t1Named.height = 3.4;
assert(t1Named.pos == [2, 1]);
t1Named.rename!([0: "altitude"]).altitude = 5;
assert(t1Named.height == 5);
Tuple!(int, "a", int, "b", int, "c") t2;
t2 = tuple(3, 4, 5);
auto t2Named = t2.rename!([0: "c", 2: "a"]);
assert(t2Named.a == 5);
assert(t2Named.b == 4);
assert(t2Named.c == 3);
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
//check that empty translations work fine
enum string[string] a0 = null;
enum string[int] a1 = null;
Tuple!(float, "a", float, "b") t0;
auto t1 = t0.rename!a0;
t1.a = 3;
t1.b = 4;
auto t2 = t0.rename!a1;
t2.a = 3;
t2.b = 4;
auto t3 = t0.rename;
t3.a = 3;
t3.b = 4;
* Takes a slice by-reference of this `Tuple`.
* Params:
* from = A `size_t` designating the starting position of the slice.
* to = A `size_t` designating the ending position (exclusive) of the slice.
* Returns:
* A new `Tuple` that is a slice from `[from, to$(RPAREN)` of the original.
* It has the same types and values as the range `[from, to$(RPAREN)` in
* the original.
ref inout(Tuple!(sliceSpecs!(from, to))) slice(size_t from, size_t to)() inout @trusted
if (from <= to && to <= Types.length)
static assert(
(typeof(this).alignof % typeof(return).alignof == 0) &&
(expand[from].offsetof % typeof(return).alignof == 0),
"Slicing by reference is impossible because of an alignment mistmatch. (See Phobos issue #15645.)");
return *cast(typeof(return)*) &(field[from]);
static if (Specs.length == 0) @safe unittest
Tuple!(int, string, float, double) a;
a[1] = "abc";
a[2] = 4.5;
auto s = a.slice!(1, 3);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == Tuple!(string, float)));
assert(s[0] == "abc" && s[1] == 4.5);
// Phobos issue #15645
Tuple!(int, short, bool, double) b;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, b.slice!(2, 4)));
Creates a hash of this `Tuple`.
A `size_t` representing the hash of this `Tuple`.
size_t toHash() const nothrow @trusted
size_t h = 0;
foreach (i, T; Types)
h += typeid(T).getHash(cast(const void*)&field[i]);
return h;
template toString()
* Converts to string.
* Returns:
* The string representation of this `Tuple`.
string toString()() const
import std.array : appender;
auto app = appender!string();
this.toString((const(char)[] chunk) => app ~= chunk);
import std.format : FormatSpec;
* Formats `Tuple` with either `%s`, `%(inner%)` or `%(inner%|sep%)`.
* $(TABLE2 Formats supported by Tuple,
* $(THEAD Format, Description)
* $(TROW $(P `%s`), $(P Format like `Tuple!(types)(elements formatted with %s each)`.))
* $(TROW $(P `%(inner%)`), $(P The format `inner` is applied the expanded `Tuple`, so
* it may contain as many formats as the `Tuple` has fields.))
* $(TROW $(P `%(inner%|sep%)`), $(P The format `inner` is one format, that is applied
* on all fields of the `Tuple`. The inner format must be compatible to all
* of them.)))
* ---
* Tuple!(int, double)[3] tupList = [ tuple(1, 1.0), tuple(2, 4.0), tuple(3, 9.0) ];
* // Default format
* assert(format("%s", tuple("a", 1)) == `Tuple!(string, int)("a", 1)`);
* // One Format for each individual component
* assert(format("%(%#x v %.4f w %#x%)", tuple(1, 1.0, 10)) == `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`);
* assert(format( "%#x v %.4f w %#x" , tuple(1, 1.0, 10).expand) == `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`);
* // One Format for all components
* assert(format("%(>%s<%| & %)", tuple("abc", 1, 2.3, [4, 5])) == `>abc< & >1< & >2.3< & >[4, 5]<`);
* // Array of Tuples
* assert(format("%(%(f(%d) = %.1f%); %)", tupList) == `f(1) = 1.0; f(2) = 4.0; f(3) = 9.0`);
* // Error: %( %) missing.
* assertThrown!FormatException(
* format("%d, %f", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`
* );
* // Error: %( %| %) missing.
* assertThrown!FormatException(
* format("%d", tuple(1, 2)) == `1, 2`
* );
* // Error: %d inadequate for double.
* assertThrown!FormatException(
* format("%(%d%|, %)", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`
* );
* ---
void toString(DG)(scope DG sink) const
toString(sink, FormatSpec!char());
/// ditto
void toString(DG, Char)(scope DG sink, FormatSpec!Char fmt) const
import std.format : formatElement, formattedWrite, FormatException;
if (fmt.nested)
if (fmt.sep)
foreach (i, Type; Types)
static if (i > 0)
// TODO: Change this once formattedWrite() works for shared objects.
static if (is(Type == class) && is(Type == shared))
formattedWrite(sink, fmt.nested, this.field[i]);
formattedWrite(sink, fmt.nested, staticMap!(sharedToString, this.expand));
else if (fmt.spec == 's')
enum header = Unqual!(typeof(this)).stringof ~ "(",
footer = ")",
separator = ", ";
foreach (i, Type; Types)
static if (i > 0)
// TODO: Change this once formatElement() works for shared objects.
static if (is(Type == class) && is(Type == shared))
FormatSpec!Char f;
formatElement(sink, field[i], f);
throw new FormatException(
"Expected '%s' or '%(...%)' or '%(...%|...%)' format specifier for type '" ~
Unqual!(typeof(this)).stringof ~ "', not '%" ~ fmt.spec ~ "'.");
@safe unittest
Tuple!(int, int) point;
// assign coordinates
point[0] = 5;
point[1] = 6;
// read coordinates
auto x = point[0];
auto y = point[1];
`Tuple` members can be named. It is legal to mix named and unnamed
members. The method above is still applicable to all fields.
