| @ignore |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
| This is part of the GNU Fortran manual. |
| For copying conditions, see the file gfortran.texi. |
| |
| Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document |
| under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or |
| any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the |
| Invariant Sections being ``Funding Free Software'', the Front-Cover |
| Texts being (a) (see below), and with the Back-Cover Texts being (b) |
| (see below). A copy of the license is included in the gfdl(7) man page. |
| |
| |
| Some basic guidelines for editing this document: |
| |
| (1) The intrinsic procedures are to be listed in alphabetical order. |
| (2) The generic name is to be used. |
| (3) The specific names are included in the function index and in a |
| table at the end of the node (See ABS entry). |
| (4) Try to maintain the same style for each entry. |
| |
| |
| @end ignore |
| |
| @tex |
| \gdef\acosd{\mathop{\rm acosd}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\asind{\mathop{\rm asind}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\atand{\mathop{\rm atand}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\acos{\mathop{\rm acos}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\asin{\mathop{\rm asin}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\atan{\mathop{\rm atan}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\acosh{\mathop{\rm acosh}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\asinh{\mathop{\rm asinh}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\atanh{\mathop{\rm atanh}\nolimits} |
| \gdef\cosd{\mathop{\rm cosd}\nolimits} |
| @end tex |
| |
| |
| @node Intrinsic Procedures |
| @chapter Intrinsic Procedures |
| @cindex intrinsic procedures |
| |
| @menu |
| * Introduction: Introduction to Intrinsics |
| * @code{ABORT}: ABORT, Abort the program |
| * @code{ABS}: ABS, Absolute value |
| * @code{ACCESS}: ACCESS, Checks file access modes |
| * @code{ACHAR}: ACHAR, Character in @acronym{ASCII} collating sequence |
| * @code{ACOS}: ACOS, Arccosine function |
| * @code{ACOSD}: ACOSD, Arccosine function, degrees |
| * @code{ACOSH}: ACOSH, Inverse hyperbolic cosine function |
| * @code{ADJUSTL}: ADJUSTL, Left adjust a string |
| * @code{ADJUSTR}: ADJUSTR, Right adjust a string |
| * @code{AIMAG}: AIMAG, Imaginary part of complex number |
| * @code{AINT}: AINT, Truncate to a whole number |
| * @code{ALARM}: ALARM, Set an alarm clock |
| * @code{ALL}: ALL, Determine if all values are true |
| * @code{ALLOCATED}: ALLOCATED, Status of allocatable entity |
| * @code{AND}: AND, Bitwise logical AND |
| * @code{ANINT}: ANINT, Nearest whole number |
| * @code{ANY}: ANY, Determine if any values are true |
| * @code{ASIN}: ASIN, Arcsine function |
| * @code{ASIND}: ASIND, Arcsine function, degrees |
| * @code{ASINH}: ASINH, Inverse hyperbolic sine function |
| * @code{ASSOCIATED}: ASSOCIATED, Status of a pointer or pointer/target pair |
| * @code{ATAN}: ATAN, Arctangent function |
| * @code{ATAND}: ATAND, Arctangent function, degrees |
| * @code{ATAN2}: ATAN2, Arctangent function |
| * @code{ATAN2D}: ATAN2D, Arctangent function, degrees |
| * @code{ATANH}: ATANH, Inverse hyperbolic tangent function |
| * @code{ATOMIC_ADD}: ATOMIC_ADD, Atomic ADD operation |
| * @code{ATOMIC_AND}: ATOMIC_AND, Atomic bitwise AND operation |
| * @code{ATOMIC_CAS}: ATOMIC_CAS, Atomic compare and swap |
| * @code{ATOMIC_DEFINE}: ATOMIC_DEFINE, Setting a variable atomically |
| * @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}: ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD, Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch |
| * @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}: ATOMIC_FETCH_AND, Atomic bitwise AND operation with prior fetch |
| * @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR}: ATOMIC_FETCH_OR, Atomic bitwise OR operation with prior fetch |
| * @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR}: ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR, Atomic bitwise XOR operation with prior fetch |
| * @code{ATOMIC_OR}: ATOMIC_OR, Atomic bitwise OR operation |
| * @code{ATOMIC_REF}: ATOMIC_REF, Obtaining the value of a variable atomically |
| * @code{ATOMIC_XOR}: ATOMIC_XOR, Atomic bitwise OR operation |
| * @code{BACKTRACE}: BACKTRACE, Show a backtrace |
| * @code{BESSEL_J0}: BESSEL_J0, Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 |
| * @code{BESSEL_J1}: BESSEL_J1, Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 |
| * @code{BESSEL_JN}: BESSEL_JN, Bessel function of the first kind |
| * @code{BESSEL_Y0}: BESSEL_Y0, Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 |
| * @code{BESSEL_Y1}: BESSEL_Y1, Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 |
| * @code{BESSEL_YN}: BESSEL_YN, Bessel function of the second kind |
| * @code{BGE}: BGE, Bitwise greater than or equal to |
| * @code{BGT}: BGT, Bitwise greater than |
| * @code{BIT_SIZE}: BIT_SIZE, Bit size inquiry function |
| * @code{BLE}: BLE, Bitwise less than or equal to |
| * @code{BLT}: BLT, Bitwise less than |
| * @code{BTEST}: BTEST, Bit test function |
| * @code{C_ASSOCIATED}: C_ASSOCIATED, Status of a C pointer |
| * @code{C_F_POINTER}: C_F_POINTER, Convert C into Fortran pointer |
| * @code{C_F_PROCPOINTER}: C_F_PROCPOINTER, Convert C into Fortran procedure pointer |
| * @code{C_FUNLOC}: C_FUNLOC, Obtain the C address of a procedure |
| * @code{C_LOC}: C_LOC, Obtain the C address of an object |
| * @code{C_SIZEOF}: C_SIZEOF, Size in bytes of an expression |
| * @code{CEILING}: CEILING, Integer ceiling function |
| * @code{CHAR}: CHAR, Integer-to-character conversion function |
| * @code{CHDIR}: CHDIR, Change working directory |
| * @code{CHMOD}: CHMOD, Change access permissions of files |
| * @code{CMPLX}: CMPLX, Complex conversion function |
| * @code{CO_BROADCAST}: CO_BROADCAST, Copy a value to all images the current set of images |
| * @code{CO_MAX}: CO_MAX, Maximal value on the current set of images |
| * @code{CO_MIN}: CO_MIN, Minimal value on the current set of images |
| * @code{CO_REDUCE}: CO_REDUCE, Reduction of values on the current set of images |
| * @code{CO_SUM}: CO_SUM, Sum of values on the current set of images |
| * @code{COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT}: COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT, Get number of command line arguments |
| * @code{COMPILER_OPTIONS}: COMPILER_OPTIONS, Options passed to the compiler |
| * @code{COMPILER_VERSION}: COMPILER_VERSION, Compiler version string |
| * @code{COMPLEX}: COMPLEX, Complex conversion function |
| * @code{CONJG}: CONJG, Complex conjugate function |
| * @code{COS}: COS, Cosine function |
| * @code{COSD}: COSD, Cosine function, degrees |
| * @code{COSH}: COSH, Hyperbolic cosine function |
| * @code{COTAN}: COTAN, Cotangent function |
| * @code{COTAND}: COTAND, Cotangent function, degrees |
| * @code{COUNT}: COUNT, Count occurrences of TRUE in an array |
| * @code{CPU_TIME}: CPU_TIME, CPU time subroutine |
| * @code{CSHIFT}: CSHIFT, Circular shift elements of an array |
| * @code{CTIME}: CTIME, Subroutine (or function) to convert a time into a string |
| * @code{DATE_AND_TIME}: DATE_AND_TIME, Date and time subroutine |
| * @code{DBLE}: DBLE, Double precision conversion function |
| * @code{DCMPLX}: DCMPLX, Double complex conversion function |
| * @code{DIGITS}: DIGITS, Significant digits function |
| * @code{DIM}: DIM, Positive difference |
| * @code{DOT_PRODUCT}: DOT_PRODUCT, Dot product function |
| * @code{DPROD}: DPROD, Double product function |
| * @code{DREAL}: DREAL, Double real part function |
| * @code{DSHIFTL}: DSHIFTL, Combined left shift |
| * @code{DSHIFTR}: DSHIFTR, Combined right shift |
| * @code{DTIME}: DTIME, Execution time subroutine (or function) |
| * @code{EOSHIFT}: EOSHIFT, End-off shift elements of an array |
| * @code{EPSILON}: EPSILON, Epsilon function |
| * @code{ERF}: ERF, Error function |
| * @code{ERFC}: ERFC, Complementary error function |
| * @code{ERFC_SCALED}: ERFC_SCALED, Exponentially-scaled complementary error function |
| * @code{ETIME}: ETIME, Execution time subroutine (or function) |
| * @code{EVENT_QUERY}: EVENT_QUERY, Query whether a coarray event has occurred |
| * @code{EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE}: EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE, Execute a shell command |
| * @code{EXIT}: EXIT, Exit the program with status. |
| * @code{EXP}: EXP, Exponential function |
| * @code{EXPONENT}: EXPONENT, Exponent function |
| * @code{EXTENDS_TYPE_OF}: EXTENDS_TYPE_OF, Query dynamic type for extension |
| * @code{FDATE}: FDATE, Subroutine (or function) to get the current time as a string |
| * @code{FGET}: FGET, Read a single character in stream mode from stdin |
| * @code{FGETC}: FGETC, Read a single character in stream mode |
| * @code{FINDLOC}: FINDLOC, Search an array for a value |
| * @code{FLOOR}: FLOOR, Integer floor function |
| * @code{FLUSH}: FLUSH, Flush I/O unit(s) |
| * @code{FNUM}: FNUM, File number function |
| * @code{FPUT}: FPUT, Write a single character in stream mode to stdout |
| * @code{FPUTC}: FPUTC, Write a single character in stream mode |
| * @code{FRACTION}: FRACTION, Fractional part of the model representation |
| * @code{FREE}: FREE, Memory de-allocation subroutine |
| * @code{FSEEK}: FSEEK, Low level file positioning subroutine |
| * @code{FSTAT}: FSTAT, Get file status |
| * @code{FTELL}: FTELL, Current stream position |
| * @code{GAMMA}: GAMMA, Gamma function |
| * @code{GERROR}: GERROR, Get last system error message |
| * @code{GETARG}: GETARG, Get command line arguments |
| * @code{GET_COMMAND}: GET_COMMAND, Get the entire command line |
| * @code{GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT}: GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT, Get command line arguments |
| * @code{GETCWD}: GETCWD, Get current working directory |
| * @code{GETENV}: GETENV, Get an environmental variable |
| * @code{GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE}: GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, Get an environmental variable |
| * @code{GETGID}: GETGID, Group ID function |
| * @code{GETLOG}: GETLOG, Get login name |
| * @code{GETPID}: GETPID, Process ID function |
| * @code{GETUID}: GETUID, User ID function |
| * @code{GMTIME}: GMTIME, Convert time to GMT info |
| * @code{HOSTNM}: HOSTNM, Get system host name |
| * @code{HUGE}: HUGE, Largest number of a kind |
| * @code{HYPOT}: HYPOT, Euclidean distance function |
| * @code{IACHAR}: IACHAR, Code in @acronym{ASCII} collating sequence |
| * @code{IALL}: IALL, Bitwise AND of array elements |
| * @code{IAND}: IAND, Bitwise logical and |
| * @code{IANY}: IANY, Bitwise OR of array elements |
| * @code{IARGC}: IARGC, Get the number of command line arguments |
| * @code{IBCLR}: IBCLR, Clear bit |
| * @code{IBITS}: IBITS, Bit extraction |
| * @code{IBSET}: IBSET, Set bit |
| * @code{ICHAR}: ICHAR, Character-to-integer conversion function |
| * @code{IDATE}: IDATE, Current local time (day/month/year) |
| * @code{IEOR}: IEOR, Bitwise logical exclusive or |
| * @code{IERRNO}: IERRNO, Function to get the last system error number |
| * @code{IMAGE_INDEX}: IMAGE_INDEX, Cosubscript to image index conversion |
| * @code{INDEX}: INDEX intrinsic, Position of a substring within a string |
| * @code{INT}: INT, Convert to integer type |
| * @code{INT2}: INT2, Convert to 16-bit integer type |
| * @code{INT8}: INT8, Convert to 64-bit integer type |
| * @code{IOR}: IOR, Bitwise logical or |
| * @code{IPARITY}: IPARITY, Bitwise XOR of array elements |
| * @code{IRAND}: IRAND, Integer pseudo-random number |
| * @code{IS_CONTIGUOUS}: IS_CONTIGUOUS, Test whether an array is contiguous |
| * @code{IS_IOSTAT_END}: IS_IOSTAT_END, Test for end-of-file value |
| * @code{IS_IOSTAT_EOR}: IS_IOSTAT_EOR, Test for end-of-record value |
| * @code{ISATTY}: ISATTY, Whether a unit is a terminal device |
| * @code{ISHFT}: ISHFT, Shift bits |
| * @code{ISHFTC}: ISHFTC, Shift bits circularly |
| * @code{ISNAN}: ISNAN, Tests for a NaN |
| * @code{ITIME}: ITIME, Current local time (hour/minutes/seconds) |
| * @code{KILL}: KILL, Send a signal to a process |
| * @code{KIND}: KIND, Kind of an entity |
| * @code{LBOUND}: LBOUND, Lower dimension bounds of an array |
| * @code{LCOBOUND}: LCOBOUND, Lower codimension bounds of an array |
| * @code{LEADZ}: LEADZ, Number of leading zero bits of an integer |
| * @code{LEN}: LEN, Length of a character entity |
| * @code{LEN_TRIM}: LEN_TRIM, Length of a character entity without trailing blank characters |
| * @code{LGE}: LGE, Lexical greater than or equal |
| * @code{LGT}: LGT, Lexical greater than |
| * @code{LINK}: LINK, Create a hard link |
| * @code{LLE}: LLE, Lexical less than or equal |
| * @code{LLT}: LLT, Lexical less than |
| * @code{LNBLNK}: LNBLNK, Index of the last non-blank character in a string |
| * @code{LOC}: LOC, Returns the address of a variable |
| * @code{LOG}: LOG, Logarithm function |
| * @code{LOG10}: LOG10, Base 10 logarithm function |
| * @code{LOG_GAMMA}: LOG_GAMMA, Logarithm of the Gamma function |
| * @code{LOGICAL}: LOGICAL, Convert to logical type |
| * @code{LONG}: LONG, Convert to integer type |
| * @code{LSHIFT}: LSHIFT, Left shift bits |
| * @code{LSTAT}: LSTAT, Get file status |
| * @code{LTIME}: LTIME, Convert time to local time info |
| * @code{MALLOC}: MALLOC, Dynamic memory allocation function |
| * @code{MASKL}: MASKL, Left justified mask |
| * @code{MASKR}: MASKR, Right justified mask |
| * @code{MATMUL}: MATMUL, matrix multiplication |
| * @code{MAX}: MAX, Maximum value of an argument list |
| * @code{MAXEXPONENT}: MAXEXPONENT, Maximum exponent of a real kind |
| * @code{MAXLOC}: MAXLOC, Location of the maximum value within an array |
| * @code{MAXVAL}: MAXVAL, Maximum value of an array |
| * @code{MCLOCK}: MCLOCK, Time function |
| * @code{MCLOCK8}: MCLOCK8, Time function (64-bit) |
| * @code{MERGE}: MERGE, Merge arrays |
| * @code{MERGE_BITS}: MERGE_BITS, Merge of bits under mask |
| * @code{MIN}: MIN, Minimum value of an argument list |
| * @code{MINEXPONENT}: MINEXPONENT, Minimum exponent of a real kind |
| * @code{MINLOC}: MINLOC, Location of the minimum value within an array |
| * @code{MINVAL}: MINVAL, Minimum value of an array |
| * @code{MOD}: MOD, Remainder function |
| * @code{MODULO}: MODULO, Modulo function |
| * @code{MOVE_ALLOC}: MOVE_ALLOC, Move allocation from one object to another |
| * @code{MVBITS}: MVBITS, Move bits from one integer to another |
| * @code{NEAREST}: NEAREST, Nearest representable number |
| * @code{NEW_LINE}: NEW_LINE, New line character |
| * @code{NINT}: NINT, Nearest whole number |
| * @code{NORM2}: NORM2, Euclidean vector norm |
| * @code{NOT}: NOT, Logical negation |
| * @code{NULL}: NULL, Function that returns an disassociated pointer |
| * @code{NUM_IMAGES}: NUM_IMAGES, Number of images |
| * @code{OR}: OR, Bitwise logical OR |
| * @code{PACK}: PACK, Pack an array into an array of rank one |
| * @code{PARITY}: PARITY, Reduction with exclusive OR |
| * @code{PERROR}: PERROR, Print system error message |
| * @code{POPCNT}: POPCNT, Number of bits set |
