blob: da012369bc959364523f4e4e5a3cae009a99038b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR47592, in which the SOURCE expression was
! being called twice.
! Contributed by Thomas Koenig <>
module foo
implicit none
function bar()
integer bar
integer :: i=9
i = i + 1
bar = i
end function bar
end module foo
program note7_35
use foo
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: name
character(:), allocatable :: src
integer n
n = 10
allocate(name, SOURCE=repeat('x',bar()))
if (name .ne. 'xxxxxxxxxx') STOP 1
if (len (name) .ne. 10 ) STOP 2
end program note7_35