blob: c6598589f8e969b5d314d73afbbc0f4300d5d6e4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This program would segfault without the patch for PR fortran/24005.
module y
! If private statement is removed, then we get a bunch of errors
private f
! If we rename 'f' in module y to say 'g', then gfortran correctly
! identifies ambiguous as being ambiguous.
interface ambiguous
module procedure f
end interface
real function f(a)
real a
f = a
end function
end module y
module z
use y ! { dg-warning "in generic interface" }
interface ambiguous
module procedure f
end interface
real function f(a) ! { dg-warning "in generic interface" }
real a
f = a
end function
end module z