blob: 4c159bde179b34204cd4ed42236c9d29a5ce54c5 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=gnu" }
! Tests the fix for PR30237 in which alternate returns in intrinsic
! actual arglists were quietly ignored.
! Contributed by Brooks Moses <>
program ar1
interface random_seed
subroutine x (a, *)
integer a
end subroutine x
end interface random_seed
real t1(2)
call cpu_time(*20) ! { dg-error "not permitted" }
call cpu_time(*20, t1(1)) ! { dg-error "Too many arguments" }
! This specific version is permitted by the generic interface.
call random_seed(i, *20)
! The new error gets overwritten but the diagnostic is clear enough.
call random_seed(i, *20, *30) ! { dg-error "not consistent" }
20 write(*,*) t1
30 stop