blob: 99fbf6fc69bb49ad008e742b839779aeb6fc5e5d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test fixes for PR41587 and PR41608.
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
! PR41587: used to accept the declaration of component 'foo'
type t0
integer :: j = 42
end type t0
type t
integer :: i
class(t0), allocatable :: foo(3) ! { dg-error "deferred shape" }
end type t
! PR41608: Would ICE on missing type decl
class(t1), pointer :: c ! { dg-error "before it is defined" }
select type (c) ! { dg-error "shall be polymorphic" }
type is (t0)
end select