blob: 4e7b1402f62782115a00b64ebfef21a738abbba9 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR87336, in which the 'span' field of the array
! descriptor, passed to 'show', was not set.
! Contributed by Juergen Reuter <> following
! a posting to clf by 'Spectrum'.
program main
implicit none
integer, target :: a( 2:4 )
a = [2,3,4]
! print *, "a [before] = ", a
call show( a )
! print *, "a [after] = ", a
if (any (a .ne. [200,300,400])) stop 1
subroutine show( arr )
integer, pointer, intent(in) :: arr(:)
! print *, "arr = ", arr
! print *, "bounds = ", lbound(arr), ubound(arr)
arr(:) = [200,300,400]
! print *, "arr2= ", arr
end subroutine show
end program