blob: 0a587faee23671ebefb52dc64a4a85371faa3f03 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This tests the fix for PR28735 in which an ICE would be triggered in resolve_ref
! because the references to 'a' and 'b' in the dummy arguments of mysub have
! no symtrees in module bar, being private there.
! Contributed by Andrew Sampson <>
!-- foo.F -----------------------------------------------
module foo
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: a(:), b(:)
end module foo
!-- bar.F ---------------------------------------------
module bar
use foo
implicit none
private ! This triggered the ICE
public :: mysub ! since a and b are not public
subroutine mysub(n, parray1)
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, dimension(a(n):b(n)) :: parray1
if ((n == 1) .and. size(parray1, 1) /= 10) STOP 1
if ((n == 2) .and. size(parray1, 1) /= 42) STOP 2
end subroutine mysub
end module bar
!-- sub.F -------------------------------------------------------
subroutine sub()
use foo
use bar
real :: z(100)
allocate (a(2), b(2))
a = (/1, 6/)
b = (/10, 47/)
call mysub (1, z)
call mysub (2, z)
!-- MAIN ------------------------------------------------------
use bar
call sub ()