| * @code{POPPAR}: POPPAR, Parity of the number of bits set |
| * @code{PRECISION}: PRECISION, Decimal precision of a real kind |
| * @code{PRESENT}: PRESENT, Determine whether an optional dummy argument is specified |
| * @code{PRODUCT}: PRODUCT, Product of array elements |
| * @code{RADIX}: RADIX, Base of a data model |
| * @code{RAN}: RAN, Real pseudo-random number |
| * @code{RAND}: RAND, Real pseudo-random number |
| * @code{RANDOM_INIT}: RANDOM_INIT, Initialize pseudo-random number generator |
| * @code{RANDOM_NUMBER}: RANDOM_NUMBER, Pseudo-random number |
| * @code{RANDOM_SEED}: RANDOM_SEED, Initialize a pseudo-random number sequence |
| * @code{RANGE}: RANGE, Decimal exponent range |
| * @code{RANK} : RANK, Rank of a data object |
| * @code{REAL}: REAL, Convert to real type |
| * @code{RENAME}: RENAME, Rename a file |
| * @code{REPEAT}: REPEAT, Repeated string concatenation |
| * @code{RESHAPE}: RESHAPE, Function to reshape an array |
| * @code{RRSPACING}: RRSPACING, Reciprocal of the relative spacing |
| * @code{RSHIFT}: RSHIFT, Right shift bits |
| * @code{SAME_TYPE_AS}: SAME_TYPE_AS, Query dynamic types for equality |
| * @code{SCALE}: SCALE, Scale a real value |
| * @code{SCAN}: SCAN, Scan a string for the presence of a set of characters |
| * @code{SECNDS}: SECNDS, Time function |
| * @code{SECOND}: SECOND, CPU time function |
| * @code{SELECTED_CHAR_KIND}: SELECTED_CHAR_KIND, Choose character kind |
| * @code{SELECTED_INT_KIND}: SELECTED_INT_KIND, Choose integer kind |
| * @code{SELECTED_REAL_KIND}: SELECTED_REAL_KIND, Choose real kind |
| * @code{SET_EXPONENT}: SET_EXPONENT, Set the exponent of the model |
| * @code{SHAPE}: SHAPE, Determine the shape of an array |
| * @code{SHIFTA}: SHIFTA, Right shift with fill |
| * @code{SHIFTL}: SHIFTL, Left shift |
| * @code{SHIFTR}: SHIFTR, Right shift |
| * @code{SIGN}: SIGN, Sign copying function |
| * @code{SIGNAL}: SIGNAL, Signal handling subroutine (or function) |
| * @code{SIN}: SIN, Sine function |
| * @code{SIND}: SIND, Sine function, degrees |
| * @code{SINH}: SINH, Hyperbolic sine function |
| * @code{SIZE}: SIZE, Function to determine the size of an array |
| * @code{SIZEOF}: SIZEOF, Determine the size in bytes of an expression |
| * @code{SLEEP}: SLEEP, Sleep for the specified number of seconds |
| * @code{SPACING}: SPACING, Smallest distance between two numbers of a given type |
| * @code{SPREAD}: SPREAD, Add a dimension to an array |
| * @code{SQRT}: SQRT, Square-root function |
| * @code{SRAND}: SRAND, Reinitialize the random number generator |
| * @code{STAT}: STAT, Get file status |
| * @code{STORAGE_SIZE}: STORAGE_SIZE, Storage size in bits |
| * @code{SUM}: SUM, Sum of array elements |
| * @code{SYMLNK}: SYMLNK, Create a symbolic link |
| * @code{SYSTEM}: SYSTEM, Execute a shell command |
| * @code{SYSTEM_CLOCK}: SYSTEM_CLOCK, Time function |
| * @code{TAN}: TAN, Tangent function |
| * @code{TAND}: TAND, Tangent function, degrees |
| * @code{TANH}: TANH, Hyperbolic tangent function |
| * @code{THIS_IMAGE}: THIS_IMAGE, Cosubscript index of this image |
| * @code{TIME}: TIME, Time function |
| * @code{TIME8}: TIME8, Time function (64-bit) |
| * @code{TINY}: TINY, Smallest positive number of a real kind |
| * @code{TRAILZ}: TRAILZ, Number of trailing zero bits of an integer |
| * @code{TRANSFER}: TRANSFER, Transfer bit patterns |
| * @code{TRANSPOSE}: TRANSPOSE, Transpose an array of rank two |
| * @code{TRIM}: TRIM, Remove trailing blank characters of a string |
| * @code{TTYNAM}: TTYNAM, Get the name of a terminal device. |
| * @code{UBOUND}: UBOUND, Upper dimension bounds of an array |
| * @code{UCOBOUND}: UCOBOUND, Upper codimension bounds of an array |
| * @code{UMASK}: UMASK, Set the file creation mask |
| * @code{UNLINK}: UNLINK, Remove a file from the file system |
| * @code{UNPACK}: UNPACK, Unpack an array of rank one into an array |
| * @code{VERIFY}: VERIFY, Scan a string for the absence of a set of characters |
| * @code{XOR}: XOR, Bitwise logical exclusive or |
| @end menu |
| |
| @node Introduction to Intrinsics |
| @section Introduction to intrinsic procedures |
| |
| The intrinsic procedures provided by GNU Fortran include all of the |
| intrinsic procedures required by the Fortran 95 standard, a set of |
| intrinsic procedures for backwards compatibility with G77, and a |
| selection of intrinsic procedures from the Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 |
| standards. Any conflict between a description here and a description in |
| either the Fortran 95 standard, the Fortran 2003 standard or the Fortran |
| 2008 standard is unintentional, and the standard(s) should be considered |
| authoritative. |
| |
| The enumeration of the @code{KIND} type parameter is processor defined in |
| the Fortran 95 standard. GNU Fortran defines the default integer type and |
| default real type by @code{INTEGER(KIND=4)} and @code{REAL(KIND=4)}, |
| respectively. The standard mandates that both data types shall have |
| another kind, which have more precision. On typical target architectures |
| supported by @command{gfortran}, this kind type parameter is @code{KIND=8}. |
| Hence, @code{REAL(KIND=8)} and @code{DOUBLE PRECISION} are equivalent. |
| In the description of generic intrinsic procedures, the kind type parameter |
| will be specified by @code{KIND=*}, and in the description of specific |
| names for an intrinsic procedure the kind type parameter will be explicitly |
| given (e.g., @code{REAL(KIND=4)} or @code{REAL(KIND=8)}). Finally, for |
| brevity the optional @code{KIND=} syntax will be omitted. |
| |
| Many of the intrinsic procedures take one or more optional arguments. |
| This document follows the convention used in the Fortran 95 standard, |
| and denotes such arguments by square brackets. |
| |
| GNU Fortran offers the @option{-std=f95} and @option{-std=gnu} options, |
| which can be used to restrict the set of intrinsic procedures to a |
| given standard. By default, @command{gfortran} sets the @option{-std=gnu} |
| option, and so all intrinsic procedures described here are accepted. There |
| is one caveat. For a select group of intrinsic procedures, @command{g77} |
| implemented both a function and a subroutine. Both classes |
| have been implemented in @command{gfortran} for backwards compatibility |
| with @command{g77}. It is noted here that these functions and subroutines |
| cannot be intermixed in a given subprogram. In the descriptions that follow, |
| the applicable standard for each intrinsic procedure is noted. |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ABORT |
| @section @code{ABORT} --- Abort the program |
| @fnindex ABORT |
| @cindex program termination, with core dump |
| @cindex terminate program, with core dump |
| @cindex core, dump |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ABORT} causes immediate termination of the program. On operating |
| systems that support a core dump, @code{ABORT} will produce a core dump. |
| It will also print a backtrace, unless @code{-fno-backtrace} is given. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{CALL ABORT} |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| Does not return. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_abort |
| integer :: i = 1, j = 2 |
| if (i /= j) call abort |
| end program test_abort |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{EXIT}, @gol |
| @ref{KILL}, @gol |
| @ref{BACKTRACE} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ABS |
| @section @code{ABS} --- Absolute value |
| @fnindex ABS |
| @fnindex CABS |
| @fnindex DABS |
| @fnindex IABS |
| @fnindex ZABS |
| @fnindex CDABS |
| @fnindex BABS |
| @fnindex IIABS |
| @fnindex JIABS |
| @fnindex KIABS |
| @cindex absolute value |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ABS(A)} computes the absolute value of @code{A}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, has overloads that are GNU extensions |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ABS(A)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{A} @tab The type of the argument shall be an @code{INTEGER}, |
| @code{REAL}, or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and |
| kind as the argument except the return value is @code{REAL} for a |
| @code{COMPLEX} argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_abs |
| integer :: i = -1 |
| real :: x = -1.e0 |
| complex :: z = (-1.e0,0.e0) |
| i = abs(i) |
| x = abs(x) |
| x = abs(z) |
| end program test_abs |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ABS(A)} @tab @code{REAL(4) A} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{CABS(A)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(4) A} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DABS(A)} @tab @code{REAL(8) A} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{IABS(A)} @tab @code{INTEGER(4) A} @tab @code{INTEGER(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{BABS(A)} @tab @code{INTEGER(1) A} @tab @code{INTEGER(1)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{IIABS(A)} @tab @code{INTEGER(2) A} @tab @code{INTEGER(2)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{JIABS(A)} @tab @code{INTEGER(4) A} @tab @code{INTEGER(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{KIABS(A)} @tab @code{INTEGER(8) A} @tab @code{INTEGER(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{ZABS(A)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) A} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{CDABS(A)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) A} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ACCESS |
| @section @code{ACCESS} --- Checks file access modes |
| @fnindex ACCESS |
| @cindex file system, access mode |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ACCESS(NAME, MODE)} checks whether the file @var{NAME} |
| exists, is readable, writable or executable. Except for the |
| executable check, @code{ACCESS} can be replaced by |
| Fortran 95's @code{INQUIRE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{NAME} @tab Scalar @code{CHARACTER} of default kind with the |
| file name. Trailing blank are ignored unless the character @code{achar(0)} |
| is present, then all characters up to and excluding @code{achar(0)} are |
| used as file name. |
| @item @var{MODE} @tab Scalar @code{CHARACTER} of default kind with the |
| file access mode, may be any concatenation of @code{"r"} (readable), |
| @code{"w"} (writable) and @code{"x"} (executable), or @code{" "} to check |
| for existence. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| Returns a scalar @code{INTEGER}, which is @code{0} if the file is |
| accessible in the given mode; otherwise or if an invalid argument |
| has been given for @code{MODE} the value @code{1} is returned. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program access_test |
| implicit none |
| character(len=*), parameter :: file = 'test.dat' |
| character(len=*), parameter :: file2 = 'test.dat '//achar(0) |
| if(access(file,' ') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is exists' |
| if(access(file,'r') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is readable' |
| if(access(file,'w') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is writable' |
| if(access(file,'x') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is executable' |
| if(access(file2,'rwx') == 0) & |
| print *, trim(file2),' is readable, writable and executable' |
| end program access_test |
| @end smallexample |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ACHAR |
| @section @code{ACHAR} --- Character in @acronym{ASCII} collating sequence |
| @fnindex ACHAR |
| @cindex @acronym{ASCII} collating sequence |
| @cindex collating sequence, @acronym{ASCII} |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ACHAR(I)} returns the character located at position @code{I} |
| in the @acronym{ASCII} collating sequence. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, with @var{KIND} argument Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ACHAR(I [, KIND])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab The type shall be @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{CHARACTER} with a length of one. |
| If the @var{KIND} argument is present, the return value is of the |
| specified kind and of the default kind otherwise. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_achar |
| character c |
| c = achar(32) |
| end program test_achar |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Note}: |
| See @ref{ICHAR} for a discussion of converting between numerical values |
| and formatted string representations. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CHAR}, @gol |
| @ref{IACHAR}, @gol |
| @ref{ICHAR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ACOS |
| @section @code{ACOS} --- Arccosine function |
| @fnindex ACOS |
| @fnindex DACOS |
| @cindex trigonometric function, cosine, inverse |
| @cindex cosine, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ACOS(X)} computes the arccosine of @var{X} (inverse of @code{COS(X)}). |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, for a complex argument Fortran 2008 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ACOS(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall either be @code{REAL} with a magnitude that is |
| less than or equal to one - or the type shall be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| The real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range |
| @math{0 \leq \Re \acos(x) \leq \pi}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_acos |
| real(8) :: x = 0.866_8 |
| x = acos(x) |
| end program test_acos |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ACOS(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DACOS(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{COS} @gol |
| Degrees function: @gol |
| @ref{ACOSD} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ACOSD |
| @section @code{ACOSD} --- Arccosine function, degrees |
| @fnindex ACOSD |
| @fnindex DACOSD |
| @cindex trigonometric function, cosine, inverse, degrees |
| @cindex cosine, inverse, degrees |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ACOSD(X)} computes the arccosine of @var{X} in degrees (inverse of |
| @code{COSD(X)}). |
| |
| This function is for compatibility only and should be avoided in favor of |
| standard constructs wherever possible. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension, enabled with @option{-fdec-math} |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ACOSD(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall either be @code{REAL} with a magnitude that is |
| less than or equal to one - or the type shall be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| The real part of the result is in degrees and lies in the range |
| @math{0 \leq \Re \acos(x) \leq 180}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_acosd |
| real(8) :: x = 0.866_8 |
| x = acosd(x) |
| end program test_acosd |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ACOSD(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{DACOSD(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{COSD} @gol |
| Radians function: @gol |
