blob: ec78bafd9519cae6fc15b7991ff40127c8d630b3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR89364, in which the ubound and the last element of
! shape were note returning -1 for assumed rank entities, argument
! associated with assumed size dummies.
! Contributed by Reinhold Bader <>
module mod_ass_rank_04
implicit none
subroutine si(this)
real :: this(4, *)
call sa(this)
end subroutine si
subroutine sa(this)
real :: this(..)
if (rank(this) /= 2) then
stop 1
end if
if (maxval(abs(shape(this) - [4,-1])) > 0) then
stop 2
end if
if (ubound(this,2) /= lbound(this,2) - 2) then
stop 3
end if
end subroutine sa
end module mod_ass_rank_04
program ass_rank_04
use mod_ass_rank_04
implicit none
real :: y(9)
call si(y(2))
end program ass_rank_04