blob: 61f371001beea1c8fb37be790ced9b33b216f9ed [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/51514
! Check that passing a CLASS to a TYPE works
! Based on a test case of Reinhold Bader.
module mod_subpr
implicit none
type :: foo
integer :: i = 2
end type
type, extends(foo) :: foo_1
real :: r(2)
end type
subroutine subpr (x)
type(foo) :: x
x%i = 3
end subroutine
elemental subroutine subpr_elem (x)
type(foo), intent(inout):: x
x%i = 3
end subroutine
subroutine subpr_array (x)
type(foo), intent(inout):: x(:)
x(:)%i = 3
end subroutine
subroutine subpr2 (x)
type(foo) :: x
if (x%i /= 55) STOP 1
end subroutine
subroutine subpr2_array (x)
type(foo) :: x(:)
if (any(x(:)%i /= 55)) STOP 2
end subroutine
function f ()
class(foo), allocatable :: f
allocate (f)
f%i = 55
end function f
function g () result(res)
class(foo), allocatable :: res(:)
allocate (res(3))
res(:)%i = 55
end function g
end module
program prog
use mod_subpr
implicit none
class(foo), allocatable :: xx, yy(:)
allocate (foo_1 :: xx)
xx%i = 33
call subpr (xx)
if (xx%i /= 3) STOP 3
xx%i = 33
call subpr_elem (xx)
if (xx%i /= 3) STOP 4
call subpr (f ())
allocate (foo_1 :: yy(2))
yy(:)%i = 33
call subpr_elem (yy)
if (any (yy%i /= 3)) STOP 5
yy(:)%i = 33
call subpr_elem (yy(1))
if (yy(1)%i /= 3) STOP 6
yy(:)%i = 33
call subpr_array (yy)
if (any (yy%i /= 3)) STOP 7
yy(:)%i = 33
call subpr_array (yy(1:2))
if (any (yy(1:2)%i /= 3)) STOP 8
call subpr2_array (g ())
end program