blob: eb50de34ebe06973e2a345552d5108687401c626 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(22): Error: variable fail10980.s1b of type struct immutable(S1) uses this(this), which is not allowed in static initialization
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(28): Error: variable fail10980.s1d of type struct immutable(S1) uses this(this), which is not allowed in static initialization
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(27): Error: static variable s1x cannot be read at compile time
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(28): called from here: bar1()
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(38): Error: variable fail10980.s2b of type struct immutable(S2) uses this(this), which is not allowed in static initialization
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(44): Error: variable fail10980.s2d of type struct immutable(S2) uses this(this), which is not allowed in static initialization
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(43): Error: static variable s2x cannot be read at compile time
fail_compilation/fail10980.d(44): called from here: bar2()
struct S1
this(int) immutable {}
this(this) {}
alias immutable(S1) IS1;
static immutable S1 s1a = IS1(1); // OK
static immutable S1 s1b = s1a; // NG
S1 foo1() { S1 s1x; S1 s1y = s1x; return s1y; }
static immutable S1 s1c = foo1(); // OK
ref S1 bar1() { static S1 s1x; return s1x; }
static immutable S1 s1d = bar1(); // NG
struct S2
int val;
this(this) {}
alias immutable(S2) IS2;
static immutable S2 s2a = IS2(1); // OK
static immutable S2 s2b = s2a; // NG
S2 foo2() { S2 s2x; S2 s2y = s2x; return s2y; }
static immutable S2 s2c = foo2(); // OK
ref S2 bar2() { static S2 s2x; return s2x; }
static immutable S2 s2d = bar2(); // NG