blob: 8ef205bc14fe813f066d35616b57c8a4889f18b8 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR88685, in which the component array references in 'doit'
! were being ascribed to the class pointer 'Cls' itself so that the stride
! measure between elements was wrong.
! Contributed by Antony Lewis <>
program tester
implicit none
Type TArr
integer, allocatable :: CL(:)
end Type TArr
type(TArr), allocatable, target :: arr(:,:)
class(TArr), pointer:: Cls(:,:)
integer i
cls => arr
call doit(cls)
if (any (arr(1,1)%cl .ne. [3,2,1])) stop 3
subroutine doit(cls)
class(TArr), pointer :: Cls(:,:)
cls(1,1)%CL(1) = 3
cls(1,1)%CL(2:3) = [2,1]
if (any (Cls(1,1)%CL .ne. [3,2,1])) stop 1
if (Cls(1,1)%CL(2) .ne. 2) stop 2
end subroutine doit
end program tester