blob: bfb2563adbd1b9884cb32e45eb336389807c00ba [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/34530
! Skipping over comment line was not working
! Test case contributed by Harald Anlauf.
program gfcbug77
implicit none
character(len=128) :: file = ""
logical :: default
namelist /BLACKLIST/ file, default
integer, parameter :: nnml = 10
default = .true.
open (nnml, file='gfcbug77.nml')
write(nnml,*) "&blacklist " ! The trailing space breaks gfortran
write(nnml,*) " ! This is a comment within the namelist"
write(nnml,*) " file = 'myfile'"
write(nnml,*) " default = F"
write(nnml,*) "/"
read (nnml, nml=BLACKLIST)
if(file /= "myfile" .or. default) STOP 1
! write (*,nml=BLACKLIST)
end program gfcbug77