blob: dd609bd0009d8c8e2549bf284c8145996118b817 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Checks the fix for the bug exposed in fixing PR25147
! Contributed by Tobias Schlueter <>
module integrator
function integrate(f,xmin,xmax)
implicit none
function f(x)
real(8) :: f,x
intent(in) :: x
end function f
end interface
real(8) :: xmin, xmax, integrate
end function integrate
end interface
end module integrator
use integrator
call foo1 ()
call foo2 ()
subroutine foo1 ()
real(8) :: f ! This was not trapped: PR25147/25098
print *,integrate (f,0d0,3d0) ! { dg-error "Expected a procedure" }
end subroutine foo1
subroutine foo2 ()
real(8), external :: g ! This would give an error, incorrectly.
print *,integrate (g,0d0,3d0)
end subroutine foo2