blob: 2661897fff5ba23b1fa269b51a621588dc5a9e16 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This tests the fix for PR28526, in which a public interface named
! 'end' would be treated as a variable because the matcher tried
! 'END INTERFACE' as an assignment and left the symbol modified in
! failing. The various pitfalls that were encountered in developing
! the fix are checked here.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module blahblah
public function, end
! The original PR from Yusuke IGUCHI <>
interface end
module procedure foo1
end interface
! A contribution to the PR from Tobias Schlueter <>
interface function
module procedure foo2 ! { dg-error "is neither function nor" }
end interface
interface function
module procedure foo3
end interface
function foo4 ()
real foo4
x = 1.0 ! { dg-error "in INTERFACE" }
end function foo4
end interface
x = 2.0 ! { dg-error "in INTERFACE block" }
function foo5 ()
real foo5
end function foo5
end interface
x = 3.0 ! { dg-error "in MODULE" }
subroutine foo1
end subroutine foo1
function foo2 ! { dg-error "Expected formal argument list" }
foo2 = 0 ! { dg-error "already been host associated" }
end function foo2 ! { dg-error "Expecting END MODULE" }
function foo3 ()
real foo3
end function foo3
x = 4.0 ! { dg-error "in CONTAINS section" }
end module blahblah