blob: ca407987329b648b5c6b5e36c61e3ea4811189ae [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-fdec" }
! Test the usage of TYPE as an alias for PRINT.
! Note the heavy use of other TYPE statements to test for
! regressions involving ambiguity.
program main
logical bool
integer i /0/, j /1/, k /2/
character(*), parameter :: fmtstr = "(A11)"
namelist /nmlist/ i, j, k
integer, parameter :: n = 5
real a(n)
! derived type declarations
type is
integer i
end type
type point
real x, y
end type point
type, extends(point) :: point_3d
real :: z
end type point_3d
type, extends(point) :: color_point
integer :: color
end type color_point
! declaration type specification
type(is) x
type(point), target :: p
type(point_3d), target :: p3
type(color_point), target :: c
class(point), pointer :: p_or_c
! select type
p_or_c => c
select type ( a => p_or_c )
class is ( point )
print *, "point" ! <===
type is ( point_3d )
print *, "point 3D"
end select
! Type as alias for print
type *
type *, 'St', 'ar'
type 10, 'Integer literal'
type 10, 'Integer variable'
type '(A11)', 'Character literal'
type fmtstr, 'Character variable'
type nmlist ! namelist
a(1) = 0
call f(.true., a, n)
10 format (A11)
end program
subroutine f(b,a,n)
implicit none
logical b
real a(*)
integer n
integer i
do i = 2,n
a(i) = 2 * (a(i-1) + 1)
if (b) type*,a(i) ! test TYPE as PRINT inside one-line IF
end subroutine