@safe unittest
alias Entry = Tuple!(int, "index", string, "value");
Entry e;
e.index = 4;
e.value = "Hello";
assert(e[1] == "Hello");
assert(e[0] == 4);
A `Tuple` with named fields is a distinct type from a `Tuple` with unnamed
fields, i.e. each naming imparts a separate type for the `Tuple`. Two
`Tuple`s differing in naming only are still distinct, even though they
might have the same structure.
@safe unittest
Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y") point1;
Tuple!(int, int) point2;
assert(!is(typeof(point1) == typeof(point2)));
Creates a copy of a $(LREF Tuple) with its fields in _reverse order.
t = The `Tuple` to copy.
A new `Tuple`.
auto reverse(T)(T t)
if (isTuple!T)
import std.meta : Reverse;
// @@@BUG@@@ Cannot be an internal function due to forward reference issues.
// @@@BUG@@@ 9929 Need 'this' when calling template with expanded tuple
// return tuple(Reverse!(t.expand));
ReverseTupleType!T result;
auto tup = t.expand;
result.expand = Reverse!tup;
return result;
@safe unittest
auto tup = tuple(1, "2");
assert(tup.reverse == tuple("2", 1));
/* Get a Tuple type with the reverse specification of Tuple T. */
private template ReverseTupleType(T)
if (isTuple!T)
static if (is(T : Tuple!A, A...))
alias ReverseTupleType = Tuple!(ReverseTupleSpecs!A);
/* Reverse the Specs of a Tuple. */
private template ReverseTupleSpecs(T...)
static if (T.length > 1)
static if (is(typeof(T[$-1]) : string))
alias ReverseTupleSpecs = AliasSeq!(T[$-2], T[$-1], ReverseTupleSpecs!(T[0 .. $-2]));
alias ReverseTupleSpecs = AliasSeq!(T[$-1], ReverseTupleSpecs!(T[0 .. $-1]));
alias ReverseTupleSpecs = T;
// ensure that internal Tuple unittests are compiled
@safe unittest
Tuple!() t;
@safe unittest
import std.conv;
Tuple!(int, "a", int, "b") nosh;
static assert(nosh.length == 2);
nosh.a = 5;
nosh.b = 6;
assert(nosh.a == 5);
assert(nosh.b == 6);
Tuple!(short, double) b;
static assert(b.length == 2);
b[1] = 5;
auto a = Tuple!(int, real)(b);
assert(a[0] == 0 && a[1] == 5);
a = Tuple!(int, real)(1, 2);
assert(a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 2);
auto c = Tuple!(int, "a", double, "b")(a);
assert(c[0] == 1 && c[1] == 2);
Tuple!(int, real) nosh;
nosh[0] = 5;
nosh[1] = 0;
assert(nosh[0] == 5 && nosh[1] == 0);
assert(!string == "Tuple!(int, real)(5, 0)",!string);
Tuple!(int, int) yessh;
nosh = yessh;
class A {}
Tuple!(int, shared A) nosh;
nosh[0] = 5;
assert(nosh[0] == 5 && nosh[1] is null);
assert(!string == "Tuple!(int, shared(A))(5, shared(A))");
Tuple!(int, string) t;
t[0] = 10;
t[1] = "str";
assert(t[0] == 10 && t[1] == "str");
assert(!string == `Tuple!(int, string)(10, "str")`,!string);
Tuple!(int, "a", double, "b") x;
static assert(x.a.offsetof == x[0].offsetof);
static assert(x.b.offsetof == x[1].offsetof);
x.b = 4.5;
x.a = 5;
assert(x[0] == 5 && x[1] == 4.5);
assert(x.a == 5 && x.b == 4.5);
// indexing
Tuple!(int, real) t;
static assert(is(typeof(t[0]) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(t[1]) == real));
int* p0 = &t[0];
real* p1 = &t[1];
t[0] = 10;
t[1] = -200.0L;
assert(*p0 == t[0]);
assert(*p1 == t[1]);
// slicing
Tuple!(int, "x", real, "y", double, "z", string) t;
t[0] = 10;
t[1] = 11;
t[2] = 12;
t[3] = "abc";
auto a = t.slice!(0, 3);
assert(a.length == 3);
assert(a.x == t.x);
assert(a.y == t.y);
assert(a.z == t.z);
auto b = t.slice!(2, 4);
assert(b.length == 2);
assert(b.z == t.z);
assert(b[1] == t[3]);
// nesting
Tuple!(Tuple!(int, real), Tuple!(string, "s")) t;
static assert(is(typeof(t[0]) == Tuple!(int, real)));
static assert(is(typeof(t[1]) == Tuple!(string, "s")));
static assert(is(typeof(t[0][0]) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(t[0][1]) == real));
static assert(is(typeof(t[1].s) == string));
t[0] = tuple(10, 20.0L);
t[1].s = "abc";
assert(t[0][0] == 10);
assert(t[0][1] == 20.0L);
assert(t[1].s == "abc");
// non-POD
static struct S
int count;
this(this) { ++count; }
~this() { --count; }
void opAssign(S rhs) { count = rhs.count; }
Tuple!(S, S) ss;
Tuple!(S, S) ssCopy = ss;
assert(ssCopy[0].count == 1);
assert(ssCopy[1].count == 1);
ssCopy[1] = ssCopy[0];
assert(ssCopy[1].count == 2);
// bug 2800
static struct R
Tuple!(int, int) _front;
@property ref Tuple!(int, int) front() return { return _front; }
@property bool empty() { return _front[0] >= 10; }
void popFront() { ++_front[0]; }
foreach (a; R())
static assert(is(typeof(a) == Tuple!(int, int)));
assert(0 <= a[0] && a[0] < 10);
assert(a[1] == 0);
// Construction with compatible elements
auto t1 = Tuple!(int, double)(1, 1);
// 8702
auto t8702a = tuple(tuple(1));
auto t8702b = Tuple!(Tuple!(int))(Tuple!(int)(1));
// Construction with compatible tuple
Tuple!(int, int) x;
x[0] = 10;
x[1] = 20;
Tuple!(int, "a", double, "b") y = x;
assert(y.a == 10);
assert(y.b == 20);
// incompatible
