blob: c8a21c6793d635661dcea0e011a6f54dca803978 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Program to test reading in a list of integer values into REAL variables.
! The comma separator was not handled correctly.
program fg
character(len=80) buff
logical debug
debug = .FALSE.
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
d = 0
write (buff,'(a)') '10,20,30,40'
read(buff,*) a, b, c, d
if (debug) then
print*,a, b, c, d
end if
if (abs(10. - a) > 1e-5) STOP 1
if (abs(20. - b) > 1e-5) STOP 2
if (abs(30. - c) > 1e-5) STOP 3
if (abs(40. - d) > 1e-5) STOP 4
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
d = 0
write (buff,'(a)') '10.,20.,30.,40.'
read(buff,*) a, b, c, d
if (abs(10. - a) > 1e-5) STOP 5
if (abs(20. - b) > 1e-5) STOP 6
if (abs(30. - c) > 1e-5) STOP 7
if (abs(40. - d) > 1e-5) STOP 8
if (debug) then
print*,a, b, c, d
end if
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
d = 0
write (buff,'(a)') '10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0'
read(buff,*) a, b, c, d
if (abs(10. - a) > 1e-5) STOP 9
if (abs(20. - b) > 1e-5) STOP 10
if (abs(30. - c) > 1e-5) STOP 11
if (abs(40. - d) > 1e-5) STOP 12
if (debug) then
print*,a, b, c, d
end if
a = 0
b = -99
c = 0
d = 0
write (buff,'(a)') '10.0,,30.0,40.0'
read(buff,*) a, b, c, d
if (abs(10. - a) > 1e-5) STOP 13
if (abs(-99. - b) > 1e-5) STOP 14
if (abs(30. - c) > 1e-5) STOP 15
if (abs(40. - d) > 1e-5) STOP 16
if (debug) then
print*,a, b, c, d
end if
call abc
end program
subroutine abc
character(len=80) buff
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
d = 0
write (buff,'(a)') '10,-20,30,-40'
read(buff,*) a, b, c, d
if (abs(10. - a) > 1e-5) STOP 17
if (abs(-20. - b) > 1e-5) STOP 18
if (abs(30. - c) > 1e-5) STOP 19
if (abs(-40. - d) > 1e-5) STOP 20
end subroutine abc