blob: 1bd354b4b1eaf58aacc90da9a601b2a9d8586401 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fdec" }
! Modified by Mark Eggleston <>
subroutine normal
integer(4) :: a
real(4) :: b
complex(4) :: c
logical(4) :: d
integer(4) :: e
real(4) :: f
complex(4) :: g
logical(4) :: h
data a / '1234' /
data b / '1234' /
data c / '12341234' / ! double the length for complex
data d / '1234' /
data e / 4h1234 /
data f / 4h1234 /
data g / 8h12341234 / ! double the length for complex
data h / 4h1234 /
if ( stop 1
if ( stop 2
if ( stop 3
if (d.neqv.h) stop 4
end subroutine
subroutine padded
integer(4) :: a
real(4) :: b
complex(4) :: c
logical(4) :: d
integer(4) :: e
real(4) :: f
complex(4) :: g
logical(4) :: h
data a / '12' /
data b / '12' /
data c / '12334' /
data d / '123' /
data e / 2h12 /
data f / 2h12 /
data g / 5h12334 /
data h / 3h123 /
if ( stop 5
if ( stop 6
if ( stop 7
if (d.neqv.h) stop 8
end subroutine
subroutine truncated
integer(4) :: a
real(4) :: b
complex(4) :: c
logical(4) :: d
integer(4) :: e
real(4) :: f
complex(4) :: g
logical(4) :: h
data a / '123478' /
data b / '123478' /
data c / '1234123498' /
data d / '12345' /
data e / 6h123478 /
data f / 6h123478 /
data g / 10h1234123498 /
data h / 5h12345 /
if ( stop 9
if ( stop 10
if ( stop 11
if (d.neqv.h) stop 12
end subroutine
program test
call normal
call padded
call truncated
end program