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Tuple!(int, int)(y)));
// 6275
const int x = 1;
auto t1 = tuple(x);
alias T = Tuple!(const(int));
auto t2 = T(1);
// 9431
alias T = Tuple!(int[1][]);
auto t = T([[10]]);
// 7666
auto tup = tuple(1, "2");
assert(tup.reverse == tuple("2", 1));
Tuple!(int, "x", string, "y") tup = tuple(1, "2");
auto rev = tup.reverse;
assert(rev == tuple("2", 1));
assert(rev.x == 1 && rev.y == "2");
Tuple!(wchar, dchar, int, "x", string, "y", char, byte, float) tup;
tup = tuple('a', 'b', 3, "4", 'c', cast(byte) 0x0D, 0.00);
auto rev = tup.reverse;
assert(rev == tuple(0.00, cast(byte) 0x0D, 'c', "4", 3, 'b', 'a'));
assert(rev.x == 3 && rev.y == "4");
@safe unittest
// opEquals
struct Equ1 { bool opEquals(Equ1) { return true; } }
auto tm1 = tuple(Equ1.init);
const tc1 = tuple(Equ1.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm1 == tm1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tm1 == tc1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc1 == tm1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc1 == tc1)));
struct Equ2 { bool opEquals(const Equ2) const { return true; } }
auto tm2 = tuple(Equ2.init);
const tc2 = tuple(Equ2.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm2 == tm2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm2 == tc2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc2 == tm2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc2 == tc2)));
struct Equ3 { bool opEquals(T)(T) { return true; } }
auto tm3 = tuple(Equ3.init); // bugzilla 8686
const tc3 = tuple(Equ3.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm3 == tm3)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm3 == tc3)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc3 == tm3)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc3 == tc3)));
struct Equ4 { bool opEquals(T)(T) const { return true; } }
auto tm4 = tuple(Equ4.init);
const tc4 = tuple(Equ4.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm4 == tm4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm4 == tc4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc4 == tm4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc4 == tc4)));
// opCmp
struct Cmp1 { int opCmp(Cmp1) { return 0; } }
auto tm1 = tuple(Cmp1.init);
const tc1 = tuple(Cmp1.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm1 < tm1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tm1 < tc1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc1 < tm1)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc1 < tc1)));
struct Cmp2 { int opCmp(const Cmp2) const { return 0; } }
auto tm2 = tuple(Cmp2.init);
const tc2 = tuple(Cmp2.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm2 < tm2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm2 < tc2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc2 < tm2)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc2 < tc2)));
struct Cmp3 { int opCmp(T)(T) { return 0; } }
auto tm3 = tuple(Cmp3.init);
const tc3 = tuple(Cmp3.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm3 < tm3)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm3 < tc3)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc3 < tm3)));
static assert(!is(typeof(tc3 < tc3)));
struct Cmp4 { int opCmp(T)(T) const { return 0; } }
auto tm4 = tuple(Cmp4.init);
const tc4 = tuple(Cmp4.init);
static assert( is(typeof(tm4 < tm4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tm4 < tc4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc4 < tm4)));
static assert( is(typeof(tc4 < tc4)));
// Bugzilla 14890
static void test14890(inout int[] dummy)
alias V = Tuple!(int, int);
V mv;
const V cv;
immutable V iv;
inout V wv; // OK <- NG
inout const V wcv; // OK <- NG
foreach (v1; AliasSeq!(mv, cv, iv, wv, wcv))
foreach (v2; AliasSeq!(mv, cv, iv, wv, wcv))
assert(!(v1 < v2));
int[2] ints = [ 1, 2 ];
Tuple!(int, int) t = ints;
assert(t[0] == 1 && t[1] == 2);
Tuple!(long, uint) t2 = ints;
assert(t2[0] == 1 && t2[1] == 2);
@safe unittest
auto t1 = Tuple!(int, "x", string, "y")(1, "a");
assert(t1.x == 1);
assert(t1.y == "a");
void foo(Tuple!(int, string) t2) {}
Tuple!(int, int)[] arr;
arr ~= tuple(10, 20); // OK
arr ~= Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y")(10, 20); // NG -> OK
static assert(is(typeof(Tuple!(int, "x", string, "y").tupleof) ==
typeof(Tuple!(int, string ).tupleof)));
@safe unittest
// Bugzilla 10686
immutable Tuple!(int) t1;
auto r1 = t1[0]; // OK
immutable Tuple!(int, "x") t2;
auto r2 = t2[0]; // error
@safe unittest
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
// Bugzilla 10218
auto t = tuple(1);
t = tuple(2); // assignment
@safe unittest
class Foo{}
Tuple!(immutable(Foo)[]) a;
@safe unittest
//Test non-assignable
static struct S
int* p;
alias IS = immutable S;
static assert(!isAssignable!IS);
auto s = IS.init;
