blob: 431b61569e2cc5959ab60f76db12350f5da078e5 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/99111
program p
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type t
integer :: a(1)
end type
type(t), parameter :: x(3) = [t(transfer('("he', 1)), &
t(transfer('llo ', 1)), &
t(transfer('W1")', 1))]
type t2
procedure(), pointer, nopass :: ppt
end type t2
type(t2) :: ppcomp(1)
function fptr()
procedure(), pointer :: fptr
end function
end interface
class(t), allocatable :: cl(:)
type(c_ptr) :: cptr(1)
type(c_funptr) :: cfunptr(1)
procedure(), pointer :: proc
external proc2
print x ! { dg-error "Non-character non-Hollerith in FORMAT tag" }
print cl ! { dg-error "Non-character non-Hollerith in FORMAT tag" }
print cptr ! { dg-error "Non-character non-Hollerith in FORMAT tag" }
print cfunptr ! { dg-error "Non-character non-Hollerith in FORMAT tag" }
print proc ! { dg-error "Syntax error in PRINT statement" }
print proc2 ! { dg-error "Syntax error in PRINT statement" }
print ppcomp%ppt ! { dg-error "Syntax error in PRINT statement" }
print fptr() ! { dg-error "must be of type default-kind CHARACTER or of INTEGER" }
call bar(1)
subroutine bar (xx)
type(*) :: xx
print xx ! { dg-error "Assumed-type variable xx at ... may only be used as actual argument" }