blob: 85ead9fb636a681ce9a0dff0d97c9e3becab5de4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources bind_c_coms_driver.c }
! { dg-options "-w" }
! the -w option is to prevent the warning about long long ints
module bind_c_coms
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
common /COM/ R, S
real(c_double) :: r
real(c_double) :: t
real(c_double) :: s
bind(c) :: /COM/, /SINGLE/, /MYCOM/
common /SINGLE/ T
integer(c_long) :: LONG_INTS
integer(c_long_long) :: long_long_ints
bind(c) :: /mycom2/
common /com2/ i, j
integer(c_int) :: i, j
bind(c, name="f03_com2") /com2/
common /com3/ m, n
integer(c_int) :: m, n
bind(c, name="") /com3/
subroutine test_coms() bind(c)
r = r + .1d0;
s = s + .1d0;
t = t + .1d0;
long_ints = long_ints + 1
long_long_ints = long_long_ints + 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
m = 1
n = 1
end subroutine test_coms
end module bind_c_coms
module bind_c_coms_2
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
common /com3/ m, n
integer(c_int) :: m, n
bind(c, name="") /com3/
end module bind_c_coms_2