alias TIS = Tuple!IS;
TIS a = tuple(s);
TIS b = a;
alias TISIS = Tuple!(IS, IS);
TISIS d = tuple(s, s);
IS[2] ss;
TISIS e = TISIS(ss);
// Bugzilla #9819
@safe unittest
alias T = Tuple!(int, "x", double, "foo");
static assert(T.fieldNames[0] == "x");
static assert(T.fieldNames[1] == "foo");
alias Fields = Tuple!(int, "id", string, float);
static assert(Fields.fieldNames == AliasSeq!("id", "", ""));
// Bugzilla 13837
@safe unittest
// New behaviour, named arguments.
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!("x")(1)) == Tuple!(int, "x")));
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!("x")(1.0)) == Tuple!(double, "x")));
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!("x")("foo")) == Tuple!(string, "x")));
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!("x", "y")(1, 2.0)) == Tuple!(int, "x", double, "y")));
auto a = tuple!("a", "b", "c")("1", 2, 3.0f);
static assert(is(typeof(a.a) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(a.b) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(a.c) == float));
// Old behaviour, but with explicit type parameters.
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!(int, double)(1, 2.0)) == Tuple!(int, double)));
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple!(const int)(1)) == Tuple!(const int)));
static assert(is(
typeof(tuple()) == Tuple!()));
// Nonsensical behaviour
static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple!(1)(2)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple!("x")(1, 2)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple!("x", "y")(1)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple!("x")()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple!("x", int)(2)));
@safe unittest
class C {}
Tuple!(Rebindable!(const C)) a;
Tuple!(const C) b;
a = b;
@nogc @safe unittest
alias T = Tuple!(string, "s");
T x;
x = T.init;
@safe unittest
import std.format : format, FormatException;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// enum tupStr = tuple(1, 1.0).toString; // toString is *impure*.
//static assert(tupStr == `Tuple!(int, double)(1, 1)`);
Tuple!(int, double)[3] tupList = [ tuple(1, 1.0), tuple(2, 4.0), tuple(3, 9.0) ];
// Default format
assert(format("%s", tuple("a", 1)) == `Tuple!(string, int)("a", 1)`);
// One Format for each individual component
assert(format("%(%#x v %.4f w %#x%)", tuple(1, 1.0, 10)) == `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`);
assert(format( "%#x v %.4f w %#x" , tuple(1, 1.0, 10).expand) == `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`);
// One Format for all components
assert(format("%(>%s<%| & %)", tuple("abc", 1, 2.3, [4, 5])) == `>abc< & >1< & >2.3< & >[4, 5]<`);
// Array of Tuples
assert(format("%(%(f(%d) = %.1f%); %)", tupList) == `f(1) = 1.0; f(2) = 4.0; f(3) = 9.0`);
// Error: %( %) missing.
format("%d, %f", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`
// Error: %( %| %) missing.
format("%d", tuple(1, 2)) == `1, 2`
// Error: %d inadequate for double
format("%(%d%|, %)", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`
Constructs a $(LREF Tuple) object instantiated and initialized according to
the given arguments.
Names = An optional list of strings naming each successive field of the `Tuple`.
Each name matches up with the corresponding field given by `Args`.
A name does not have to be provided for every field, but as
the names must proceed in order, it is not possible to skip
one field and name the next after it.
template tuple(Names...)
args = Values to initialize the `Tuple` with. The `Tuple`'s type will
be inferred from the types of the values given.
A new `Tuple` with its type inferred from the arguments given.
auto tuple(Args...)(Args args)
static if (Names.length == 0)
// No specified names, just infer types from Args...
return Tuple!Args(args);
else static if (!is(typeof(Names[0]) : string))
// Names[0] isn't a string, must be explicit types.
return Tuple!Names(args);
// Names[0] is a string, so must be specifying names.
static assert(Names.length == Args.length,
"Insufficient number of names given.");
// Interleave(a, b).and(c, d) == (a, c, b, d)
// This is to get the interleaving of types and names for Tuple
// e.g. Tuple!(int, "x", string, "y")
template Interleave(A...)
template and(B...) if (B.length == 1)
alias and = AliasSeq!(A[0], B[0]);
template and(B...) if (B.length != 1)
alias and = AliasSeq!(A[0], B[0],
return Tuple!(Interleave!(Args).and!(Names))(args);
@safe unittest
auto value = tuple(5, 6.7, "hello");
assert(value[0] == 5);
assert(value[1] == 6.7);
assert(value[2] == "hello");
// Field names can be provided.
auto entry = tuple!("index", "value")(4, "Hello");
assert(entry.index == 4);
assert(entry.value == "Hello");
Returns $(D true) if and only if $(D T) is an instance of $(D std.typecons.Tuple).
