blob: a5e951ad1021f4d2da03ae531d9f68a5b8584c60 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Tests fix for PR29115, in which an ICE would be produced by
! non-pointer elements being supplied to the pointer components
! in a derived type constructor.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
type :: homer
integer, pointer :: bart(:)
end type homer
type(homer) :: marge
integer :: duff_beer
marge = homer (duff_beer) ! { dg-error "should be a POINTER or a TARGET" }
! The following yield an ICE, see PR 34083
subroutine foo
type ByteType
character(len=1) :: singleByte
end type
type (ByteType) :: bytes(4)
print *, size(bytes)
bytes = ByteType((/'H', 'i', '!', ' '/)) ! { dg-error "rank of the element in the structure constructor" }
end subroutine foo