blob: 4bd2d0f337c51463ff7306706c5d12e755ef29d1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-options "-std=gnu89" } */
/* In GNU C mode, we recognize the anonymous struct/union extension,
but not Microsoft extensions. */
struct A { char a; };
/* MS extension. */
struct B {
struct A; /* { dg-warning "does not declare anything" } */
char b;
char testB[sizeof(struct B) == sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
/* MS extension. */
struct C {
struct D { char d; }; /* { dg-warning "does not declare anything" } */
char c;
char testC[sizeof(struct C) == sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
char testD[sizeof(struct D) == sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
/* GNU extension. */
struct E {
struct { char z; };
char e;
char testE[sizeof(struct E) == 2 * sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
/* MS extension. */
typedef struct A typedef_A;
struct F {
typedef_A; /* { dg-warning "does not declare anything" } */
char f;
char testF[sizeof(struct F) == sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
/* Test that __extension__ does the right thing coming _from_ GNU C mode. */
__extension__ struct G {
struct { char z; };
char g;
char testG[sizeof(struct G) == 2 * sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];
struct H {
struct { char z; };
char h;
char testH[sizeof(struct H) == 2 * sizeof(struct A) ? 1 : -1];