T = The type to check.
true if `T` is a `Tuple` type, false otherwise.
enum isTuple(T) = __traits(compiles,
void f(Specs...)(Tuple!Specs tup) {}
} );
@safe unittest
static assert(isTuple!(Tuple!()));
static assert(isTuple!(Tuple!(int)));
static assert(isTuple!(Tuple!(int, real, string)));
static assert(isTuple!(Tuple!(int, "x", real, "y")));
static assert(isTuple!(Tuple!(int, Tuple!(real), string)));
@safe unittest
static assert(isTuple!(const Tuple!(int)));
static assert(isTuple!(immutable Tuple!(int)));
static assert(!isTuple!(int));
static assert(!isTuple!(const int));
struct S {}
static assert(!isTuple!(S));
// used by both Rebindable and UnqualRef
private mixin template RebindableCommon(T, U, alias This)
if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || isAssociativeArray!T)
private union
T original;
U stripped;
@trusted pure nothrow @nogc
void opAssign(T another)
stripped = cast(U) another;
void opAssign(typeof(this) another)
stripped = another.stripped;
static if (is(T == const U) && is(T == const shared U))
// safely assign immutable to const / const shared
void opAssign(This!(immutable U) another)
stripped = another.stripped;
this(T initializer)
@property inout(T) get() inout
return original;
alias get this;
$(D Rebindable!(T)) is a simple, efficient wrapper that behaves just
like an object of type $(D T), except that you can reassign it to
refer to another object. For completeness, $(D Rebindable!(T)) aliases
itself away to $(D T) if $(D T) is a non-const object type.
You may want to use $(D Rebindable) when you want to have mutable
storage referring to $(D const) objects, for example an array of
references that must be sorted in place. $(D Rebindable) does not
break the soundness of D's type system and does not incur any of the
risks usually associated with $(D cast).
T = An object, interface, array slice type, or associative array type.
template Rebindable(T)
if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || isDynamicArray!T || isAssociativeArray!T)
static if (is(T == const U, U) || is(T == immutable U, U))
static if (isDynamicArray!T)
import std.range.primitives : ElementEncodingType;
alias Rebindable = const(ElementEncodingType!T)[];
struct Rebindable
mixin RebindableCommon!(T, U, Rebindable);
alias Rebindable = T;
///Regular $(D const) object references cannot be reassigned.
@system unittest
class Widget { int x; int y() const { return x; } }
const a = new Widget;
// Fine
// error! can't modify const a
// a.x = 5;
// error! can't modify const a
// a = new Widget;
However, $(D Rebindable!(Widget)) does allow reassignment,
while otherwise behaving exactly like a $(D const Widget).
@system unittest
class Widget { int x; int y() const { return x; } }
auto a = Rebindable!(const Widget)(new Widget);
// Fine
// error! can't modify const a
// a.x = 5;
// Fine
a = new Widget;
@safe unittest // issue 16054
Rebindable!(immutable Object) r;
static assert(__traits(compiles, r.get()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, &r.get()));
Convenience function for creating a $(D Rebindable) using automatic type
obj = A reference to an object, interface, associative array, or an array slice
to initialize the `Rebindable` with.
A newly constructed `Rebindable` initialized with the given reference.
Rebindable!T rebindable(T)(T obj)
if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || isDynamicArray!T || isAssociativeArray!T)
typeof(return) ret;
ret = obj;
return ret;
This function simply returns the $(D Rebindable) object passed in. It's useful
in generic programming cases when a given object may be either a regular
$(D class) or a $(D Rebindable).
obj = An instance of Rebindable!T.
`obj` without any modification.
Rebindable!T rebindable(T)(Rebindable!T obj)
return obj;
@system unittest
interface CI { int foo() const; }
class C : CI {
int foo() const { return 42; }
@property int bar() const { return 23; }
Rebindable!(C) obj0;
static assert(is(typeof(obj0) == C));
Rebindable!(const(C)) obj1;
static assert(is(typeof(obj1.get) == const(C)), typeof(obj1.get).stringof);
static assert(is(typeof(obj1.stripped) == C));
obj1 = new C;
assert(obj1.get !is null);
obj1 = new const(C);
assert(obj1.get !is null);
Rebindable!(immutable(C)) obj2;
static assert(is(typeof(obj2.get) == immutable(C)));
static assert(is(typeof(obj2.stripped) == C));
obj2 = new immutable(C);
assert(obj1.get !is null);
// test opDot
assert( == 42);
assert( == 23);
interface I { final int foo() const { return 42; } }
Rebindable!(I) obj3;
static assert(is(typeof(obj3) == I));
Rebindable!(const I) obj4;
static assert(is(typeof(obj4.get) == const I));
static assert(is(typeof(obj4.stripped) == I));
static assert(is(typeof( == int));
obj4 = new class I {};
Rebindable!(immutable C) obj5i;
Rebindable!(const C) obj5c;
obj5c = obj5c;
obj5c = obj5i;
obj5i = obj5i;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, obj5i = obj5c));
// Test the convenience functions.
