blob: 9456e30c7b1d5e130ea66dc7942a750ab32f7180 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! A test of f95 style constructors with derived type extension.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module persons
type :: person
character(24) :: name = ""
integer :: ss = 1
end type person
end module persons
module person_education
use persons
type, extends(person) :: education
integer :: attainment = 0
character(24) :: institution = ""
end type education
end module person_education
use person_education
type, extends(education) :: service
integer :: personnel_number = 0
character(24) :: department = ""
end type service
type, extends(service) :: person_record
type (person_record), pointer :: supervisor => NULL ()
end type person_record
type(person_record), pointer :: recruit, supervisor
! Check that simple constructor works
allocate (supervisor)
supervisor%service = service ("Joe Honcho", 123455, 100, &
"Celestial University", 1, &
recruit => entry ("John Smith", 123456, 1, "Bog Hill High School", &
99, "Records", supervisor)
if (trim (recruit%name) /= "John Smith") STOP 1
if (recruit%name /= recruit%service%name) STOP 2
if (recruit%supervisor%ss /= 123455) STOP 3
if (recruit%supervisor%ss /= supervisor%person%ss) STOP 4
deallocate (supervisor)
deallocate (recruit)
function entry (name, ss, attainment, institution, &
personnel_number, department, supervisor) result (new_person)
integer :: ss, attainment, personnel_number
character (*) :: name, institution, department
type (person_record), pointer :: supervisor, new_person
allocate (new_person)
! Check nested constructors
new_person = person_record (education (person (name, ss), &
attainment, institution), &
personnel_number, department, &
end function