| @ref{ACOS} @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ACOSH |
| @section @code{ACOSH} --- Inverse hyperbolic cosine function |
| @fnindex ACOSH |
| @fnindex DACOSH |
| @cindex area hyperbolic cosine |
| @cindex inverse hyperbolic cosine |
| @cindex hyperbolic function, cosine, inverse |
| @cindex cosine, hyperbolic, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ACOSH(X)} computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ACOSH(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value has the same type and kind as @var{X}. If @var{X} is |
| complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between |
| @math{ 0 \leq \Im \acosh(x) \leq \pi}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| PROGRAM test_acosh |
| REAL(8), DIMENSION(3) :: x = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 /) |
| WRITE (*,*) ACOSH(x) |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DACOSH(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{COSH} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ADJUSTL |
| @section @code{ADJUSTL} --- Left adjust a string |
| @fnindex ADJUSTL |
| @cindex string, adjust left |
| @cindex adjust string |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ADJUSTL(STRING)} will left adjust a string by removing leading spaces. |
| Spaces are inserted at the end of the string as needed. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{STRING} @tab The type shall be @code{CHARACTER}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{CHARACTER} and of the same kind as |
| @var{STRING} where leading spaces are removed and the same number of |
| spaces are inserted on the end of @var{STRING}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_adjustl |
| character(len=20) :: str = ' gfortran' |
| str = adjustl(str) |
| print *, str |
| end program test_adjustl |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ADJUSTR}, @gol |
| @ref{TRIM} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ADJUSTR |
| @section @code{ADJUSTR} --- Right adjust a string |
| @fnindex ADJUSTR |
| @cindex string, adjust right |
| @cindex adjust string |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ADJUSTR(STRING)} will right adjust a string by removing trailing spaces. |
| Spaces are inserted at the start of the string as needed. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{STR} @tab The type shall be @code{CHARACTER}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{CHARACTER} and of the same kind as |
| @var{STRING} where trailing spaces are removed and the same number of |
| spaces are inserted at the start of @var{STRING}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_adjustr |
| character(len=20) :: str = 'gfortran' |
| str = adjustr(str) |
| print *, str |
| end program test_adjustr |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ADJUSTL}, @gol |
| @ref{TRIM} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node AIMAG |
| @section @code{AIMAG} --- Imaginary part of complex number |
| @fnindex AIMAG |
| @fnindex DIMAG |
| @fnindex IMAG |
| @fnindex IMAGPART |
| @cindex complex numbers, imaginary part |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{AIMAG(Z)} yields the imaginary part of complex argument @code{Z}. |
| The @code{IMAG(Z)} and @code{IMAGPART(Z)} intrinsic functions are provided |
| for compatibility with @command{g77}, and their use in new code is |
| strongly discouraged. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, has overloads that are GNU extensions |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = AIMAG(Z)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{Z} @tab The type of the argument shall be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL} with the |
| kind type parameter of the argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_aimag |
| complex(4) z4 |
| complex(8) z8 |
| z4 = cmplx(1.e0_4, 0.e0_4) |
| z8 = cmplx(0.e0_8, 1.e0_8) |
| print *, aimag(z4), dimag(z8) |
| end program test_aimag |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{AIMAG(Z)} @tab @code{COMPLEX Z} @tab @code{REAL} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DIMAG(Z)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) Z} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{IMAG(Z)} @tab @code{COMPLEX Z} @tab @code{REAL} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{IMAGPART(Z)} @tab @code{COMPLEX Z} @tab @code{REAL} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node AINT |
| @section @code{AINT} --- Truncate to a whole number |
| @fnindex AINT |
| @fnindex DINT |
| @cindex floor |
| @cindex rounding, floor |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{AINT(A [, KIND])} truncates its argument to a whole number. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = AINT(A [, KIND])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{A} @tab The type of the argument shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL} with the kind type parameter of the |
| argument if the optional @var{KIND} is absent; otherwise, the kind |
| type parameter will be given by @var{KIND}. If the magnitude of |
| @var{X} is less than one, @code{AINT(X)} returns zero. If the |
| magnitude is equal to or greater than one then it returns the largest |
| whole number that does not exceed its magnitude. The sign is the same |
| as the sign of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_aint |
| real(4) x4 |
| real(8) x8 |
| x4 = 1.234E0_4 |
| x8 = 4.321_8 |
| print *, aint(x4), dint(x8) |
| x8 = aint(x4,8) |
| end program test_aint |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{AINT(A)} @tab @code{REAL(4) A} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DINT(A)} @tab @code{REAL(8) A} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ALARM |
| @section @code{ALARM} --- Execute a routine after a given delay |
| @fnindex ALARM |
| @cindex delayed execution |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ALARM(SECONDS, HANDLER [, STATUS])} causes external subroutine @var{HANDLER} |
| to be executed after a delay of @var{SECONDS} by using @code{alarm(2)} to |
| set up a signal and @code{signal(2)} to catch it. If @var{STATUS} is |
| supplied, it will be returned with the number of seconds remaining until |
| any previously scheduled alarm was due to be delivered, or zero if there |
| was no previously scheduled alarm. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{SECONDS} @tab The type of the argument shall be a scalar |
| @code{INTEGER}. It is @code{INTENT(IN)}. |
| @item @var{HANDLER} @tab Signal handler (@code{INTEGER FUNCTION} or |
| @code{SUBROUTINE}) or dummy/global @code{INTEGER} scalar. The scalar |
| values may be either @code{SIG_IGN=1} to ignore the alarm generated |
| or @code{SIG_DFL=0} to set the default action. It is @code{INTENT(IN)}. |
| @item @var{STATUS} @tab (Optional) @var{STATUS} shall be a scalar |
| variable of the default @code{INTEGER} kind. It is @code{INTENT(OUT)}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_alarm |
| external handler_print |
| integer i |
| call alarm (3, handler_print, i) |
| print *, i |
| call sleep(10) |
| end program test_alarm |
| @end smallexample |
| This will cause the external routine @var{handler_print} to be called |
| after 3 seconds. |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ALL |
| @section @code{ALL} --- All values in @var{MASK} along @var{DIM} are true |
| @fnindex ALL |
| @cindex array, apply condition |
| @cindex array, condition testing |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ALL(MASK [, DIM])} determines if all the values are true in @var{MASK} |
| in the array along dimension @var{DIM}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Transformational function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ALL(MASK [, DIM])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{MASK} @tab The type of the argument shall be @code{LOGICAL} and |
| it shall not be scalar. |
| @item @var{DIM} @tab (Optional) @var{DIM} shall be a scalar integer |
| with a value that lies between one and the rank of @var{MASK}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| @code{ALL(MASK)} returns a scalar value of type @code{LOGICAL} where |
| the kind type parameter is the same as the kind type parameter of |
| @var{MASK}. If @var{DIM} is present, then @code{ALL(MASK, DIM)} returns |
| an array with the rank of @var{MASK} minus 1. The shape is determined from |
| the shape of @var{MASK} where the @var{DIM} dimension is elided. |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item (A) |
| @code{ALL(MASK)} is true if all elements of @var{MASK} are true. |
| It also is true if @var{MASK} has zero size; otherwise, it is false. |
| @item (B) |
| If the rank of @var{MASK} is one, then @code{ALL(MASK,DIM)} is equivalent |
| to @code{ALL(MASK)}. If the rank is greater than one, then @code{ALL(MASK,DIM)} |
| is determined by applying @code{ALL} to the array sections. |
| @end table |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_all |
| logical l |
| l = all((/.true., .true., .true./)) |
| print *, l |
| call section |
| contains |
| subroutine section |
| integer a(2,3), b(2,3) |
| a = 1 |
| b = 1 |
| b(2,2) = 2 |
| print *, all(a .eq. b, 1) |
| print *, all(a .eq. b, 2) |
| end subroutine section |
| end program test_all |
| @end smallexample |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ALLOCATED |
| @section @code{ALLOCATED} --- Status of an allocatable entity |
| @fnindex ALLOCATED |
| @cindex allocation, status |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ALLOCATED(ARRAY)} and @code{ALLOCATED(SCALAR)} check the allocation |
| status of @var{ARRAY} and @var{SCALAR}, respectively. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later. Note, the @code{SCALAR=} keyword and allocatable |
| scalar entities are available in Fortran 2003 and later. |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{RESULT = ALLOCATED(ARRAY)} |
| @item @code{RESULT = ALLOCATED(SCALAR)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ARRAY} @tab The argument shall be an @code{ALLOCATABLE} array. |
| @item @var{SCALAR} @tab The argument shall be an @code{ALLOCATABLE} scalar. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is a scalar @code{LOGICAL} with the default logical |
| kind type parameter. If the argument is allocated, then the result is |
| @code{.TRUE.}; otherwise, it returns @code{.FALSE.} |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_allocated |
| integer :: i = 4 |
| real(4), allocatable :: x(:) |
| if (.not. allocated(x)) allocate(x(i)) |
| end program test_allocated |
| @end smallexample |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node AND |
| @section @code{AND} --- Bitwise logical AND |
| @fnindex AND |
| @cindex bitwise logical and |
| @cindex logical and, bitwise |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Bitwise logical @code{AND}. |
| |
| This intrinsic routine is provided for backwards compatibility with |
| GNU Fortran 77. For integer arguments, programmers should consider |
| the use of the @ref{IAND} intrinsic defined by the Fortran standard. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = AND(I, J)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab The type shall be either a scalar @code{INTEGER} |
| type or a scalar @code{LOGICAL} type or a boz-literal-constant. |
| @item @var{J} @tab The type shall be the same as the type of @var{I} or |
| a boz-literal-constant. @var{I} and @var{J} shall not both be |
| boz-literal-constants. If either @var{I} or @var{J} is a |
| boz-literal-constant, then the other argument must be a scalar @code{INTEGER}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return type is either a scalar @code{INTEGER} or a scalar |
| @code{LOGICAL}. If the kind type parameters differ, then the |
| smaller kind type is implicitly converted to larger kind, and the |
| return has the larger kind. A boz-literal-constant is |
| converted to an @code{INTEGER} with the kind type parameter of |
| the other argument as-if a call to @ref{INT} occurred. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| PROGRAM test_and |
| LOGICAL :: T = .TRUE., F = .FALSE. |
| INTEGER :: a, b |
| DATA a / Z'F' /, b / Z'3' / |
| |
| WRITE (*,*) AND(T, T), AND(T, F), AND(F, T), AND(F, F) |
| WRITE (*,*) AND(a, b) |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Fortran 95 elemental function: @gol |
| @ref{IAND} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ANINT |
| @section @code{ANINT} --- Nearest whole number |
| @fnindex ANINT |
| @fnindex DNINT |
| @cindex ceiling |
| @cindex rounding, ceiling |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ANINT(A [, KIND])} rounds its argument to the nearest whole number. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ANINT(A [, KIND])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{A} @tab The type of the argument shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type real with the kind type parameter of the |
| argument if the optional @var{KIND} is absent; otherwise, the kind |
| type parameter will be given by @var{KIND}. If @var{A} is greater than |
| zero, @code{ANINT(A)} returns @code{AINT(X+0.5)}. If @var{A} is |
| less than or equal to zero then it returns @code{AINT(X-0.5)}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_anint |
| real(4) x4 |
| real(8) x8 |
| x4 = 1.234E0_4 |
| x8 = 4.321_8 |
| print *, anint(x4), dnint(x8) |
| x8 = anint(x4,8) |
| end program test_anint |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ANINT(A)} @tab @code{REAL(4) A} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DNINT(A)} @tab @code{REAL(8) A} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ANY |
| @section @code{ANY} --- Any value in @var{MASK} along @var{DIM} is true |
| @fnindex ANY |
| @cindex array, apply condition |
| @cindex array, condition testing |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ANY(MASK [, DIM])} determines if any of the values in the logical array |
| @var{MASK} along dimension @var{DIM} are @code{.TRUE.}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Transformational function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ANY(MASK [, DIM])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{MASK} @tab The type of the argument shall be @code{LOGICAL} and |
| it shall not be scalar. |
| @item @var{DIM} @tab (Optional) @var{DIM} shall be a scalar integer |
| with a value that lies between one and the rank of @var{MASK}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| @code{ANY(MASK)} returns a scalar value of type @code{LOGICAL} where |
| the kind type parameter is the same as the kind type parameter of |
| @var{MASK}. If @var{DIM} is present, then @code{ANY(MASK, DIM)} returns |
| an array with the rank of @var{MASK} minus 1. The shape is determined from |
| the shape of @var{MASK} where the @var{DIM} dimension is elided. |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item (A) |
| @code{ANY(MASK)} is true if any element of @var{MASK} is true; |
| otherwise, it is false. It also is false if @var{MASK} has zero size. |
| @item (B) |
| If the rank of @var{MASK} is one, then @code{ANY(MASK,DIM)} is equivalent |
