blob: a201674cf955a15242febd5c8b5accefc71696e7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test C11 alignment support. Test invalid use of alignment
specifiers in type names in cases not permitted by the resolution
of DR#444. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-std=c11 -pedantic-errors" } */
#include <stddef.h>
f (void)
_Generic (1, int: 1, _Alignas (8) long: 2); /* { dg-error "expected" } */
sizeof (_Alignas (8) long); /* { dg-error "specified for type name" } */
_Alignof (_Alignas (8) long); /* { dg-error "specified for type name" } */
(_Alignas (8) long) 0; /* { dg-error "specified for type name" } */
_Atomic (_Alignas (8) long) x; /* { dg-error "expected" } */
_Alignas (_Alignas (8) long) long y; /* { dg-error "expected" } */