blob: c72622709ae3366b4187d0eda4fad573b9aadee3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-O -fdump-tree-cunroll-details -fdump-rtl-loop2_unroll-details" }
! Test that
! #pragma GCC unroll n
! works
subroutine test1(a)
implicit NONE
integer :: a(8)
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 8
DO i=1, 8, 1
call dummy(a(i))
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "12:.*: loop with 7 iterations completely unrolled" "cunroll" } } */
end subroutine test1
subroutine test2(a, n)
implicit NONE
integer :: a(n)
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 8
DO i=1, n, 1
call dummy(a(i))
! { dg-final { scan-rtl-dump "24:.: optimized: loop unrolled 7 times" "loop2_unroll" } }
end subroutine test2
subroutine test3(a, n)
implicit NONE
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer :: a(n)
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 8
DO i=n, 1, -1
call dummy(a(i))
! { dg-final { scan-rtl-dump "36:.: optimized: loop unrolled 7 times" "loop2_unroll" } }
end subroutine test3
subroutine test4(a, n)
implicit NONE
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer :: a(n)
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 8
DO i=1, n, 2
call dummy(a(i))
! { dg-final { scan-rtl-dump "48:.: optimized: loop unrolled 7 times" "loop2_unroll" } }
end subroutine test4