blob: 16edb5f9c0f14cc51ce18a673d5b915c912dd5db [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR57019 comment 4 as part of the overall fix for PR34640.
! Contributed by <>
type cParticle
real(4) :: v(3)
endtype cParticle
type pCItem
type(cParticle) :: Ele
end type pCItem
type(pCItem), target, dimension(1:1,1:1) :: pCellArray
type(cParticle), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: pArray
real(4), pointer, dimension(:) :: v_pointer
real(4), dimension(3) :: v_real = 99.
pArray => pCellArray%Ele
v_pointer => pArray(1,1)%v;
v_pointer = v_real !OK %%%%%%%%%%%%
if (any (int (pArray(1,1)%v) .ne. 99)) STOP 1
v_real = 88
pArray(1,1)%v = v_real !SEGFAULT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if (any (int (v_pointer) .ne. 88)) STOP 2