| to @code{ANY(MASK)}. If the rank is greater than one, then @code{ANY(MASK,DIM)} |
| is determined by applying @code{ANY} to the array sections. |
| @end table |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_any |
| logical l |
| l = any((/.true., .true., .true./)) |
| print *, l |
| call section |
| contains |
| subroutine section |
| integer a(2,3), b(2,3) |
| a = 1 |
| b = 1 |
| b(2,2) = 2 |
| print *, any(a .eq. b, 1) |
| print *, any(a .eq. b, 2) |
| end subroutine section |
| end program test_any |
| @end smallexample |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ASIN |
| @section @code{ASIN} --- Arcsine function |
| @fnindex ASIN |
| @fnindex DASIN |
| @cindex trigonometric function, sine, inverse |
| @cindex sine, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ASIN(X)} computes the arcsine of its @var{X} (inverse of @code{SIN(X)}). |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, for a complex argument Fortran 2008 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ASIN(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be either @code{REAL} and a magnitude that is |
| less than or equal to one - or be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| The real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range |
| @math{-\pi/2 \leq \Re \asin(x) \leq \pi/2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_asin |
| real(8) :: x = 0.866_8 |
| x = asin(x) |
| end program test_asin |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ASIN(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DASIN(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{SIN} @gol |
| Degrees function: @gol |
| @ref{ASIND} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ASIND |
| @section @code{ASIND} --- Arcsine function, degrees |
| @fnindex ASIND |
| @fnindex DASIND |
| @cindex trigonometric function, sine, inverse, degrees |
| @cindex sine, inverse, degrees |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ASIND(X)} computes the arcsine of its @var{X} in degrees (inverse of |
| @code{SIND(X)}). |
| |
| This function is for compatibility only and should be avoided in favor of |
| standard constructs wherever possible. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension, enabled with @option{-fdec-math}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ASIND(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be either @code{REAL} and a magnitude that is |
| less than or equal to one - or be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| The real part of the result is in degrees and lies in the range |
| @math{-90 \leq \Re \asin(x) \leq 90}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_asind |
| real(8) :: x = 0.866_8 |
| x = asind(x) |
| end program test_asind |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ASIND(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{DASIND(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{SIND} @gol |
| Radians function: @gol |
| @ref{ASIN} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ASINH |
| @section @code{ASINH} --- Inverse hyperbolic sine function |
| @fnindex ASINH |
| @fnindex DASINH |
| @cindex area hyperbolic sine |
| @cindex inverse hyperbolic sine |
| @cindex hyperbolic function, sine, inverse |
| @cindex sine, hyperbolic, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ASINH(X)} computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ASINH(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. If @var{X} is |
| complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between |
| @math{-\pi/2 \leq \Im \asinh(x) \leq \pi/2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| PROGRAM test_asinh |
| REAL(8), DIMENSION(3) :: x = (/ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 /) |
| WRITE (*,*) ASINH(x) |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DASINH(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{SINH} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ASSOCIATED |
| @section @code{ASSOCIATED} --- Status of a pointer or pointer/target pair |
| @fnindex ASSOCIATED |
| @cindex pointer, status |
| @cindex association status |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ASSOCIATED(POINTER [, TARGET])} determines the status of the pointer |
| @var{POINTER} or if @var{POINTER} is associated with the target @var{TARGET}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{POINTER} @tab @var{POINTER} shall have the @code{POINTER} attribute |
| and it can be of any type. |
| @item @var{TARGET} @tab (Optional) @var{TARGET} shall be a pointer or |
| a target. It must have the same type, kind type parameter, and |
| array rank as @var{POINTER}. |
| @end multitable |
| The association status of neither @var{POINTER} nor @var{TARGET} shall be |
| undefined. |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| @code{ASSOCIATED(POINTER)} returns a scalar value of type @code{LOGICAL(4)}. |
| There are several cases: |
| @table @asis |
| @item (A) When the optional @var{TARGET} is not present then |
| @code{ASSOCIATED(POINTER)} is true if @var{POINTER} is associated with a target; otherwise, it returns false. |
| @item (B) If @var{TARGET} is present and a scalar target, the result is true if |
| @var{TARGET} is not a zero-sized storage sequence and the target associated with @var{POINTER} occupies the same storage units. If @var{POINTER} is |
| disassociated, the result is false. |
| @item (C) If @var{TARGET} is present and an array target, the result is true if |
| @var{TARGET} and @var{POINTER} have the same shape, are not zero-sized arrays, |
| are arrays whose elements are not zero-sized storage sequences, and |
| @var{TARGET} and @var{POINTER} occupy the same storage units in array element |
| order. |
| As in case(B), the result is false, if @var{POINTER} is disassociated. |
| @item (D) If @var{TARGET} is present and an scalar pointer, the result is true |
| if @var{TARGET} is associated with @var{POINTER}, the target associated with |
| @var{TARGET} are not zero-sized storage sequences and occupy the same storage |
| units. |
| The result is false, if either @var{TARGET} or @var{POINTER} is disassociated. |
| @item (E) If @var{TARGET} is present and an array pointer, the result is true if |
| target associated with @var{POINTER} and the target associated with @var{TARGET} |
| have the same shape, are not zero-sized arrays, are arrays whose elements are |
| not zero-sized storage sequences, and @var{TARGET} and @var{POINTER} occupy |
| the same storage units in array element order. |
| The result is false, if either @var{TARGET} or @var{POINTER} is disassociated. |
| @end table |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_associated |
| implicit none |
| real, target :: tgt(2) = (/1., 2./) |
| real, pointer :: ptr(:) |
| ptr => tgt |
| if (associated(ptr) .eqv. .false.) call abort |
| if (associated(ptr,tgt) .eqv. .false.) call abort |
| end program test_associated |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{NULL} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATAN |
| @section @code{ATAN} --- Arctangent function |
| @fnindex ATAN |
| @fnindex DATAN |
| @cindex trigonometric function, tangent, inverse |
| @cindex tangent, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATAN(X)} computes the arctangent of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, for a complex argument and for two arguments |
| Fortran 2008 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{RESULT = ATAN(X)} |
| @item @code{RESULT = ATAN(Y, X)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}; |
| if @var{Y} is present, @var{X} shall be REAL. |
| @item @var{Y} @tab The type and kind type parameter shall be the same as @var{X}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| If @var{Y} is present, the result is identical to @code{ATAN2(Y,X)}. |
| Otherwise, it the arcus tangent of @var{X}, where the real part of |
| the result is in radians and lies in the range |
| @math{-\pi/2 \leq \Re \atan(x) \leq \pi/2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_atan |
| real(8) :: x = 2.866_8 |
| x = atan(x) |
| end program test_atan |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ATAN(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DATAN(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{TAN} @gol |
| Degrees function: @gol |
| @ref{ATAND} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATAND |
| @section @code{ATAND} --- Arctangent function, degrees |
| @fnindex ATAND |
| @fnindex DATAND |
| @cindex trigonometric function, tangent, inverse, degrees |
| @cindex tangent, inverse, degrees |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATAND(X)} computes the arctangent of @var{X} in degrees (inverse of |
| @ref{TAND}). |
| |
| This function is for compatibility only and should be avoided in favor of |
| standard constructs wherever possible. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension, enabled with @option{-fdec-math}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{RESULT = ATAND(X)} |
| @item @code{RESULT = ATAND(Y, X)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}; |
| if @var{Y} is present, @var{X} shall be REAL. |
| @item @var{Y} @tab The type and kind type parameter shall be the same as @var{X}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. |
| If @var{Y} is present, the result is identical to @code{ATAND2(Y,X)}. |
| Otherwise, it is the arcus tangent of @var{X}, where the real part of |
| the result is in degrees and lies in the range |
| @math{-90 \leq \Re \atand(x) \leq 90}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_atand |
| real(8) :: x = 2.866_8 |
| x = atand(x) |
| end program test_atand |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ATAND(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{DATAND(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{TAND} @gol |
| Radians function: @gol |
| @ref{ATAN} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATAN2 |
| @section @code{ATAN2} --- Arctangent function |
| @fnindex ATAN2 |
| @fnindex DATAN2 |
| @cindex trigonometric function, tangent, inverse |
| @cindex tangent, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATAN2(Y, X)} computes the principal value of the argument |
| function of the complex number @math{X + i Y}. This function can |
| be used to transform from Cartesian into polar coordinates and |
| allows to determine the angle in the correct quadrant. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ATAN2(Y, X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{Y} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type and kind type parameter shall be the same as @var{Y}. |
| If @var{Y} is zero, then @var{X} must be nonzero. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value has the same type and kind type parameter as @var{Y}. It |
| is the principal value of the complex number @math{X + i Y}. If @var{X} |
| is nonzero, then it lies in the range @math{-\pi \le \atan (x) \leq \pi}. |
| The sign is positive if @var{Y} is positive. If @var{Y} is zero, then |
| the return value is zero if @var{X} is strictly positive, @math{\pi} if |
| @var{X} is negative and @var{Y} is positive zero (or the processor does |
| not handle signed zeros), and @math{-\pi} if @var{X} is negative and |
| @var{Y} is negative zero. Finally, if @var{X} is zero, then the |
| magnitude of the result is @math{\pi/2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_atan2 |
| real(4) :: x = 1.e0_4, y = 0.5e0_4 |
| x = atan2(y,x) |
| end program test_atan2 |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ATAN2(X, Y)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X, Y} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DATAN2(X, Y)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X, Y} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Alias: @gol |
| @ref{ATAN} @gol |
| Degrees function: @gol |
| @ref{ATAN2D} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATAN2D |
| @section @code{ATAN2D} --- Arctangent function, degrees |
| @fnindex ATAN2D |
| @fnindex DATAN2D |
| @cindex trigonometric function, tangent, inverse, degrees |
| @cindex tangent, inverse, degrees |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATAN2D(Y, X)} computes the principal value of the argument |
| function of the complex number @math{X + i Y} in degrees. This function can |
| be used to transform from Cartesian into polar coordinates and |
| allows to determine the angle in the correct quadrant. |
| |
| This function is for compatibility only and should be avoided in favor of |
| standard constructs wherever possible. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension, enabled with @option{-fdec-math}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ATAN2D(Y, X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{Y} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type and kind type parameter shall be the same as @var{Y}. |
| If @var{Y} is zero, then @var{X} must be nonzero. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value has the same type and kind type parameter as @var{Y}. It |
| is the principal value of the complex number @math{X + i Y}. If @var{X} |
| is nonzero, then it lies in the range @math{-180 \le \atan (x) \leq 180}. |
| The sign is positive if @var{Y} is positive. If @var{Y} is zero, then |
| the return value is zero if @var{X} is strictly positive, @math{180} if |
| @var{X} is negative and @var{Y} is positive zero (or the processor does |
| not handle signed zeros), and @math{-180} if @var{X} is negative and |
| @var{Y} is negative zero. Finally, if @var{X} is zero, then the |
| magnitude of the result is @math{90}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_atan2d |
| real(4) :: x = 1.e0_4, y = 0.5e0_4 |
| x = atan2d(y,x) |
| end program test_atan2d |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{ATAN2D(X, Y)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X, Y} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{DATAN2D(X, Y)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X, Y} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Alias: @gol |
| @ref{ATAND} @gol |
| Radians function: @gol |
| @ref{ATAN2} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATANH |
| @section @code{ATANH} --- Inverse hyperbolic tangent function |
| @fnindex ATANH |
| @fnindex DATANH |
| @cindex area hyperbolic tangent |
| @cindex inverse hyperbolic tangent |
| @cindex hyperbolic function, tangent, inverse |
| @cindex tangent, hyperbolic, inverse |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATANH(X)} computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = ATANH(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value has same type and kind as @var{X}. If @var{X} is |
| complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between |
| @math{-\pi/2 \leq \Im \atanh(x) \leq \pi/2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| PROGRAM test_atanh |
| REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: x = (/ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 /) |
