blob: fed51342ee0a4c1779ebb55c4739f01fe23b36f5 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for pr28174, in which the fix for pr28118 was
! corrupting the character lengths of arrays that shared a
! character length structure. In addition, in developing the
! fix, it was noted that intent(out/inout) arguments were not
! getting written back to the calling scope.
! Based on the testscase by Harald Anlauf <>
program pr28174
implicit none
character(len=12) :: teststring(2) = (/ "abc def ghij", &
"klm nop qrst" /)
character(len=12) :: a(2), b(2), c(2), d(2)
integer :: m = 7, n
a = teststring
b = a
c = a
d = a
n = m - 4
! Make sure that variable substring references work.
call foo (a(:)(m:m+5), c(:)(n:m+2), d(:)(5:9))
if (any (a .ne. teststring)) STOP 1
if (any (b .ne. teststring)) STOP 2
if (any (c .ne. (/"ab456789#hij", &
"kl7654321rst"/))) STOP 3
if (any (d .ne. (/"abc 23456hij", &
"klm 98765rst"/))) STOP 4
subroutine foo (w, x, y)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: w(:)
character(len=*), intent(inOUT) :: x(:)
character(len=*), intent(OUT) :: y(:)
character(len=12) :: foostring(2) = (/"0123456789#$" , &
! This next is not required by the standard but tests the
! functioning of the gfortran implementation.
! if (all (x(:)(3:7) .eq. y)) STOP 5
x = foostring (:)(5 : 4 + len (x))
y = foostring (:)(3 : 2 + len (y))
end subroutine foo
end program pr28174