auto obj5convenience = rebindable(obj5i);
assert(obj5convenience is obj5i);
auto obj6 = rebindable(new immutable(C));
static assert(is(typeof(obj6) == Rebindable!(immutable C)));
assert( == 42);
auto obj7 = rebindable(new C);
CI interface1 = obj7;
auto interfaceRebind1 = rebindable(interface1);
assert( == 42);
const interface2 = interface1;
auto interfaceRebind2 = rebindable(interface2);
assert( == 42);
auto arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
const arrConst = arr;
assert(rebindable(arr) == arr);
assert(rebindable(arrConst) == arr);
// Issue 7654
immutable(char[]) s7654;
Rebindable!(typeof(s7654)) r7654 = s7654;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, char, int))
static assert(is(Rebindable!(immutable(T[])) == immutable(T)[]));
static assert(is(Rebindable!(const(T[])) == const(T)[]));
static assert(is(Rebindable!(T[]) == T[]));
// Issue 12046
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Rebindable!(int[1])));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Rebindable!(const int[1])));
// Pull request 3341
Rebindable!(immutable int[int]) pr3341 = [123:345];
assert(pr3341[123] == 345);
immutable int[int] pr3341_aa = [321:543];
pr3341 = pr3341_aa;
assert(pr3341[321] == 543);
assert(rebindable(pr3341_aa)[321] == 543);
Similar to $(D Rebindable!(T)) but strips all qualifiers from the reference as
opposed to just constness / immutability. Primary intended use case is with
shared (having thread-local reference to shared class data)
T = A class or interface type.
template UnqualRef(T)
if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface))
static if (is(T == const U, U)
|| is(T == immutable U, U)
|| is(T == shared U, U)
|| is(T == const shared U, U))
struct UnqualRef
mixin RebindableCommon!(T, U, UnqualRef);
alias UnqualRef = T;
@system unittest
class Data {}
static shared(Data) a;
static UnqualRef!(shared Data) b;
import core.thread;
auto thread = new core.thread.Thread({
a = new shared Data();
b = new shared Data();
assert(a !is null);
assert(b is null);
@safe unittest
class C { }
alias T = UnqualRef!(const shared C);
static assert(is(typeof(T.stripped) == C));
Order the provided members to minimize size while preserving alignment.
Alignment is not always optimal for 80-bit reals, nor for structs declared
as align(1).
E = A list of the types to be aligned, representing fields
of an aggregate such as a `struct` or `class`.
names = The names of the fields that are to be aligned.
A string to be mixed in to an aggregate, such as a `struct` or `class`.
string alignForSize(E...)(const char[][] names...)
// Sort all of the members by .alignof.
// BUG: Alignment is not always optimal for align(1) structs
// or 80-bit reals or 64-bit primitives on x86.
// TRICK: Use the fact that .alignof is always a power of 2,
// and maximum 16 on extant systems. Thus, we can perform
// a very limited radix sort.
// Contains the members with .alignof = 64,32,16,8,4,2,1
assert(E.length == names.length,
"alignForSize: There should be as many member names as the types");
string[7] declaration = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
foreach (i, T; E)
auto a = T.alignof;
auto k = a >= 64? 0 : a >= 32? 1 : a >= 16? 2 : a >= 8? 3 : a >= 4? 4 : a >= 2? 5 : 6;
declaration[k] ~= T.stringof ~ " " ~ names[i] ~ ";\n";
auto s = "";
foreach (decl; declaration)
s ~= decl;
return s;
@safe unittest
struct Banner {
mixin(alignForSize!(byte[6], double)(["name", "height"]));
@safe unittest
enum x = alignForSize!(int[], char[3], short, double[5])("x", "y","z", "w");
struct Foo { int x; }
enum y = alignForSize!(ubyte, Foo, cdouble)("x", "y", "z");
enum passNormalX = x == "double[5] w;\nint[] x;\nshort z;\nchar[3] y;\n";
enum passNormalY = y == "cdouble z;\nFoo y;\nubyte x;\n";
enum passAbnormalX = x == "int[] x;\ndouble[5] w;\nshort z;\nchar[3] y;\n";
enum passAbnormalY = y == "Foo y;\ncdouble z;\nubyte x;\n";
// ^ blame
static assert(passNormalX || passAbnormalX && double.alignof <= (int[]).alignof);
static assert(passNormalY || passAbnormalY && double.alignof <= int.alignof);
// Issue 12914
@safe unittest
immutable string[] fieldNames = ["x", "y"];
struct S
mixin(alignForSize!(byte, int)(fieldNames));
Defines a value paired with a distinctive "null" state that denotes
the absence of a value. If default constructed, a $(D
Nullable!T) object starts in the null state. Assigning it renders it
non-null. Calling $(D nullify) can nullify it again.
