blob: 4c2a7d657ee1b8bc05ad01897041a5379542de3e [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "" }
! PR fortran/56378
! PR fortran/52426
! Contributed by David Sagan & Joost VandeVondele
module t
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
interface fvec2vec
module procedure int_fvec2vec
end interface
function int_fvec2vec (f_vec, n) result (c_vec)
integer f_vec(:)
integer(c_int), target :: c_vec(n)
end function int_fvec2vec
subroutine lat_to_c (Fp, C) bind(c)
integer, allocatable :: ic(:)
call lat_to_c2 (c_loc(fvec2vec(ic, n1_ic))) ! { dg-error "Argument X at .1. to C_LOC shall have either the POINTER or the TARGET attribute" }
end subroutine lat_to_c
end module
use iso_c_binding
print *, c_loc([1]) ! { dg-error "Argument X at .1. to C_LOC shall have either the POINTER or the TARGET attribute" }