blob: 1650a79e1057187b8ead278a6bf9e8624393d19d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/50612
! PR fortran/47023
subroutine test
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
external foo
procedure(), pointer :: pp
print *, c_sizeof(pp) ! { dg-error "Procedure unexpected as argument" }
print *, c_sizeof(foo) ! { dg-error "Procedure unexpected as argument" }
print *, c_sizeof(bar) ! { dg-error "Procedure unexpected as argument" }
subroutine bar()
end subroutine bar
integer function foo2()
procedure(), pointer :: ptr
ptr => foo2 ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo2' is invalid as proc-target in procedure pointer assignment" }
foo2 = 7
ptr => foo2 ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo2' is invalid as proc-target in procedure pointer assignment" }
end block
subroutine foo()
ptr => foo2 ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo2' is invalid as proc-target in procedure pointer assignment" }
end subroutine foo
end function foo2
module m2
integer function foo(i, fptr) bind(C)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer :: i
type(c_funptr) :: fptr
fptr = c_funloc(foo) ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo' at .1. is invalid as X argument to C_FUNLOC" }
fptr = c_funloc(foo) ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo' at .1. is invalid as X argument to C_FUNLOC" }
end block
foo = 42*i
subroutine bar()
fptr = c_funloc(foo) ! { dg-error "Function result 'foo' at .1. is invalid as X argument to C_FUNLOC" }
end subroutine bar
end function foo
end module m2