blob: cc9748487cedebfa87826b66ce443ee5df8e8407 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR51870 - ALLOCATE with class function expression for SOURCE failed.
! This version of the test allocates class arrays.
! Reported by Tobias Burnus <>
module show_producer_class
implicit none
type integrand
integer :: variable = 0
end type integrand
type show_producer
procedure ,nopass :: create_show
procedure ,nopass :: create_show_array
end type
function create_show () result(new_integrand)
class(integrand) ,allocatable :: new_integrand
new_integrand%variable = -1
end function
function create_show_array (n) result(new_integrand)
class(integrand) ,allocatable :: new_integrand(:)
integer :: n, i
select type (new_integrand)
type is (integrand); new_integrand%variable = [(i, i= 1, n)]
end select
end function
end module
program main
use show_producer_class
implicit none
class(integrand) ,allocatable :: kernel(:)
type(show_producer) :: executive_producer
allocate(kernel(5),source=executive_producer%create_show_array (5))
select type(kernel)
type is (integrand); if (any (kernel%variable .ne. [1,2,3,4,5])) STOP 1
end select
deallocate (kernel)
allocate(kernel(3),source=executive_producer%create_show ())
select type(kernel)
type is (integrand); if (any (kernel%variable .ne. -1)) STOP 2
end select
end program