blob: 3bb2a1bbeccf964fd086fddad4c0b4e9c39e6247 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Make sure that the fix for pr34640 works with class pointers.
type :: mytype
real :: r
integer :: i
end type
type :: thytype
real :: r
integer :: i
type(mytype) :: der
end type
type(thytype), dimension(0:2), target :: tgt
class(*), dimension(:), pointer :: cptr
class(mytype), dimension(:), pointer :: cptr1
integer :: i
integer(8) :: s1, s2
tgt = [(thytype(int(i), i, mytype(int(2*i), 2*i)), i= 1,3)]
cptr => tgt%i
if (lbound (cptr, 1) .ne. 1) STOP 1! Not a whole array target!
s1 = loc(cptr)
call foo (cptr, s2) ! Check bounds not changed...
if (s1 .ne. s2) STOP 2! ...and that the descriptor is passed.
select type (cptr)
type is (integer)
if (any (cptr .ne. [1,2,3])) STOP 3! Check the the scalarizer works.
if (cptr(2) .ne. 2) STOP 4! Check ordinary array indexing.
end select
cptr(1:3) => tgt%der%r ! Something a tad more complicated!
select type (cptr)
type is (real)
if (any (int(cptr) .ne. [2,4,6])) STOP 5
if (any (int(cptr([2,3,1])) .ne. [4,6,2])) STOP 6
if (int(cptr(3)) .ne. 6) STOP 7
end select
cptr1(1:3) => tgt%der
s1 = loc(cptr1)
call bar(cptr1, s2)
if (s1 .ne. s2) STOP 8! Check that the descriptor is passed.
select type (cptr1)
type is (mytype)
if (any (cptr1%i .ne. [2,4,6])) STOP 9
if (cptr1(2)%i .ne. 4) STOP 10
end select
subroutine foo (arg, addr)
class(*), dimension(:), pointer :: arg
integer(8) :: addr
addr = loc(arg)
select type (arg)
type is (integer)
if (any (arg .ne. [1,2,3])) STOP 11! Check the the scalarizer works.
if (arg(2) .ne. 2) STOP 12! Check ordinary array indexing.
end select
end subroutine
subroutine bar (arg, addr)
class(mytype), dimension(:), pointer :: arg
integer(8) :: addr
addr = loc(arg)
select type (arg)
type is (mytype)
if (any (arg%i .ne. [2,4,6])) STOP 13
if (arg(2)%i .ne. 4) STOP 14
end select
end subroutine