blob: 0723590d0568b325e51a4836cafedf346fb8a1d4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/43199
! This program gave an ICE due to reading the REF_COMPONENT with CLASS.
module m_string
type t_string
character, dimension(:), allocatable :: string
end type t_string
pure function string_to_char ( s ) result(res)
class(t_string), intent(in) :: s
character(len=size(s%string)) :: res
integer :: i
do i = 1,len(res)
res(i:i) = s%string(i)
end do
end function string_to_char
end module m_string
use m_string
type(t_string) :: str
str%string = ['H','e','l','l','o']
if (len (string_to_char (str)) /= 5) STOP 1
if (string_to_char (str) /= "Hello") STOP 2