blob: f1f674e987cee1241c58f23611c05a9bb38c3b9b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-fcoarray=lib" }
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
type t1
type(lock_type), allocatable :: x[:]
end type t1
type t2
type(lock_type) :: x
end type t2
type(t1) :: a
type(t2) :: b[*]
!class(lock_type), allocatable :: cl[:]
lock(a%x) ! { dg-error "the lock component of derived type at \\(1\\) is not yet supported" }
lock(b%x) ! { dg-error "the lock component of derived type at \\(1\\) is not yet supported" }
unlock(a%x) ! { dg-error "the lock component of derived type at \\(1\\) is not yet supported" }
unlock(b%x) ! { dg-error "the lock component of derived type at \\(1\\) is not yet supported" }