blob: f4bb701548d6b316709e848d8a61c4aa6848d5c3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Tests the fix for PR28771 in which an assumed character length variable with an initializer could
! survive in the main program without causing an error.
! Contributed by Martin Reinecke <>
! Modified to test fix of regression reported by
subroutine poobar ()
! The regression caused an ICE here
CHARACTER ( LEN = * ), PARAMETER :: Markers(5) = (/ "Error ", &
& "Fehler", &
& "Erreur", &
& "Stop ", &
& "Arret " /)
character(6) :: recepteur (5)
recepteur = Markers
end subroutine poobar
! If the regression persisted, the compilation would stop before getting here
program test
character(len=*), parameter :: foo = 'test' ! Parameters must work.
character(len=4) :: bar = foo
character(len=*) :: foobar = 'This should fail' ! { dg-error "must be a dummy" }
print *, bar
call poobar ()