blob: 525b9999f3d293421012417c028ffddf0c4921ad [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR83611, in which the assignment caused a
! double free error and the initialization of 'foo' was not done.
module pdt_m
implicit none
type :: vec(k)
integer, len :: k=3
integer :: foo(k)=[1,2,3]
end type vec
end module pdt_m
program test_pdt
use pdt_m
implicit none
type(vec) :: u,v
if (any (u%foo .ne. [1,2,3])) STOP 1
u%foo = [7,8,9]
v = u
if (any (v%foo .ne. [7,8,9])) STOP 2
end program test_pdt