blob: e0d45d62bc6ede23cf131d73757814531143587c [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR42901 Reading array of structures from namelist
! Test case derived from the reporters test case.
program test_nml
type field_descr
integer number
end type
type fsetup
type (field_descr), dimension(3) :: vel ! 3 velocity components
end type
type (fsetup) field_setup
namelist /nl_setup/ field_setup
field_setup%vel%number = 0
! write(*,nml=nl_setup)
open(10, status="scratch")
write(10,'(a)') "&nl_setup"
write(10,'(a)') " field_setup%vel(1)%number= 3,"
write(10,'(a)') " field_setup%vel(2)%number= 9,"
write(10,'(a)') " field_setup%vel(3)%number= 27,"
write(10,'(a)') "/"
if (field_setup%vel(1)%number .ne. 3) STOP 1
if (field_setup%vel(2)%number .ne. 9) STOP 2
if (field_setup%vel(3)%number .ne. 27) STOP 3
! write(*,nml=nl_setup)
end program test_nml