Practically $(D Nullable!T) stores a $(D T) and a $(D bool).
struct Nullable(T)
private T _value;
private bool _isNull = true;
Constructor initializing $(D this) with $(D value).
value = The value to initialize this `Nullable` with.
this(inout T value) inout
_value = value;
_isNull = false;
If they are both null, then they are equal. If one is null and the other
is not, then they are not equal. If they are both non-null, then they are
equal if their values are equal.
bool opEquals()(auto ref const(typeof(this)) rhs) const
if (_isNull)
return rhs._isNull;
if (rhs._isNull)
return false;
return _value == rhs._value;
/// Ditto
bool opEquals(U)(auto ref const(U) rhs) const
if (is(typeof(this.get == rhs)))
return _isNull ? false : rhs == _value;
@safe unittest
Nullable!int empty;
Nullable!int a = 42;
Nullable!int b = 42;
Nullable!int c = 27;
assert(empty == empty);
assert(empty == Nullable!int.init);
assert(empty != a);
assert(empty != b);
assert(empty != c);
assert(a == b);
assert(a != c);
assert(empty != 42);
assert(a == 42);
assert(c != 42);
@safe unittest
// Test constness
immutable Nullable!int a = 42;
Nullable!int b = 42;
immutable Nullable!int c = 29;
Nullable!int d = 29;
immutable e = 42;
int f = 29;
assert(a == a);
assert(a == b);
assert(a != c);
assert(a != d);
assert(a == e);
assert(a != f);
// Test rvalue
assert(a == const Nullable!int(42));
assert(a != Nullable!int(29));
// Issue 17482
@system unittest
import std.variant : Variant;
Nullable!Variant a = Variant(12);
assert(a == 12);
Nullable!Variant e;
assert(e != 12);
template toString()
import std.format : FormatSpec, formatValue;
// Needs to be a template because of DMD @@BUG@@ 13737.
void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, FormatSpec!char fmt)
if (isNull)
sink.formatValue("Nullable.null", fmt);
sink.formatValue(_value, fmt);
// Issue 14940
void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) @safe sink, FormatSpec!char fmt)
if (isNull)
sink.formatValue("Nullable.null", fmt);
sink.formatValue(_value, fmt);
Check if `this` is in the null state.
true $(B iff) `this` is in the null state, otherwise false.
@property bool isNull() const @safe pure nothrow
return _isNull;
@system unittest
Nullable!int ni;
ni = 0;
// Issue 14940
@safe unittest
import std.array : appender;
import std.format : formattedWrite;
auto app = appender!string();
Nullable!int a = 1;
formattedWrite(app, "%s", a);
assert( == "1");
Forces $(D this) to the null state.
void nullify()()
_isNull = true;
@safe unittest
Nullable!int ni = 0;
Assigns $(D value) to the internally-held state. If the assignment
succeeds, $(D this) becomes non-null.
value = A value of type `T` to assign to this `Nullable`.
void opAssign()(T value)
_value = value;
_isNull = false;
If this `Nullable` wraps a type that already has a null value
(such as a pointer), then assigning the null value to this
`Nullable` is no different than assigning any other value of
type `T`, and the resulting code will look very strange. It
is strongly recommended that this be avoided by instead using
the version of `Nullable` that takes an additional `nullValue`
template argument.
@safe unittest
Nullable!(int*) npi;
npi = null;
Gets the value. $(D this) must not be in the null state.
This function is also called for the implicit conversion to $(D T).
The value held internally by this `Nullable`.
@property ref inout(T) get() inout @safe pure nothrow
enum message = "Called `get' on null Nullable!" ~ T.stringof ~ ".";
assert(!isNull, message);
return _value;
@system unittest
import core.exception : AssertError;
import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
Nullable!int ni;
int i = 42;
//`get` is implicitly called. Will throw
//an AssertError in non-release mode
assertThrown!AssertError(i = ni);
assert(i == 42);
ni = 5;
assertNotThrown!AssertError(i = ni);
assert(i == 5);
Implicitly converts to $(D T).
$(D this) must not be in the null state.
alias get this;
/// ditto
auto nullable(T)(T t)
return Nullable!T(t);
@safe unittest
struct CustomerRecord
string name;
string address;
int customerNum;
Nullable!CustomerRecord getByName(string name)
//A bunch of hairy stuff
return Nullable!CustomerRecord.init;
auto queryResult = getByName("Doe, John");
if (!queryResult.isNull)
//Process Mr. Doe's customer record
auto address = queryResult.address;
auto customerNum = queryResult.customerNum;
//Do some things with this customer's info
//Add the customer to the database
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
auto a = 42.nullable;
assert(a.get == 42);
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
Nullable!int a;
a = 5;
assert(a == 5);
assert(a != 3);
assert(a.get != 3);
a = 3;
assert(a == 3);
a *= 6;
assert(a == 18);
a = a;
assert(a == 18);
assertThrown!Throwable(a += 2);
@safe unittest
auto k = Nullable!int(74);
assert(k == 74);
@safe unittest
static int f(in Nullable!int x) {
return x.isNull ? 42 : x.get;
Nullable!int a;
assert(f(a) == 42);
a = 8;
assert(f(a) == 8);
assert(f(a) == 42);
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
static struct S { int x; }
Nullable!S s;
s = S(6);
assert(s == S(6));
assert(s != S(0));
assert(s.get != S(0));
s.x = 9190;
assert(s.x == 9190);
assertThrown!Throwable(s.x = 9441);
@safe unittest
// Ensure Nullable can be used in pure/nothrow/@safe environment.