| WRITE (*,*) ATANH(x) |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DATANH(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{TANH} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_ADD |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_ADD} --- Atomic ADD operation |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_ADD |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, add |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_ADD(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically adds the value of @var{VALUE} to the |
| variable @var{ATOM}. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation |
| has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*] |
| call atomic_add (atom[1], this_image()) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_AND |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_AND} --- Atomic bitwise AND operation |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_AND |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, AND |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_AND(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise |
| AND between the values of @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present |
| and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present |
| and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, |
| for a coindexed @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the |
| value of @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote |
| image has failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*] |
| call atomic_and (atom[1], int(b'10100011101')) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_CAS |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_CAS} --- Atomic compare and swap |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_DEFINE |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, compare and swap |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_CAS} compares the variable @var{ATOM} with the value of |
| @var{COMPARE}; if the value is the same, @var{ATOM} is set to the value |
| of @var{NEW}. Additionally, @var{OLD} is set to the value of @var{ATOM} |
| that was used for the comparison. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation |
| was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation |
| has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of either integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind or logical type with |
| @code{ATOMIC_LOGICAL_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{OLD} @tab Scalar of the same type and kind as @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{COMPARE} @tab Scalar variable of the same type and kind as |
| @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{NEW} @tab Scalar variable of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| logical(atomic_logical_kind) :: atom[*], prev |
| call atomic_cas (atom[1], prev, .false., .true.)) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_REF}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_DEFINE} --- Setting a variable atomically |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_DEFINE |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, define |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_DEFINE(ATOM, VALUE)} defines the variable @var{ATOM} with the value |
| @var{VALUE} atomically. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation |
| has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later; with @var{STAT}, TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of either integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind or logical type with |
| @code{ATOMIC_LOGICAL_KIND} kind. |
| |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*] |
| call atomic_define (atom[1], this_image()) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_REF}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_CAS}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD} --- Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, ADD with fetch |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD(ATOM, VALUE, OLD)} atomically stores the value of |
| @var{ATOM} in @var{OLD} and adds the value of @var{VALUE} to the |
| variable @var{ATOM}. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation |
| has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @code{ATOMIC_LOGICAL_KIND} kind. |
| |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{OLD} @tab Scalar of the same type and kind as @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old |
| call atomic_add (atom[1], this_image(), old) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND} --- Atomic bitwise AND operation with prior fetch |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_FETCH_AND |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, AND with fetch |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_AND(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically stores the value of @var{ATOM} in |
| @var{OLD} and defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise AND between the values of |
| @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has |
| failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{OLD} @tab Scalar of the same type and kind as @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old |
| call atomic_fetch_and (atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR} --- Atomic bitwise OR operation with prior fetch |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_FETCH_OR |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, OR with fetch |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_OR(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically stores the value of @var{ATOM} in |
| @var{OLD} and defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise OR between the values of |
| @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has |
| failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{OLD} @tab Scalar of the same type and kind as @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old |
| call atomic_fetch_or (atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR} --- Atomic bitwise XOR operation with prior fetch |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, XOR with fetch |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_XOR(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically stores the value of @var{ATOM} in |
| @var{OLD} and defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise XOR between the values of |
| @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present and the invocation was |
| successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has |
| failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed |
| @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of |
| @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image has |
| failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{OLD} @tab Scalar of the same type and kind as @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old |
| call atomic_fetch_xor (atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_OR |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_OR} --- Atomic bitwise OR operation |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_OR |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, OR |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_OR(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise |
| AND between the values of @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present |
| and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present |
| and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, |
| for a coindexed @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the |
| value of @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote |
| image has failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*] |
| call atomic_or (atom[1], int(b'10100011101')) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_REF |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_REF} --- Obtaining the value of a variable atomically |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_REF |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, reference |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_DEFINE(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically assigns the value of the |
| variable @var{ATOM} to @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present and the |
| invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the |
| invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a |
| coindexed @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value |
| of @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote image |
| has failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later; with @var{STAT}, TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of either integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind or logical type with |
| @code{ATOMIC_LOGICAL_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| logical(atomic_logical_kind) :: atom[*] |
| logical :: val |
| call atomic_ref (atom, .false.) |
| ! ... |
| call atomic_ref (atom, val) |
| if (val) then |
| print *, "Obtained" |
| end if |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_CAS}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_AND}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_OR}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node ATOMIC_XOR |
| @section @code{ATOMIC_XOR} --- Atomic bitwise OR operation |
| @fnindex ATOMIC_XOR |
| @cindex Atomic subroutine, XOR |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{ATOMIC_AND(ATOM, VALUE)} atomically defines @var{ATOM} with the bitwise |
| XOR between the values of @var{ATOM} and @var{VALUE}. When @var{STAT} is present |
| and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present |
| and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, |
| for a coindexed @var{ATOM}, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the |
| value of @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}'s @code{STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE} and if the remote |
| image has failed, the value @code{STAT_FAILED_IMAGE}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| TS 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Atomic subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{ATOM} @tab Scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer |
| type with @code{ATOMIC_INT_KIND} kind. |
| @item @var{VALUE} @tab Scalar of the same type as @var{ATOM}. If the kind |
| is different, the value is converted to the kind of @var{ATOM}. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) Scalar default-kind integer variable. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program atomic |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*] |
| call atomic_xor (atom[1], int(b'10100011101')) |
| end program atomic |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ATOMIC_DEFINE}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR}, @gol |
| @ref{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_ADD}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_OR}, @gol |
| @ref{ATOMIC_XOR} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node BACKTRACE |
| @section @code{BACKTRACE} --- Show a backtrace |
| @fnindex BACKTRACE |
| @cindex backtrace |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BACKTRACE} shows a backtrace at an arbitrary place in user code. Program |
| execution continues normally afterwards. The backtrace information is printed |
| to the unit corresponding to @code{ERROR_UNIT} in @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| None |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ABORT} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_J0 |
| @section @code{BESSEL_J0} --- Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 |
| @fnindex BESSEL_J0 |
| @fnindex BESJ0 |
| @fnindex DBESJ0 |
| @cindex Bessel function, first kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_J0(X)} computes the Bessel function of the first kind of |
| order 0 of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESJ0} as a GNU extension. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BESSEL_J0(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL} and lies in the |
| range @math{ - 0.4027... \leq Bessel (0,x) \leq 1}. It has the same |
| kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besj0 |
| real(8) :: x = 0.0_8 |
| x = bessel_j0(x) |
| end program test_besj0 |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESJ0(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_J1 |
| @section @code{BESSEL_J1} --- Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 |
| @fnindex BESSEL_J1 |
| @fnindex BESJ1 |
| @fnindex DBESJ1 |
| @cindex Bessel function, first kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_J1(X)} computes the Bessel function of the first kind of |
| order 1 of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESJ1} as a GNU extension. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BESSEL_J1(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL} and lies in the |
| range @math{ - 0.5818... \leq Bessel (0,x) \leq 0.5818 }. It has the same |
| kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besj1 |
| real(8) :: x = 1.0_8 |
| x = bessel_j1(x) |
| end program test_besj1 |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESJ1(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_JN |
| @section @code{BESSEL_JN} --- Bessel function of the first kind |
| @fnindex BESSEL_JN |
| @fnindex BESJN |
| @fnindex DBESJN |
| @cindex Bessel function, first kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_JN(N, X)} computes the Bessel function of the first kind of |
| order @var{N} of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESJN} as a GNU extension. If @var{N} and @var{X} are arrays, |
| their ranks and shapes shall conform. |
| |
| @code{BESSEL_JN(N1, N2, X)} returns an array with the Bessel functions |
| of the first kind of the orders @var{N1} to @var{N2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later, negative @var{N} is allowed as GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function, except for the transformational function |
| @code{BESSEL_JN(N1, N2, X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{RESULT = BESSEL_JN(N, X)} |
| @item @code{RESULT = BESSEL_JN(N1, N2, X)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{N} @tab Shall be a scalar or an array of type @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{N1} @tab Shall be a non-negative scalar of type @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{N2} @tab Shall be a non-negative scalar of type @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{X} @tab Shall be a scalar or an array of type @code{REAL}; |
| for @code{BESSEL_JN(N1, N2, X)} it shall be scalar. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is a scalar of type @code{REAL}. It has the same |
| kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Note}: |
| The transformational function uses a recurrence algorithm which might, |
| for some values of @var{X}, lead to different results than calls to |
