blob: 74bb2874dca8e004a56fa5ef32f250ec4f5ef092 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fno-inline" }
! PR fortran/46937
! Check that a non-pointer INTENT(IN) dummy
! with pointer component is properly treated
program test
type myT
integer, pointer :: point
end type myT
type(myT) :: t2
t2%point = 42
call nonpointer(t2)
if(t2%point /= 7) STOP 1
t2%point = 42
call nonpointer2(t2)
if(t2%point /= 66) STOP 2
subroutine nonpointer(t)
type(myT), intent(in) :: t
t%point = 7
end subroutine nonpointer
subroutine nonpointer2(t)
class(myT), intent(in) :: t
t%point = 66
end subroutine nonpointer2
end program