blob: 4e6c0544c02481af1573528b60f3827efbfa7ce9 [file] [log] [blame]
! Program to test the stack variable size limit.
program stack
call sub1
call sub2 (1)
! Local variables larger than 32768 in byte size shall be placed in static
! storage area, while others be put on stack by default.
subroutine sub1
real a, b(32768/4), c(32768/4+1)
integer m, n(1024,4), k(1024,1024)
a = 10.0
b = 20.0
c = 30.0
m = 10
n = 20
k = 30
if ((a .ne. 10.0).or.(b(1) .ne. 20.0).or.(c(1) .ne. 30.0)) STOP 1
if ((m .ne. 10).or.(n(256,4) .ne. 20).or.(k(1,1024) .ne. 30)) STOP 2
end subroutine
! Local variables defined in recursive subroutine are always put on stack.
recursive subroutine sub2 (n)
real a (32769)
a (1) = 42
if (n .ge. 1) call sub2 (n-1)
if (a(1) .ne. 42) STOP 3
a (1) = 0
end subroutine