blob: c557d3a9d952fbb5ec41ab7995f2d07766c65c5d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/58099
! See also interpretation request F03-0130 in 09-217 and 10-006T5r1.
! - ELEMENTAL is only permitted for external names with PROCEDURE/INTERFACE
! but not for dummy arguments or proc-pointers
! - Using PROCEDURE with an elemental intrinsic as interface name a is valid,
! but doesn't make the proc-pointer/dummy argument elemental
elemental real function x(y)
real, intent(in) :: y
end function x
end interface
intrinsic :: sin
procedure(x) :: xx1 ! OK
procedure(x), pointer :: xx2 ! { dg-error "Procedure pointer 'xx2' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
procedure(real), pointer :: pp
procedure(sin) :: bar ! OK
procedure(sin), pointer :: foo ! { dg-error "Procedure pointer 'foo' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
pp => sin !OK
subroutine sub1(z) ! { dg-error "Dummy procedure 'z' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
procedure(x) :: z
end subroutine sub1
subroutine sub2(z) ! { dg-error "Procedure pointer 'z' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
procedure(x), pointer :: z
end subroutine sub2
subroutine sub3(z)
elemental real function z(y) ! { dg-error "Dummy procedure 'z' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
real, intent(in) :: y
end function z
end interface
end subroutine sub3
subroutine sub4(z)
elemental real function z(y) ! { dg-error "Procedure pointer 'z' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
real, intent(in) :: y
end function z
end interface
pointer :: z
end subroutine sub4
subroutine sub5(z) ! { dg-error "Dummy procedure 'z' at .1. shall not be elemental" }
procedure(sin) :: z
end subroutine sub5