blob: c72312cc18c56500c9a3d3f1f5ff654ad6ee3135 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Check the fix for PR28005, in which the mechanism for dealing
! with matmul (transpose (a), b) would cause wrong results for
! matmul (a(i, 1:n), b(1:n, 1:n)).
! Based on the original testcase contributed by
! Tobias Burnus <>
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nmax = 3
integer :: i, n = 2
integer, dimension(nmax,nmax) :: iB=0 , iC=1
integer, dimension(nmax,nmax) :: iX1=99, iX2=99, iChk
iChk = reshape((/30,66,102,36,81,126,42,96,150/),(/3,3/))
! This would give 3, 3, 99
iB = reshape((/1 ,3 ,0 ,2 ,5 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 /),(/3,3/))
iX1(1:n,1) = matmul( iB(2,1:n),iC(1:n,1:n) )
! This would give 4, 4, 99
ib(3,1) = 1
iX2(1:n,1) = matmul( iB(2,1:n),iC(1:n,1:n) )
! Whereas, we should have 8, 8, 99
if (any (iX1(1:n+1,1) .ne. (/8, 8, 99/))) STOP 1
if (any (iX1 .ne. iX2)) STOP 2
! Make sure that the fix does not break transpose temporaries.
iB = reshape((/(i, i = 1, 9)/),(/3,3/))
ic = transpose (iB)
iX1 = transpose (iB)
iX1 = matmul (iX1, iC)
iX2 = matmul (transpose (iB), iC)
if (any (iX1 .ne. iX2)) STOP 3
if (any (iX1 .ne. iChk)) STOP 4