function() @safe pure nothrow
Nullable!int n;
n = 4;
assert(n == 4);
@system unittest
// Ensure Nullable can be used when the value is not pure/nothrow/@safe
static struct S
int x;
this(this) @system {}
Nullable!S s;
s = S(5);
assert(s.x == 5);
@safe unittest
// Bugzilla 9404
alias N = Nullable!int;
void foo(N a)
N b;
b = a; // `N b = a;` works fine
N n;
@safe unittest
//Check nullable immutable is constructable
auto a1 = Nullable!(immutable int)();
auto a2 = Nullable!(immutable int)(1);
auto i = a2.get;
//Check immutable nullable is constructable
auto a1 = immutable (Nullable!int)();
auto a2 = immutable (Nullable!int)(1);
auto i = a2.get;
@safe unittest
alias NInt = Nullable!int;
//Construct tests
//from other Nullable null
NInt a1;
NInt b1 = a1;
//from other Nullable non-null
NInt a2 = NInt(1);
NInt b2 = a2;
assert(b2 == 1);
//Construct from similar nullable
auto a3 = immutable(NInt)();
NInt b3 = a3;
//Assign tests
//from other Nullable null
NInt a1;
NInt b1;
b1 = a1;
//from other Nullable non-null
NInt a2 = NInt(1);
NInt b2;
b2 = a2;
assert(b2 == 1);
//Construct from similar nullable
auto a3 = immutable(NInt)();
NInt b3 = a3;
b3 = a3;
@safe unittest
//Check nullable is nicelly embedable in a struct
static struct S1
Nullable!int ni;
static struct S2 //inspired from 9404
Nullable!int ni;
this(S2 other)
ni =;
void opAssign(S2 other)
ni =;
foreach (S; AliasSeq!(S1, S2))
S a;
S b = a;
S c;
c = a;
@system unittest
// Bugzilla 10268
import std.json;
JSONValue value = null;
auto na = Nullable!JSONValue(value);
struct S1 { int val; }
struct S2 { int* val; }
struct S3 { immutable int* val; }
auto sm = S1(1);
immutable si = immutable S1(1);
auto x1 = Nullable!S1(sm);
auto x2 = immutable Nullable!S1(sm);
auto x3 = Nullable!S1(si);
auto x4 = immutable Nullable!S1(si);
assert(x1.val == 1);
assert(x2.val == 1);
assert(x3.val == 1);
assert(x4.val == 1);
auto nm = 10;
immutable ni = 10;
auto sm = S2(&nm);
immutable si = immutable S2(&ni);
auto x1 = Nullable!S2(sm);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = immutable Nullable!S2(sm); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x3 = Nullable!S2(si); }));
auto x4 = immutable Nullable!S2(si);
assert(*x1.val == 10);
assert(*x4.val == 10);
auto sm = S3(&ni);
immutable si = immutable S3(&ni);
auto x1 = Nullable!S3(sm);
auto x2 = immutable Nullable!S3(sm);
auto x3 = Nullable!S3(si);
auto x4 = immutable Nullable!S3(si);
assert(*x1.val == 10);
assert(*x2.val == 10);
assert(*x3.val == 10);
assert(*x4.val == 10);
@safe unittest
// Bugzila 10357
import std.datetime;
Nullable!SysTime time = SysTime(0);
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.array;
// Bugzilla 10915
Appender!string buffer;
Nullable!int ni;
assert(!string() == "Nullable.null");
struct Test { string s; }
alias NullableTest = Nullable!Test;
NullableTest nt = Test("test");
assert(!string() == `Test("test")`);
NullableTest ntn = Test("null");
assert(!string() == `Test("null")`);
class TestToString
double d;
this (double d)
this.d = d;
override string toString()
Nullable!TestToString ntts = new TestToString(2.5);
assert(!string() == "2.5");
Just like $(D Nullable!T), except that the null state is defined as a
particular value. For example, $(D Nullable!(uint, uint.max)) is an
$(D uint) that sets aside the value $(D uint.max) to denote a null
state. $(D Nullable!(T, nullValue)) is more storage-efficient than $(D
Nullable!T) because it does not need to store an extra $(D bool).
T = The wrapped type for which Nullable provides a null value.
nullValue = The null value which denotes the null state of this
`Nullable`. Must be of type `T`.
struct Nullable(T, T nullValue)
private T _value = nullValue;
Constructor initializing $(D this) with $(D value).
value = The value to initialize this `Nullable` with.
this(T value)
_value = value;
template toString()
import std.format : FormatSpec, formatValue;
// Needs to be a template because of DMD @@BUG@@ 13737.
void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, FormatSpec!char fmt)
if (isNull)
sink.formatValue("Nullable.null", fmt);
sink.formatValue(_value, fmt);
Check if `this` is in the null state.
true $(B iff) `this` is in the null state, otherwise false.
@property bool isNull() const
//Need to use 'is' if T is a nullable type and
//nullValue is null, or it's a compiler error
static if (is(CommonType!(T, typeof(null)) == T) && nullValue is null)
return _value is nullValue;
//Need to use 'is' if T is a float type
//because NaN != NaN
else static if (isFloatingPoint!T)
return _value is nullValue;
return _value == nullValue;
@system unittest
Nullable!(int, -1) ni;
//Initialized to "null" state
ni = 0;
// disable test until gets fixed
version (none) @system unittest
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
Nullable!(T, T.init) nf;
//Initialized to "null" state
assert(nf is typeof(nf).init);