blob: 6138d05a066115249cb0e9b2934d757d241604c1 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-pedantic-errors -mdalign" { target sh*-*-* } }
! Tests the fix for PR37614, in which the alignment of commons followed
! g77 rather than the standard or other compilers.
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
subroutine foo (z)
real(8) x, y, z
common i(8)
equivalence (x, i(3)),(y,i(7))
if ((i(1) .ne. 42) .or. (i(5) .ne. 43)) STOP 1
if ((i(2) .ne. 0) .or. (i(2) .ne. 0)) STOP 2
if ((x .ne. z) .or. (y .ne. z)) STOP 3
end subroutine
subroutine bar
common i(8)
i = 0
end subroutine
real(8) x, y
common i, x, j, y ! { dg-warning "Padding" }
call bar
i = 42
j = 43
x = atan (1.0)*4.0
y = x
call foo (x)