blob: 59eced51639484c17adefd8b51e8284bf7f6d3b7 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fbackslash" }
! PR41328 and PR41168 Improper read of CR-LF sequences.
! Test case prepared by Jerry DeLisle <>
program main
implicit none
integer :: iostat, n_chars_read, k
character(len=1) :: buffer(64) = ""
character (len=80) :: u
! Set up the test file with normal file end.
open(unit=10, file="crlftest", form="unformatted", access="stream",&
& status="replace")
write(10) "a\rb\rc\r" ! CR at the end of each record.
close(10, status="keep")
open(unit=10, file="crlftest", form="formatted", status="old")
read( unit=10, fmt='(64A)', advance='NO', iostat=iostat, &
size=n_chars_read ) buffer
if ( STOP 1
if (any(buffer(1:n_chars_read).ne."a")) STOP 2
if (.not.is_iostat_eor(iostat)) STOP 3
read( unit=10, fmt='(64A)', advance='NO', iostat=iostat, &
size=n_chars_read ) buffer
if ( STOP 4
if (any(buffer(1:n_chars_read).ne."b")) STOP 5
if (.not.is_iostat_eor(iostat)) STOP 6
read( unit=10, fmt='(64A)', advance='NO', iostat=iostat, &
size=n_chars_read ) buffer
if ( STOP 7
if (any(buffer(1:n_chars_read).ne."c")) STOP 8
if (.not.is_iostat_eor(iostat)) STOP 9
read( unit=10, fmt='(64A)', advance='NO', iostat=iostat, &
size=n_chars_read ) buffer
if ( STOP 10
if (any(buffer(1:n_chars_read).ne."a")) STOP 11
if (.not.is_iostat_end(iostat)) STOP 12
close(10, status="delete")
! Set up the test file with normal file end.
open(unit=10, file="crlftest", form="unformatted", access="stream",&
& status="replace")
write(10) "a\rb\rc\rno end of line marker" ! Note, no CR at end of file.
close(10, status="keep")
open(unit=10, file="crlftest", status='old')
do k = 1, 10
read(10,'(a80)',end=101,err=100) u
!print *,k,' : ',u(1:len_trim(u))
100 continue
close(10, status="delete")
101 continue
close(10, status="delete")
if (u(1:len_trim(u)).ne."no end of line marker") STOP 14
end program main