| the elemental function. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besjn |
| real(8) :: x = 1.0_8 |
| x = bessel_jn(5,x) |
| end program test_besjn |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESJN(N, X)} @tab @code{INTEGER N} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @tab |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_Y0 |
| @section @code{BESSEL_Y0} --- Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 |
| @fnindex BESSEL_Y0 |
| @fnindex BESY0 |
| @fnindex DBESY0 |
| @cindex Bessel function, second kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_Y0(X)} computes the Bessel function of the second kind of |
| order 0 of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESY0} as a GNU extension. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BESSEL_Y0(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL}. It has the same kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besy0 |
| real(8) :: x = 0.0_8 |
| x = bessel_y0(x) |
| end program test_besy0 |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESY0(X)}@tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_Y1 |
| @section @code{BESSEL_Y1} --- Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 |
| @fnindex BESSEL_Y1 |
| @fnindex BESY1 |
| @fnindex DBESY1 |
| @cindex Bessel function, second kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_Y1(X)} computes the Bessel function of the second kind of |
| order 1 of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESY1} as a GNU extension. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BESSEL_Y1(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{REAL}. It has the same kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besy1 |
| real(8) :: x = 1.0_8 |
| x = bessel_y1(x) |
| end program test_besy1 |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESY1(X)}@tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BESSEL_YN |
| @section @code{BESSEL_YN} --- Bessel function of the second kind |
| @fnindex BESSEL_YN |
| @fnindex BESYN |
| @fnindex DBESYN |
| @cindex Bessel function, second kind |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BESSEL_YN(N, X)} computes the Bessel function of the second kind of |
| order @var{N} of @var{X}. This function is available under the name |
| @code{BESYN} as a GNU extension. If @var{N} and @var{X} are arrays, |
| their ranks and shapes shall conform. |
| |
| @code{BESSEL_YN(N1, N2, X)} returns an array with the Bessel functions |
| of the first kind of the orders @var{N1} to @var{N2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later, negative @var{N} is allowed as GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function, except for the transformational function |
| @code{BESSEL_YN(N1, N2, X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{RESULT = BESSEL_YN(N, X)} |
| @item @code{RESULT = BESSEL_YN(N1, N2, X)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{N} @tab Shall be a scalar or an array of type @code{INTEGER} . |
| @item @var{N1} @tab Shall be a non-negative scalar of type @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{N2} @tab Shall be a non-negative scalar of type @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{X} @tab Shall be a scalar or an array of type @code{REAL}; |
| for @code{BESSEL_YN(N1, N2, X)} it shall be scalar. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is a scalar of type @code{REAL}. It has the same |
| kind as @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Note}: |
| The transformational function uses a recurrence algorithm which might, |
| for some values of @var{X}, lead to different results than calls to |
| the elemental function. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_besyn |
| real(8) :: x = 1.0_8 |
| x = bessel_yn(5,x) |
| end program test_besyn |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DBESYN(N,X)} @tab @code{INTEGER N} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @tab |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BGE |
| @section @code{BGE} --- Bitwise greater than or equal to |
| @fnindex BGE |
| @cindex bitwise comparison |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Determines whether an integral is a bitwise greater than or equal to |
| another. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BGE(I, J)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type. |
| @item @var{J} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type, and of the same kind |
| as @var{I}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL} and of the default kind. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{BGT}, @gol |
| @ref{BLE}, @gol |
| @ref{BLT} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BGT |
| @section @code{BGT} --- Bitwise greater than |
| @fnindex BGT |
| @cindex bitwise comparison |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Determines whether an integral is a bitwise greater than another. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BGT(I, J)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type. |
| @item @var{J} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type, and of the same kind |
| as @var{I}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL} and of the default kind. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{BGE}, @gol |
| @ref{BLE}, @gol |
| @ref{BLT} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BIT_SIZE |
| @section @code{BIT_SIZE} --- Bit size inquiry function |
| @fnindex BIT_SIZE |
| @cindex bits, number of |
| @cindex size of a variable, in bits |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BIT_SIZE(I)} returns the number of bits (integer precision plus sign bit) |
| represented by the type of @var{I}. The result of @code{BIT_SIZE(I)} is |
| independent of the actual value of @var{I}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BIT_SIZE(I)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab The type shall be @code{INTEGER}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{INTEGER} |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_bit_size |
| integer :: i = 123 |
| integer :: size |
| size = bit_size(i) |
| print *, size |
| end program test_bit_size |
| @end smallexample |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BLE |
| @section @code{BLE} --- Bitwise less than or equal to |
| @fnindex BLE |
| @cindex bitwise comparison |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Determines whether an integral is a bitwise less than or equal to |
| another. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BLE(I, J)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type. |
| @item @var{J} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type, and of the same kind |
| as @var{I}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL} and of the default kind. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{BGT}, @gol |
| @ref{BGE}, @gol |
| @ref{BLT} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BLT |
| @section @code{BLT} --- Bitwise less than |
| @fnindex BLT |
| @cindex bitwise comparison |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Determines whether an integral is a bitwise less than another. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BLT(I, J)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type. |
| @item @var{J} @tab Shall be of @code{INTEGER} type, and of the same kind |
| as @var{I}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL} and of the default kind. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{BGE}, @gol |
| @ref{BGT}, @gol |
| @ref{BLE} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node BTEST |
| @section @code{BTEST} --- Bit test function |
| @fnindex BTEST |
| @fnindex BBTEST |
| @fnindex BITEST |
| @fnindex BJTEST |
| @fnindex BKTEST |
| @cindex bits, testing |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{BTEST(I,POS)} returns logical @code{.TRUE.} if the bit at @var{POS} |
| in @var{I} is set. The counting of the bits starts at 0. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 90 and later, has overloads that are GNU extensions |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = BTEST(I, POS)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab The type shall be @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{POS} @tab The type shall be @code{INTEGER}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL} |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_btest |
| integer :: i = 32768 + 1024 + 64 |
| integer :: pos |
| logical :: bool |
| do pos=0,16 |
| bool = btest(i, pos) |
| print *, pos, bool |
| end do |
| end program test_btest |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{BTEST(I,POS)} @tab @code{INTEGER I,POS} @tab @code{LOGICAL} @tab Fortran 95 and later |
| @item @code{BBTEST(I,POS)} @tab @code{INTEGER(1) I,POS} @tab @code{LOGICAL(1)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{BITEST(I,POS)} @tab @code{INTEGER(2) I,POS} @tab @code{LOGICAL(2)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{BJTEST(I,POS)} @tab @code{INTEGER(4) I,POS} @tab @code{LOGICAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{BKTEST(I,POS)} @tab @code{INTEGER(8) I,POS} @tab @code{LOGICAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| @node C_ASSOCIATED |
| @section @code{C_ASSOCIATED} --- Status of a C pointer |
| @fnindex C_ASSOCIATED |
| @cindex association status, C pointer |
| @cindex pointer, C association status |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_ASSOCIATED(c_ptr_1[, c_ptr_2])} determines the status of the C pointer |
| @var{c_ptr_1} or if @var{c_ptr_1} is associated with the target @var{c_ptr_2}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = C_ASSOCIATED(c_ptr_1[, c_ptr_2])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{c_ptr_1} @tab Scalar of the type @code{C_PTR} or @code{C_FUNPTR}. |
| @item @var{c_ptr_2} @tab (Optional) Scalar of the same type as @var{c_ptr_1}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{LOGICAL}; it is @code{.false.} if either |
| @var{c_ptr_1} is a C NULL pointer or if @var{c_ptr1} and @var{c_ptr_2} |
| point to different addresses. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| subroutine association_test(a,b) |
| use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated, c_loc, c_ptr |
| implicit none |
| real, pointer :: a |
| type(c_ptr) :: b |
| if(c_associated(b, c_loc(a))) & |
| stop 'b and a do not point to same target' |
| end subroutine association_test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{C_LOC}, @gol |
| @ref{C_FUNLOC} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node C_F_POINTER |
| @section @code{C_F_POINTER} --- Convert C into Fortran pointer |
| @fnindex C_F_POINTER |
| @cindex pointer, convert C to Fortran |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_F_POINTER(CPTR, FPTR[, SHAPE])} assigns the target of the C pointer |
| @var{CPTR} to the Fortran pointer @var{FPTR} and specifies its shape. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{CPTR} @tab scalar of the type @code{C_PTR}. It is |
| @code{INTENT(IN)}. |
| @item @var{FPTR} @tab pointer interoperable with @var{cptr}. It is |
| @code{INTENT(OUT)}. |
| @item @var{SHAPE} @tab (Optional) Rank-one array of type @code{INTEGER} |
| with @code{INTENT(IN)}. It shall be present |
| if and only if @var{fptr} is an array. The size |
| must be equal to the rank of @var{fptr}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program main |
| use iso_c_binding |
| implicit none |
| interface |
| subroutine my_routine(p) bind(c,name='myC_func') |
| import :: c_ptr |
| type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: p |
| end subroutine |
| end interface |
| type(c_ptr) :: cptr |
| real,pointer :: a(:) |
| call my_routine(cptr) |
| call c_f_pointer(cptr, a, [12]) |
| end program main |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{C_LOC}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @section @code{C_F_PROCPOINTER} --- Convert C into Fortran procedure pointer |
| @fnindex C_F_PROCPOINTER |
| @cindex pointer, C address of pointers |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_F_PROCPOINTER(CPTR, FPTR)} Assign the target of the C function pointer |
| @var{CPTR} to the Fortran procedure pointer @var{FPTR}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{CALL C_F_PROCPOINTER(cptr, fptr)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{CPTR} @tab scalar of the type @code{C_FUNPTR}. It is |
| @code{INTENT(IN)}. |
| @item @var{FPTR} @tab procedure pointer interoperable with @var{cptr}. It is |
| @code{INTENT(OUT)}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program main |
| use iso_c_binding |
| implicit none |
| abstract interface |
| function func(a) |
| import :: c_float |
| real(c_float), intent(in) :: a |
| real(c_float) :: func |
| end function |
| end interface |
| interface |
| function getIterFunc() bind(c,name="getIterFunc") |
| import :: c_funptr |
| type(c_funptr) :: getIterFunc |
| end function |
| end interface |
| type(c_funptr) :: cfunptr |
| procedure(func), pointer :: myFunc |
| cfunptr = getIterFunc() |
| call c_f_procpointer(cfunptr, myFunc) |
| end program main |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{C_LOC}, @gol |
| @ref{C_F_POINTER} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node C_FUNLOC |
| @section @code{C_FUNLOC} --- Obtain the C address of a procedure |
| @fnindex C_FUNLOC |
| @cindex pointer, C address of procedures |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_FUNLOC(x)} determines the C address of the argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = C_FUNLOC(x)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{x} @tab Interoperable function or pointer to such function. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{C_FUNPTR} and contains the C address |
| of the argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| module x |
| use iso_c_binding |
| implicit none |
| contains |
| subroutine sub(a) bind(c) |
| real(c_float) :: a |
| a = sqrt(a)+5.0 |
| end subroutine sub |
| end module x |
| program main |
| use iso_c_binding |
| use x |
| implicit none |
| interface |
| subroutine my_routine(p) bind(c,name='myC_func') |
| import :: c_funptr |
| type(c_funptr), intent(in) :: p |
| end subroutine |
| end interface |
| call my_routine(c_funloc(sub)) |
| end program main |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{C_ASSOCIATED}, @gol |
| @ref{C_LOC}, @gol |
| @ref{C_F_POINTER}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node C_LOC |
| @section @code{C_LOC} --- Obtain the C address of an object |
| @fnindex C_LOC |
| @cindex procedure pointer, convert C to Fortran |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_LOC(X)} determines the C address of the argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = C_LOC(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .10 .75 |
| @item @var{X} @tab Shall have either the POINTER or TARGET attribute. It shall not be a coindexed object. It shall either be a variable with interoperable type and kind type parameters, or be a scalar, nonpolymorphic variable with no length type parameters. |
