blob: 9225d55147f0c96df8866500618ac91d9ebc7ab3 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/ice13356.d(32): Error: template instance Algebraic!(Tuple!(List)) recursive template expansion
fail_compilation/ice13356.d(15): Error: template instance ice13356.isPrintable!(List) error instantiating
fail_compilation/ice13356.d(33): instantiated from here: Tuple!(List)
struct Tuple(Types...)
Types expand;
alias expand this;
static if (isPrintable!(Types[0]))
// T == Tuple!List, and accessing its .init will cause unresolved forward reference
enum bool isPrintable(T) = is(typeof({ T t; }));
struct Algebraic(AllowedTypesX...)
alias AllowedTypes = AllowedTypesX;
double x; // dummy for the syntax Payload(d)
struct List
alias Payload = Algebraic!(
Payload payload;
this(double d) { payload = Payload(d); }
void main() {}