blob: bd89264842c6ac4136791ace6fe4761fdbc11886 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR56047. This is actually a development of
! the test case of comment #10.
! Reported by Juergen Reuter <>
implicit none
type :: process_variant_def_t
integer :: i
end type
type :: process_component_def_t
class(process_variant_def_t), allocatable :: variant_def
end type
type(process_component_def_t), dimension(1:2) :: initial
allocate (initial(1)%variant_def, source = process_variant_def_t (99))
associate (template => initial(1)%variant_def)
template%i = 77
end associate
if (initial(1)%variant_def%i .ne. 77) STOP 1