| |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{C_PTR} and contains the C address |
| of the argument. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| subroutine association_test(a,b) |
| use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated, c_loc, c_ptr |
| implicit none |
| real, pointer :: a |
| type(c_ptr) :: b |
| if(c_associated(b, c_loc(a))) & |
| stop 'b and a do not point to same target' |
| end subroutine association_test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{C_ASSOCIATED}, @gol |
| @ref{C_FUNLOC}, @gol |
| @ref{C_F_POINTER}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node C_SIZEOF |
| @section @code{C_SIZEOF} --- Size in bytes of an expression |
| @fnindex C_SIZEOF |
| @cindex expression size |
| @cindex size of an expression |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{C_SIZEOF(X)} calculates the number of bytes of storage the |
| expression @code{X} occupies. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function of the module @code{ISO_C_BINDING} |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{N = C_SIZEOF(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The argument shall be an interoperable data entity. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type integer and of the system-dependent kind |
| @code{C_SIZE_T} (from the @code{ISO_C_BINDING} module). Its value is the |
| number of bytes occupied by the argument. If the argument has the |
| @code{POINTER} attribute, the number of bytes of the storage area pointed |
| to is returned. If the argument is of a derived type with @code{POINTER} |
| or @code{ALLOCATABLE} components, the return value does not account for |
| the sizes of the data pointed to by these components. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| use iso_c_binding |
| integer(c_int) :: i |
| real(c_float) :: r, s(5) |
| print *, (c_sizeof(s)/c_sizeof(r) == 5) |
| end |
| @end smallexample |
| The example will print @code{T} unless you are using a platform |
| where default @code{REAL} variables are unusually padded. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{SIZEOF}, @gol |
| @ref{STORAGE_SIZE} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| @node CEILING |
| @section @code{CEILING} --- Integer ceiling function |
| @fnindex CEILING |
| @cindex ceiling |
| @cindex rounding, ceiling |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CEILING(A)} returns the least integer greater than or equal to @var{A}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 95 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = CEILING(A [, KIND])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{A} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{INTEGER(KIND)} if @var{KIND} is present |
| and a default-kind @code{INTEGER} otherwise. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_ceiling |
| real :: x = 63.29 |
| real :: y = -63.59 |
| print *, ceiling(x) ! returns 64 |
| print *, ceiling(y) ! returns -63 |
| end program test_ceiling |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{FLOOR}, @gol |
| @ref{NINT} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CHAR |
| @section @code{CHAR} --- Character conversion function |
| @fnindex CHAR |
| @cindex conversion, to character |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CHAR(I [, KIND])} returns the character represented by the integer @var{I}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = CHAR(I [, KIND])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{I} @tab The type shall be @code{INTEGER}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{CHARACTER(1)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_char |
| integer :: i = 74 |
| character(1) :: c |
| c = char(i) |
| print *, i, c ! returns 'J' |
| end program test_char |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .18 .18 .24 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{CHAR(I)} @tab @code{INTEGER I} @tab @code{CHARACTER(LEN=1)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Note}: |
| See @ref{ICHAR} for a discussion of converting between numerical values |
| and formatted string representations. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{ACHAR}, @gol |
| @ref{IACHAR}, @gol |
| @ref{ICHAR} |
| |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CHDIR |
| @section @code{CHDIR} --- Change working directory |
| @fnindex CHDIR |
| @cindex system, working directory |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| Change current working directory to a specified path. |
| |
| This intrinsic is provided in both subroutine and function forms; however, |
| only one form can be used in any given program unit. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine, function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{CALL CHDIR(NAME [, STATUS])} |
| @item @code{STATUS = CHDIR(NAME)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{NAME} @tab The type shall be @code{CHARACTER} of default |
| kind and shall specify a valid path within the file system. |
| @item @var{STATUS} @tab (Optional) @code{INTEGER} status flag of the default |
| kind. Returns 0 on success, and a system specific and nonzero error code |
| otherwise. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| PROGRAM test_chdir |
| CHARACTER(len=255) :: path |
| CALL getcwd(path) |
| WRITE(*,*) TRIM(path) |
| CALL chdir("/tmp") |
| CALL getcwd(path) |
| WRITE(*,*) TRIM(path) |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{GETCWD} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CHMOD |
| @section @code{CHMOD} --- Change access permissions of files |
| @fnindex CHMOD |
| @cindex file system, change access mode |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CHMOD} changes the permissions of a file. |
| |
| This intrinsic is provided in both subroutine and function forms; however, |
| only one form can be used in any given program unit. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Subroutine, function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .80 |
| @item @code{CALL CHMOD(NAME, MODE[, STATUS])} |
| @item @code{STATUS = CHMOD(NAME, MODE)} |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| |
| @item @var{NAME} @tab Scalar @code{CHARACTER} of default kind with the |
| file name. Trailing blanks are ignored unless the character |
| @code{achar(0)} is present, then all characters up to and excluding |
| @code{achar(0)} are used as the file name. |
| |
| @item @var{MODE} @tab Scalar @code{CHARACTER} of default kind giving the |
| file permission. @var{MODE} uses the same syntax as the @code{chmod} utility |
| as defined by the POSIX standard. The argument shall either be a string of |
| a nonnegative octal number or a symbolic mode. |
| |
| @item @var{STATUS} @tab (optional) scalar @code{INTEGER}, which is |
| @code{0} on success and nonzero otherwise. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| In either syntax, @var{STATUS} is set to @code{0} on success and nonzero |
| otherwise. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @code{CHMOD} as subroutine |
| @smallexample |
| program chmod_test |
| implicit none |
| integer :: status |
| call chmod('test.dat','u+x',status) |
| print *, 'Status: ', status |
| end program chmod_test |
| @end smallexample |
| @code{CHMOD} as function: |
| @smallexample |
| program chmod_test |
| implicit none |
| integer :: status |
| status = chmod('test.dat','u+x') |
| print *, 'Status: ', status |
| end program chmod_test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CMPLX |
| @section @code{CMPLX} --- Complex conversion function |
| @fnindex CMPLX |
| @cindex complex numbers, conversion to |
| @cindex conversion, to complex |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CMPLX(X [, Y [, KIND]])} returns a complex number where @var{X} is converted to |
| the real component. If @var{Y} is present it is converted to the imaginary |
| component. If @var{Y} is not present then the imaginary component is set to |
| 0.0. If @var{X} is complex then @var{Y} must not be present. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = CMPLX(X [, Y [, KIND]])} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type may be @code{INTEGER}, @code{REAL}, |
| or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @item @var{Y} @tab (Optional; only allowed if @var{X} is not |
| @code{COMPLEX}.) May be @code{INTEGER} or @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{KIND} @tab (Optional) An @code{INTEGER} initialization |
| expression indicating the kind parameter of the result. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of @code{COMPLEX} type, with a kind equal to |
| @var{KIND} if it is specified. If @var{KIND} is not specified, the |
| result is of the default @code{COMPLEX} kind, regardless of the kinds of |
| @var{X} and @var{Y}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_cmplx |
| integer :: i = 42 |
| real :: x = 3.14 |
| complex :: z |
| z = cmplx(i, x) |
| print *, z, cmplx(x) |
| end program test_cmplx |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{COMPLEX} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CO_BROADCAST |
| @section @code{CO_BROADCAST} --- Copy a value to all images the current set of images |
| @fnindex CO_BROADCAST |
| @cindex Collectives, value broadcasting |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CO_BROADCAST} copies the value of argument @var{A} on the image with |
| image index @code{SOURCE_IMAGE} to all images in the current team. @var{A} |
| becomes defined as if by intrinsic assignment. If the execution was |
| successful and @var{STAT} is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the |
| execution failed, @var{STAT} gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, |
| @var{ERRMSG} gets assigned a value describing the occurred error. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Collective subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .65 |
| @item @var{A} @tab INTENT(INOUT) argument; shall have the same |
| dynamic type and type parameters on all images of the current team. If it |
| is an array, it shall have the same shape on all images. |
| @item @var{SOURCE_IMAGE} @tab a scalar integer expression. |
| It shall have the same value on all images and refer to an |
| image of the current team. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) a scalar integer variable |
| @item @var{ERRMSG} @tab (optional) a scalar character variable |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test |
| integer :: val(3) |
| if (this_image() == 1) then |
| val = [1, 5, 3] |
| end if |
| call co_broadcast (val, source_image=1) |
| print *, this_image, ":", val |
| end program test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CO_MAX}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_MIN}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_SUM}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_REDUCE} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CO_MAX |
| @section @code{CO_MAX} --- Maximal value on the current set of images |
| @fnindex CO_MAX |
| @cindex Collectives, maximal value |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CO_MAX} determines element-wise the maximal value of @var{A} on all |
| images of the current team. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is present, the maximum |
| values are returned in @var{A} on the specified image only and the value |
| of @var{A} on the other images become undefined. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is |
| not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was |
| successful and @var{STAT} is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the |
| execution failed, @var{STAT} gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, |
| @var{ERRMSG} gets assigned a value describing the occurred error. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Collective subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .65 |
| @item @var{A} @tab shall be an integer, real or character variable, |
| which has the same type and type parameters on all images of the team. |
| @item @var{RESULT_IMAGE} @tab (optional) a scalar integer expression; if |
| present, it shall have the same value on all images and refer to an |
| image of the current team. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) a scalar integer variable |
| @item @var{ERRMSG} @tab (optional) a scalar character variable |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test |
| integer :: val |
| val = this_image () |
| call co_max (val, result_image=1) |
| if (this_image() == 1) then |
| write(*,*) "Maximal value", val ! prints num_images() |
| end if |
| end program test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CO_MIN}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_SUM}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_REDUCE}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_BROADCAST} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CO_MIN |
| @section @code{CO_MIN} --- Minimal value on the current set of images |
| @fnindex CO_MIN |
| @cindex Collectives, minimal value |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CO_MIN} determines element-wise the minimal value of @var{A} on all |
| images of the current team. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is present, the minimal |
| values are returned in @var{A} on the specified image only and the value |
| of @var{A} on the other images become undefined. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is |
| not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was |
| successful and @var{STAT} is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the |
| execution failed, @var{STAT} gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, |
| @var{ERRMSG} gets assigned a value describing the occurred error. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Collective subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .65 |
| @item @var{A} @tab shall be an integer, real or character variable, |
| which has the same type and type parameters on all images of the team. |
| @item @var{RESULT_IMAGE} @tab (optional) a scalar integer expression; if |
| present, it shall have the same value on all images and refer to an |
| image of the current team. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) a scalar integer variable |
| @item @var{ERRMSG} @tab (optional) a scalar character variable |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test |
| integer :: val |
| val = this_image () |
| call co_min (val, result_image=1) |
| if (this_image() == 1) then |
| write(*,*) "Minimal value", val ! prints 1 |
| end if |
| end program test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CO_MAX}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_SUM}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_REDUCE}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_BROADCAST} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CO_REDUCE |
| @section @code{CO_REDUCE} --- Reduction of values on the current set of images |
| @fnindex CO_REDUCE |
