blob: 191da595c96c79163dcc8aa58d7ba7d32fb12241 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Tests the fix for PR67564 in which allocate with source for an unlimited
! polymorphic array and a character source would ICE.
! Contributed by Neil Carlson <>
program main
type :: any_vector
class(*), allocatable :: x(:)
end type
type(any_vector) :: a
character(kind = 1, len = 5) :: chr1(3) = ["one ","two ","three"]
character(kind = 4, len = 2) :: chr4(2) = [character(kind=4) :: 4_"ab", 4_"cd"]
real(8) :: r(2) = [1d0,2d0]
allocate (a%x(3), source = chr1)
call check
allocate (a%x(2), source = chr4)
call check
allocate (a%x(2), source = r)
call check
subroutine check
select type (z => a%x)
type is (real(8))
if (any (z .ne. r)) STOP 1
type is (character(kind = 1, len = *))
if (any(z .ne. chr1)) STOP 2
type is (character(kind = 4, len = *))
if (any(z .ne. chr4)) STOP 3
end select
deallocate (a%x)
end subroutine
end program