blob: b68094fd1671f97855966f082dfcdd55a0597cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR32678 GFortan works incorrectly when writing with FORMAT Tx
! Before patch, NULLs were inserted in output.
! Test case from reporter enhanced to detect this problem.
character(25) :: output
character(1) :: c
output = ""
open (unit=10, file="pr32678testfile", status="replace")
write (10,10) '12','a','b'
close (10, status="keep")
open (unit=10, file="pr32678testfile", access="stream")
read(10, pos=1) output(1:21)
if (output(1:21).ne."ab x") STOP 1
read(10) c
if (( .and. ( STOP 2
close (10, status="delete")
10 format (a2,t1,a1,t2,a1,t20,' x')