| @cindex Collectives, generic reduction |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CO_REDUCE} determines element-wise the reduction of the value of @var{A} |
| on all images of the current team. The pure function passed as @var{OPERATOR} |
| is used to pairwise reduce the values of @var{A} by passing either the value |
| of @var{A} of different images or the result values of such a reduction as |
| argument. If @var{A} is an array, the deduction is done element wise. If |
| @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is present, the result values are returned in @var{A} on |
| the specified image only and the value of @var{A} on the other images become |
| undefined. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is not present, the value is returned on all |
| images. If the execution was successful and @var{STAT} is present, it is |
| assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, @var{STAT} gets assigned |
| a nonzero value and, if present, @var{ERRMSG} gets assigned a value describing |
| the occurred error. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Collective subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .65 |
| @item @var{A} @tab is an @code{INTENT(INOUT)} argument and shall be |
| nonpolymorphic. If it is allocatable, it shall be allocated; if it is a pointer, |
| it shall be associated. @var{A} shall have the same type and type parameters on |
| all images of the team; if it is an array, it shall have the same shape on all |
| images. |
| @item @var{OPERATOR} @tab pure function with two scalar nonallocatable |
| arguments, which shall be nonpolymorphic and have the same type and type |
| parameters as @var{A}. The function shall return a nonallocatable scalar of |
| the same type and type parameters as @var{A}. The function shall be the same on |
| all images and with regards to the arguments mathematically commutative and |
| associative. Note that @var{OPERATOR} may not be an elemental function, unless |
| it is an intrisic function. |
| @item @var{RESULT_IMAGE} @tab (optional) a scalar integer expression; if |
| present, it shall have the same value on all images and refer to an |
| image of the current team. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) a scalar integer variable |
| @item @var{ERRMSG} @tab (optional) a scalar character variable |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test |
| integer :: val |
| val = this_image () |
| call co_reduce (val, result_image=1, operator=myprod) |
| if (this_image() == 1) then |
| write(*,*) "Product value", val ! prints num_images() factorial |
| end if |
| contains |
| pure function myprod(a, b) |
| integer, value :: a, b |
| integer :: myprod |
| myprod = a * b |
| end function myprod |
| end program test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Note}: |
| While the rules permit in principle an intrinsic function, none of the |
| intrinsics in the standard fulfill the criteria of having a specific |
| function, which takes two arguments of the same type and returning that |
| type as result. |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CO_MIN}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_MAX}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_SUM}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_BROADCAST} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CO_SUM |
| @section @code{CO_SUM} --- Sum of values on the current set of images |
| @fnindex CO_SUM |
| @cindex Collectives, sum of values |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CO_SUM} sums up the values of each element of @var{A} on all |
| images of the current team. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is present, the summed-up |
| values are returned in @var{A} on the specified image only and the value |
| of @var{A} on the other images become undefined. If @var{RESULT_IMAGE} is |
| not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was |
| successful and @var{STAT} is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the |
| execution failed, @var{STAT} gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, |
| @var{ERRMSG} gets assigned a value describing the occurred error. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Technical Specification (TS) 18508 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Collective subroutine |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .65 |
| @item @var{A} @tab shall be an integer, real or complex variable, |
| which has the same type and type parameters on all images of the team. |
| @item @var{RESULT_IMAGE} @tab (optional) a scalar integer expression; if |
| present, it shall have the same value on all images and refer to an |
| image of the current team. |
| @item @var{STAT} @tab (optional) a scalar integer variable |
| @item @var{ERRMSG} @tab (optional) a scalar character variable |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test |
| integer :: val |
| val = this_image () |
| call co_sum (val, result_image=1) |
| if (this_image() == 1) then |
| write(*,*) "The sum is ", val ! prints (n**2 + n)/2, |
| ! with n = num_images() |
| end if |
| end program test |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CO_MAX}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_MIN}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_REDUCE}, @gol |
| @ref{CO_BROADCAST} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT} --- Get number of command line arguments |
| @cindex command-line arguments |
| @cindex command-line arguments, number of |
| @cindex arguments, to program |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT} returns the number of arguments passed on the |
| command line when the containing program was invoked. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2003 and later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item None |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is an @code{INTEGER} of default kind. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_command_argument_count |
| integer :: count |
| count = command_argument_count() |
| print *, count |
| end program test_command_argument_count |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{GET_COMMAND}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{COMPILER_OPTIONS} --- Options passed to the compiler |
| @cindex flags inquiry function |
| @cindex options inquiry function |
| @cindex compiler flags inquiry function |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COMPILER_OPTIONS} returns a string with the options used for |
| compiling. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function of the module @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV} |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| None |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is a default-kind string with system-dependent length. |
| It contains the compiler flags used to compile the file, which called |
| the @code{COMPILER_OPTIONS} intrinsic. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| print '(4a)', 'This file was compiled by ', & |
| compiler_version(), ' using the options ', & |
| compiler_options() |
| end |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{COMPILER_VERSION}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @section @code{COMPILER_VERSION} --- Compiler version string |
| @cindex compiler, name and version |
| @cindex version of the compiler |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COMPILER_VERSION} returns a string with the name and the |
| version of the compiler. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 2008 |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Inquiry function of the module @code{ISO_FORTRAN_ENV} |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| None |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is a default-kind string with system-dependent length. |
| It contains the name of the compiler and its version number. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| use iso_fortran_env |
| print '(4a)', 'This file was compiled by ', & |
| compiler_version(), ' using the options ', & |
| compiler_options() |
| end |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{COMPILER_OPTIONS}, @gol |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node COMPLEX |
| @section @code{COMPLEX} --- Complex conversion function |
| @fnindex COMPLEX |
| @cindex complex numbers, conversion to |
| @cindex conversion, to complex |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COMPLEX(X, Y)} returns a complex number where @var{X} is converted |
| to the real component and @var{Y} is converted to the imaginary |
| component. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = COMPLEX(X, Y)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type may be @code{INTEGER} or @code{REAL}. |
| @item @var{Y} @tab The type may be @code{INTEGER} or @code{REAL}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| If @var{X} and @var{Y} are both of @code{INTEGER} type, then the return |
| value is of default @code{COMPLEX} type. |
| |
| If @var{X} and @var{Y} are of @code{REAL} type, or one is of @code{REAL} |
| type and one is of @code{INTEGER} type, then the return value is of |
| @code{COMPLEX} type with a kind equal to that of the @code{REAL} |
| argument with the highest precision. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_complex |
| integer :: i = 42 |
| real :: x = 3.14 |
| print *, complex(i, x) |
| end program test_complex |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| @ref{CMPLX} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node CONJG |
| @section @code{CONJG} --- Complex conjugate function |
| @fnindex CONJG |
| @fnindex DCONJG |
| @cindex complex conjugate |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{CONJG(Z)} returns the conjugate of @var{Z}. If @var{Z} is @code{(x, y)} |
| then the result is @code{(x, -y)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, has an overload that is a GNU extension |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{Z = CONJG(Z)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{Z} @tab The type shall be @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of type @code{COMPLEX}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_conjg |
| complex :: z = (2.0, 3.0) |
| complex(8) :: dz = (2.71_8, -3.14_8) |
| z= conjg(z) |
| print *, z |
| dz = dconjg(dz) |
| print *, dz |
| end program test_conjg |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{DCONJG(Z)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) Z} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node COS |
| @section @code{COS} --- Cosine function |
| @fnindex COS |
| @fnindex DCOS |
| @fnindex CCOS |
| @fnindex ZCOS |
| @fnindex CDCOS |
| @cindex trigonometric function, cosine |
| @cindex cosine |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COS(X)} computes the cosine of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, has overloads that are GNU extensions |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = COS(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or |
| @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. The real part |
| of the result is in radians. If @var{X} is of the type @code{REAL}, |
| the return value lies in the range @math{ -1 \leq \cos (x) \leq 1}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_cos |
| real :: x = 0.0 |
| x = cos(x) |
| end program test_cos |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{COS(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{DCOS(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{CCOS(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(4) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(4)} @tab Fortran 77 and later |
| @item @code{ZCOS(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{CDCOS(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{ACOS} @gol |
| Degrees function: @gol |
| @ref{COSD} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node COSD |
| @section @code{COSD} --- Cosine function, degrees |
| @fnindex COSD |
| @fnindex DCOSD |
| @fnindex CCOSD |
| @fnindex ZCOSD |
| @fnindex CDCOSD |
| @cindex trigonometric function, cosine, degrees |
| @cindex cosine, degrees |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COSD(X)} computes the cosine of @var{X} in degrees. |
| |
| This function is for compatibility only and should be avoided in favor of |
| standard constructs wherever possible. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| GNU extension, enabled with @option{-fdec-math}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{RESULT = COSD(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or |
| @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value is of the same type and kind as @var{X}. The real part |
| of the result is in degrees. If @var{X} is of the type @code{REAL}, |
| the return value lies in the range @math{ -1 \leq \cosd (x) \leq 1}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_cosd |
| real :: x = 0.0 |
| x = cosd(x) |
| end program test_cosd |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type @tab Standard |
| @item @code{COSD(X)} @tab @code{REAL(4) X} @tab @code{REAL(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{DCOSD(X)} @tab @code{REAL(8) X} @tab @code{REAL(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{CCOSD(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(4) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(4)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{ZCOSD(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @item @code{CDCOSD(X)} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8) X} @tab @code{COMPLEX(8)} @tab GNU extension |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{See also}: |
| Inverse function: @gol |
| @ref{ACOSD} @gol |
| Radians function: @gol |
| @ref{COS} |
| @end table |
| |
| |
| |
| @node COSH |
| @section @code{COSH} --- Hyperbolic cosine function |
| @fnindex COSH |
| @fnindex DCOSH |
| @cindex hyperbolic cosine |
| @cindex hyperbolic function, cosine |
| @cindex cosine, hyperbolic |
| |
| @table @asis |
| @item @emph{Description}: |
| @code{COSH(X)} computes the hyperbolic cosine of @var{X}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Standard}: |
| Fortran 77 and later, for a complex argument Fortran 2008 or later |
| |
| @item @emph{Class}: |
| Elemental function |
| |
| @item @emph{Syntax}: |
| @code{X = COSH(X)} |
| |
| @item @emph{Arguments}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .15 .70 |
| @item @var{X} @tab The type shall be @code{REAL} or @code{COMPLEX}. |
| @end multitable |
| |
| @item @emph{Return value}: |
| The return value has same type and kind as @var{X}. If @var{X} is |
| complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians. If @var{X} |
| is @code{REAL}, the return value has a lower bound of one, |
| @math{\cosh (x) \geq 1}. |
| |
| @item @emph{Example}: |
| @smallexample |
| program test_cosh |
| real(8) :: x = 1.0_8 |
| x = cosh(x) |
| end program test_cosh |
| @end smallexample |
| |
| @item @emph{Specific names}: |
| @multitable @columnfractions .20 .20 .20 .25 |
| @headitem Name @tab Argument @tab Return type