blob: cc35ab38397fd0144c89fade36239ba0ff6151f2 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/51218
! Contributed by Harald Anlauf
module a
implicit none
integer :: neval = 0
subroutine inc_eval
neval = neval + 1
end subroutine inc_eval
end module a
module b
use a
implicit none
function f(x) ! Should be implicit pure
real :: f
real, intent(in) :: x
f = x
end function f
function g(x) ! Should NOT be implicit pure
real :: g
real, intent(in) :: x
call inc_eval
g = x
end function g
end module b
program gfcbug114a
use a
use b
implicit none
real :: x = 1, y = 1, t, u, v, w
if (neval /= 0) STOP 1
t = f(x)*f(y)
if (neval /= 0) STOP 2
u = f(x)*f(y) + f(x)*f(y)
if (neval /= 0) STOP 3
v = g(x)*g(y)
if (neval /= 2) STOP 4
w = g(x)*g(y) + g(x)*g(y)
if (neval /= 6) STOP 5
if (t /= 1.0 .or. u /= 2.0 .or. v /= 1.0 .or. w /= 2) STOP 6
end program gfcbug114a
! { dg-final { scan-module "b" "IMPLICIT_PURE" } }